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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Fear of the Feminine

    Over and over again for me, and yet the 'heart - beyond mere sentimentality' still leads me in my dance of life.
  2. Fear of the Feminine

    I love the moment that laughter just bubbles up to the surface.
  3. The Art of War

    This is quite the interesting thread... the weaving of words both eloquent and pithy. Yet it appears the fighting men have failed to realize the significance of the Jade Princess and her relation to the Queen Mother. It matters not that the men are not of faith, as Michael's cause has been deemed 'just', and the mysterious feminine has now been brought into play. 'Oh Fortuna, Velut Luna' Just as in the case of Macchiavelli's prince, Cesare Borgia, Stosh will inevitably meet with misfortune beyond his ability to foresee or control, and the Jade Princess will be freed. (PS If anyone is interested in war from a feminine perspective I highly recommend looking into the life of Katerina Sforza - a one time hostage of the famed Cesare Borgia.) :that was fun:
  4. Fear of the Feminine

    We've been 'off topic' for awhile now. It's nice to read of a father's love for his daughters.
  5. A friend shared this today; I don't know where she got it, but it's kind of interesting.
  6. What does it mean to be transgender?

    What difference does it make if their experience and understanding make sense to you? It isn't your experience to define.
  7. What does it mean to be transgender?

    I'm crying 'foul'. I'm the one who argued against labels that you insisted upon Karl. So, I played along, and helped you find the label that worked best in your mind for me - no matter that it could not be entirely accurate. Now you wish to say that others cannot choose their own labels? That seems rather hypocritical to me.
  8. Science for the awakened

    Hey Karl? The heart is still the center and focus for me - it's just tempered by reason.
  9. Science for the awakened

    Yes, it is still only a bit after all.
  10. Science for the awakened

    Once upon a time I didn't like hope. I thought it was denial of this moment as 'enough'. I'm coming to like it a bit more these days.
  11. Science for the awakened

    Yeah.. but I threw too much out, for so long that I had a hard time putting 'my past' together in any meaningful way. And without that all I was able to do in the present was play out cycles of action and behavior over and over again.
  12. Science for the awakened

    Yeah, me too. Now I'm back to adding words, but be more careful in the selection of said words. Now is still where the moment is, but it seems to be important to not get lost here either. To be clear I encountered WFG almost two decades ago. I still like it though.
  13. Science for the awakened

    Ok, so in my language your book is representative of constructs you aquired which you now see as a distorted view. A 'filter' that you had which is no longer useful. As for WFG, to me it is representative of how much of life is spent waiting for that 'something' that has been set up in the mind as the big meaningful something that will make sense of the very life that is slipping through our fingers as we wait. I find it to be sad, funny, and poignant.
  14. Fear of the Feminine "Body Ritual of the Nacerima"
  15. Fear of the Feminine

    At individual level I have spoken of 3 sisters being mistreated by a male. At the local community level this has played out numerous times, in numerous ways, and is a burdon on individuals, families, law enforcement, and the court system. At a state level it becomes a further burdon on tax payers, as we move from the local jails, to the state run prisons. We now include prison workers and officials, and how what they experience trickles back down to still further families and individuals - not to mention the relationships between the incarcerated (most of whom will be released back into society as a whole) and how these interactions are affected by and further affect both individual and community. Then we can consider the cost of appeals, and further involvement of judges and lawyers (many of whom are provided by law and paid for with taxes as well). Some such crimes meet the criteria to fall under federal jurisdiction - more money, more lives involved, and more attention which brings the paradigms back down to family and personal level by way of the national news, id (murder tv according to South Park), and books and movies. I can cite such crimes that have crossed international borders, and brought even more attention. Here in America we like to bury our heads in the sand, and point across international borders. We can be horrified by the brutality of a single rape that occurs elsewhere, and tell ourselves that it is endemic of the society which we are looking at. The news helps us do this. It enables a belief that we are better than 'other', and allows for things like the 'rape of India' by the British. While this may be 'good' for developing some sense of national identity; this national identity is, itself, a filter that distorts our view - we (as a nation) become the forceful and fearful masculine.
  16. Science for the awakened

    Yes, you are. Thank you. While it is kind of you to suggest, in all honesty the odds of me picking up one of these novels is quite slim. Yes, clearly a 'no thanks' on the Rand. But since I have not delved much into philosophy in my life, that this seems to be your primary language, and that any continued dialogue will only be pertinent if we are speaking the same language you may point me towards this book of yours. If you have read, or seen, Waiting for Godot, where would you place what you get out of it, and why?
  17. Fear of the Feminine

    PS Nikolai, I've only met this man's mistreated daughters once. They are beautiful children. In parts of the East they would now be considered 'damaged goods'. The father that I spoke with was just as angered, and longing for vengeance as his counterparts on the other side of the world. The only difference is, to him, his daughters are still of great value.
  18. Fear of the Feminine

    If you do not wish to look at, or discus the things in the video Yueya felt was pertinent to the topic she started that is your choice. But to call others out who are trying to follow where she gently wished to lead... Oi vey!
  19. Fear of the Feminine

    I counted Daeluin's response as feminine which invalidates your argument.
  20. Fear of the Feminine

    So, here we sit... One person starting a thread about Inda being a metaphor for fear of the feminine - which, in a way, coincides with what was shared elsewhere by the same person regarding the heroes journey. Masculine comes in, and directs the discussion into a more literal understanding. Feminine quietly try to redirect. Feminine responds to feminine, gets shot down by masculine for words used. Feminine, in another form, tries to respond to feminine, and masculine asserts 'off topic' - when masculine is the one who redirected said topic in the first place. ***** Grrrrr
  21. Fear of the Feminine

    Utterly off topic? Oh my stars!
  22. Fear of the Feminine

    But what you are addressing is only one layer of the onion - a cultural layer. Daeluin is addressing a layer regarding interpersonal male/female dynamic. As would you if you ran around saying all of the words that you type here. I suspect you don't actually do that anymore than he does. (BTW I don't like the word 'freak' - it is divisive and cruel.)
  23. Science for the awakened

    Ok Karl, so since you are so keen on categorizing others, what neat little box do you tuck yourself away in? ***** PS I've never red (haha - you picking a 'color' for me) an Anne Rand (sp?) novel in my life, so your assumption was off, and just more of that thing you do again.
  24. Fear of the Feminine

    So last night a father spoke with me about how disappointed and upset he was with the plea agreement set before the man who had sexually abused his daughters. As I listened I recalled the video Yueya had shared here. Thoughts?
  25. "you say you love rain..."

    Hi redcairo, Yes, as I read your words, I remembered the feelings. There is a photo album at my father's house full of pictures that needed to be taken for the insurance company. He keeps it as a touchstone to survival, and (much more rarely all of these years later) sometimes someone will remember the book, and it will get pulled out. The pictures could never capture the sheer raw power that changed our lives.. the devastation was not so great here. The hurricane, that was just as you described - vista upon vista of devastation. There are no pictures of that. Only memories of stepping out onto the front porch as the eye of the storm passed overhead, marveling at the peace of it, still able to see and feel the incredible power of nature swirling all around me - this tiny little person, momentarily safe and in awe. That green tinge is still something all of us look for, and to us, it means that it's time to be scared. And if we don't see a combination of green tinge and purple lightening we trust that we are able to just marvel at the passing storm. It's worked so far.