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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Nothingness

    I think you think too much. I would never say I have nothingness, and you are then debating the questions I asked with yourself. Dark matter is a great unknown force that we cannot detect. Models indicate it's existense, but there is no thing to measure. It is beyond every thing, and yet scientific minds have faith that it is there - this no-thing. So I ask you again, why couldn't this no-thing be my nothing.
  2. Nothingness

    Why couldn't my nothingness be on a different plane? Why wouldn't it be on a different plane? The blade of grass is unimportant, and the sun still shines on it.
  3. How do you most often feel?

    Can there be thought without language? Does the child experience emotions before learning the words to speak of said emotion? Or do we label their smiles and cries something other than emotion?
  4. Nothingness

    I'm still waiting for the day someone with more thinking power than I have sets upon the notion of dark matter as nothingness...
  5. How do you most often feel?

    Yeah.. and not quite at the same time. I smile. I don't know why. I smile at friends. I smile at strangers. I just smile. People have thought I must have had the perfect life to smile soo much, and that isn't it. It is a moment, and the smile can fall away. It has always returned. At the moment I'm not smiling. In the next I may...
  6. Extreme period pain

    This is probably not THE answer, but I can speak from experience that it helps. I would also recommend drinking lots of water, and making sure the diet isn't deficient in any vitamins and minerals - taking into account the way said vitamins are processed by the body.
  7. How do you most often feel?

    "How we are conditioned" jumps out at me. We have all been conditioned in so many ways that we aren't even aware of...
  8. How do you most often feel?

    It is the warmth in my heart and the simple joy of being made manifest.
  9. How do you most often feel?

    That's ok. The other night I ate something I would rather not have because I too care. I love the person who had the expectation and concern, and my acceptance was not harmful to me - only uncomfortable. You'll have to decide for yourself which expectations you can accommodate, and which are harmful to you.
  10. How do you most often feel?

    Outside expectations can only be yours if you accept them as such.
  11. Nothingness

    I couldn't say, I'm having an interesting enough time with my prominent ability to cling manifesting itself pervasively through the natural rising and falling away in this lifetime. Every moment a rebirth, and me clinging to the stories in my mind that make sense of my suffering - instead of simply accepting it as the temporal phenomenon that it is.
  12. Nothingness

    To me nothingness and emptiness are different. Emptiness implies something that can be empty - our goal can be to be empty. Nothingness implies nothing - there can be no perceiver, observer, do-er.
  13. How do you most often feel?

    I've recently discovered that the worst expectations for me are the ones I place on myself - sometimes without even knowing it.
  14. What is the answer to the universe?

    Forget it.
  15. What is the answer to the universe?

    That was me not being nearly as gentle with you as I should be. It throws me off a bit when the fact that I am female is brought to the forefront of any discussion. I am glad you don't want to watch car crashes; I don't either.
  16. How do you most often feel?

    Nungali! This is not what I was referring to.
  17. What is the answer to the universe?

    Hope you are having a good day too MH.
  18. What is the answer to the universe?

    No. It was not goodbye. It was just have a good day, as always.
  19. What is the answer to the universe?

    You do complain my friend; you just don't recognize it. Your complaint is evident in your boredom and perpetual flights of fancy that push 'now' so very far away from you. I wish for something better for you, but until you are willing to settle into your dis-ease there is nothing to do but offer you my acceptance and wish you a good day. We all have to find our own way, in our own time, and that's ok.
  20. How do you most often feel?

    Not to speak for the OP, but I don't think he's talking about reaching for anything. He (imo) is speaking of true acceptance and openness that allows things to rise and fall as they will. There is no reaching for the next emotion because that leads to repression. And there is no clinging to emotion because that leads to stagnation.
  21. What is the answer to the universe?

    Well, that was interesting. Have a good day Everything.
  22. How do you most often feel?

    There is only an ambush if I expect something from this love, and then it really isn't love, or what I'm talking about anyway. I trust people to be who they are, in any given moment - which again isn't the same kind of trust you refer to. I love, and see this love reflected all around me. I smile because it is beautiful.
  23. How do you most often feel?

    I know that one. I had thought I was generally content, but things look different now. Today I feel alive and surrounded by love.
  24. What is the answer to the universe?

    And what of this moment Everything? What is your answer to this divine moment that you are living?
  25. Words are such wonderful dangerous things.