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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. simplify

  2. The Four Rabbinum

    A matter of perspective...
  3. The Four Rabbinum

    From what I've found (not source material) Mettatron was the scribe of God, and allowed to sit to perform his duties. After being seen and assumed to be equal to God he was punished to prove that he could be - therefore proving he was not equal to God.
  4. The Four Rabbinum

    This was my favorite line of the story.
  5. The Four Rabbinum

    Thank you. The only reference I had was what was in the book.
  6. The Four Rabbinum

    Nope. Although if that's what you got out of it I will not argue with your perception.
  7. The Four Rabbinum

    Yes, there is that, and I'm glad your wife found the book useful. In this post however, I was more interested in how the story tied in with what Yueya shared in the fear of the feminine thread, and the ideas of integration and stabilization given the nature of many other discussions here.
  8. Which church? To me, it looks like balance.
  9. The essence of Buddhism

    And the giggles bubble up once again... Thanks.
  10. The essence of Buddhism

    You aren't alone, and I think for many the word can lead to much confusion.
  11. Dzogchen, superior to Tantra. Really...?

    I have not been here long enough for owner permissions. And while the persistent bickering here is a mild irritant, I'd prefer it if the 'big boys' (my term for the people with all the words) would actually learn to treat each other (and themselves) with a bit more respect.
  12. Dzogchen, superior to Tantra. Really...?

    I'm very aware of the abuses perpetrated by innumerable people in power - not just Tibetan monastics. And I agree that those who abuse their power and status while preaching compassion are hypocritical.
  13. Dzogchen, superior to Tantra. Really...?

    How does this question address my experience of 'no thought' being something that can occur without effort?
  14. Dzogchen, superior to Tantra. Really...?

    The 'act of no thought' does not always require effort in my experience.
  15. Dzogchen, superior to Tantra. Really...?

    I honestly believe that without genuine compassion one can only get so far on any spiritual path. Why I believe this is not something I am currently willing to share here due to the antagonistic and arrogant nature of soo many posts. Why would someone share what they feel to be golden with someone who will only see it as dirt to be stepped upon?
  16. Dzogchen, superior to Tantra. Really...?

    Regarding self-liberation I suspect the words release and transformation could both be accurate descriptors of personal experience.
  17. Dzogchen, superior to Tantra. Really...?

    May I ask what self-liberation actually means to you?
  18. Dzogchen, superior to Tantra. Really...?

    I, personally, would appreciate it if someone would start such a thread.
  19. Buddhism and the subtle energy body

    Yes, and not just mind enhancing drugs. The meds administered to myself during an operation this summer seriously threw everything out of whack for me.
  20. Buddhism and the subtle energy body

    I have been wondering if this had ever been addressed. Thank you.
  21. Dzogchen, superior to Tantra. Really...?

    I suspect that those who would want the 'ribbons of glory' wouldn't win, and those who could win have no desire to fight or for such useless accolades.
  22. Ghost immortality

    Thank you for explaining your position Wells.
  23. Ghost immortality

    I understand the analogy; I'm questioning the accuracy of the analogy.
  24. Ghost immortality

    Please forgive me, but you said you called your friend afterwards to tell him about what happened. That does seem kind of 'college boy' to me. I'm also not really understanding why you called it a 'war'. Your experience is written in such a way that it sounded blissful. Then you talked to a friend, took on your friend's understanding of your own experience, and created the war in your own mind. I'm also not sure why it is believed that anything was being 'stolen' from you as there was no climax, and the being that you perceived left of their own accord before any of that ever precious white stuff was spilled. And finally I see little similarity with what you shared and the tiny bodies someone else quoted yet another person as forcefully pulling off of themselves.
  25. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Very renegade.