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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Hi Junko. I look up songs that show up in my head. I only recall ever hearing the chorus to this one in commercials, but it is a bit of a gem. (Hope you're enjoying your day.)
  2. - Thich Nhat Hahn on what has been most difficult for him.
  3. The Art of War

    Scroll to 'the weaver and the cowherd'.. (I'm sure there's a better version of the tale out there, but my time is limited at the moment.)
  4. The Art of War

    Merry Christmas Stosh.
  5. The Art of War

    Lost in fevered dreams.. strong herbs/drugs will do that. Hahaha The Jade Princess?
  6. The Art of War

    Oh bother. I missed the 'snoring warriors' part - must have been sleeping myself. So Stosh lost quite awhile back...
  7. The Art of War

    Yes, circumstances do drive events, but we have the option to pay attention to the circumstances as they arise. Anyway, as you guys noted, this got pretty messy. All the best to you.
  8. The Art of War

    Hi Stosh. You're imagination is quite creative... but you and Michael both missed the cue. This could have played out either way. It's just a story to me. Whichever side I was on was dependent on action/and or ability to see. Michael? While his forces were sick was the time to attack if you were going to. Stosh? If I had followed your lead you would have been the aggressor on MH's doorstep, and as you got your own men killed by leaving your hill and attacking, MH's forces would have swept in and wiped you both out. "No rational reason." Haha
  9. The Art of War

    Your men are still alive at the moment, aren't they? Hahaha
  10. The Art of War

    BTW Stosh, that 'something else' I was looking for were herbs to put your camp to sleep, or at least render them unable to fight. The mushrooms and other herbs were the means of gaining access to your camps food supply. I did not know if these precautions would be useful or necessary, but they were taken. Go back, and reread the post.
  11. The Art of War

    And I should not have been trusted by Stosh in the first place.
  12. The Art of War

    To me, it was just playing out.. until I saw a certain name, and my mind painted the story of Michael's wife being stolen from him - his jade princess. (It's rather a romantic story if you want to look up Taoist tales in Vietnam you may be able to find it.) He fought to get her back, thinking you had taken her. You fought because you were attacked. And I suspect MH was behind the whole thing - just waiting for you guys to destroy each other. At least that's my take on this scenario.
  13. The Art of War

    And I've found the Starlord's wife.. the lovely and lively jade princess..
  14. The Art of War

    Now I thought Michael was a princess??? This is too funny!
  15. The Art of War

    Oh my stars! Defectors? You do have quite the imagination. Hahaha Our cause was never your cause.
  16. The Art of War

    BTW Stosh.. nobody is dead yet. The boys have not made a single move, and still you fantasize about using bodies.
  17. The Art of War

    You have lost something, but you may never realize it.. :shrug: I think nothing of the sort. He is wise to wait for the right moment, and in the waiting he does not expend unnecessary strength. His troops will be fresh when yours can barely lift their feet. Spin it however you wish. You are still blinded by the desire to fight. I left because you were rude, and you care not for the quest. [You were warned... 'raised eyebrow and direct stare']
  18. The Art of War

    I find the idea quite repulsive - so very Vlad the Impaler of you. He was twisted by his youth, and acted out of fear. Yes, the horrors served their purpose, but at what cost? :wanders off toward the caves to find the Princess, leaving Stosh to his fantasies of death that will only bring about his own:
  19. The Art of War

    I warned you that I saw your defeat. I guess it'll come sooner than expected. I didn't wish to fight - my prerogative and surest means of most survival. Go ahead rush to your own doom. Both Michael and MH are far ahead of you at understanding strategy. And if you hadn't been so rude, and hasty, and downright petulent, you would have seen that we had peacefully entered their lands - with, at least Michael, apparently willing to ally to the cause of finding the princess. But all you wish to do is fight.. so I leave you to your destruction. ********* Oh Fortuna, Velut Luna means oh fortune like the moon... He's all yours boys.
  20. The Art of War

    Several actually. Currently we are just one small part of a much larger force on a scouting expedition. The Princess - remember? I have no desire for worldly power, and when you fantasize about another's death it is only part of yourself that you kill. Pay Attention, and focus on what's happening now. Things aren't always as they seem... leave your ideas about Michael alone for a bit. If rulership is taken by force, the new rulers often become the bad rulers. He can keep his city state for now. Besides, didn't you notice? He has shared what could be pertinent information on the location of my Princess. It could also be misinformation, so really, stop daydreaming of death and keep your eyes open for threats of the real thing. No we are not. We have our own domains. Peaceful domains. Elsewhere. Our concern is the Princess. That did strike me as odd.. Oh my stars! You've got much to learn... some of these 'weeds' have medicinal qualities, hence well being. And some are quite tasty, hence morale - which leads to... And there is something else I am looking for as well... Now have your handful of men grab as many of these mushrooms as you can, and your cook add them to the soup tonight. Men who are well fed tend to perform better - unless of course you wish to denigrate my feminine wisdom again. :raised eyebrow, direct stare:
  21. The Art of War

    While searching out local herbs to add some flavor to the dreadful fare at Stosh's camp I keep an eye out for both caves and dwarfs.
  22. The Art of War

    MH do you choose an ally?
  23. The Art of War

    Take? Ok.. let's roll with this. Apparently I've been taken to Stosh's camp where I stll question the reason for the fight, and ponder the actual where abouts of the Princess Michael claims is here somewhere.
  24. The Art of War

    Neither did Cesare, an astute strategist himself. And yet it did happen.