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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    Those actually may be easier to acquire at this point in time.
  2. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    I have one question for you. What masks?
  3. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    At the most recent press conference I saw, I couldn't help but note he seemed a bit like Steve Rogers before he became Captain America.
  4. The perfect weapon

    This article is from February 21st:
  5. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    You could recapulate in this existing thread for now: And if there is a book related to what you'd like to explore, you are welcome to start a thread in the library section of my ppd, which we may be able to have moved to your own ppd should it be created. If it gets out of hand, I do however reserve the right to lock and/or hide the thread until it can be moved to your ppd where you will gain the ability to moderate it as you see fit.
  6. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    In Germany when there are underlying conditions, and a person dies after being infected, the cause of death is being attributed to the underlying condition and not the virus, according to what another member here shared (which I haven't verified as of yet, although it makes sense in regard to the numbers being presented). There is an article I shared in my ppd about a town in Italy which tested everyone and isolated any cases - effectively stopping the spread while the regions around them went what I'll call "critical." Edit to add link here:
  7. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    Italy is twice the size of Florida, with a much larger population.
  8. If this is meant to refer to me, please allow me to simplify, I've come to realize I honestly don't like the way you act, with all the damn posturing, vilifying, derision and name calling. And genuinely think with much of what you do bother to write here, you're just talking out of your ass to get attention. Nobody is jealous of you. I see no purity of heart in what you type here. I have no vendetta against you; I just don't like you very much, like some of the b.s. you type even less, and see no reason to pretend otherwise. Well anyone can look at my profile here. I joined in 2015, after taking an internet hiatus for multiple years. So your math is a bit flawed, although I'm willing to accept a few short months on my shit list may feel more like a decade to someone such as yourself who is more than willing to dish it out, but completely unable to take anything remotely nearing the same treatment he happily serves to others. Your shit list is nothing to me oh self aggrandizing keyboard warrior.
  9. Like the people who get upset when they're disagreed with, throw fits, call people names, block them, and then troll them?
  10. Super sleep

    Hi Goldleaf, I recently had the thought, it was almost time for you to start posting again, and while I don't have the time or inclination to search out the actual timeline of your past posts on this subject, it seems to me (in this moment) they tend to be cyclical. Given this, I wonder if you've looked into seasonal type allergies? Here's a brief article: It also touches on how it may be a rather simple environmental factor - easily remedied once discovered. In any case, welcome back.
  11. Why would you do this: If you honestly believe this: ****** If you intentionally direct individuals to what you believe will likely cause them injury, then you certainly do have some responsibility imo.
  12. I am unfamiliar with this term or acronym. What does it mean? Why is karma so often seen as negative repercussions?
  13. How wonderfully Victorian.. It's all the fault of those pesky females. His instability certainly couldn't be internally created by himself - especially when there is a whole population of humans it can be projected upon. What amazing depth and introspection, and to think we almost didn't receive this gem as the individual sharing wasn't going to post in this thread anymore. At least the song has a good beat and rythm, and is enjoyable for dancing in Lilith style.
  14. At the moment, I'm not looking to vilify or defend any practice, and recognize the practices in question seem to draw some already unstable individuals. Which leads to a "why?" - which honestly seems to answer itself imo. Anything claiming to bring power seems to draw those who crave it - for whatever their personal reasons may be, and honestly seems to highlight a sense of powerlessness. It's an interesting dichotomy imo.
  15. Are there more examples? And what terminology did the medical professionals use to label and define the symptoms?
  16. I understood this part, although editing and re-editing is still attention giving and engaging, imo. Personally if I don't wish to discus something somewhere I don't, but perhaps this is more nuanced for you. Hence engaging and "not engaging" simultaneously? In any case, what I wrote is my own general sense regarding the editing of posts after they've been responded to, and while it was presently your editing which brought it up, it was not only you I was referring to. My apologies if you felt somehow singled out by my intentionally more general statement.
  17. May I ask what people have been hospitalized for? What conditions were they treated (or seeking treatment) for?
  18. Perhaps the point was more inline with you not being an expert on women - which would make sense to me given the tendency to generalize witnessed in the posts in this thread.
  19. And here it is, the usual name calling and derision when the narrative of the inflated character is called into any question at all. Guess the individuals posting here were attempting to kill his spirit, and this is how this persona avoids such attempts at dominance. BTW Is anyone here actually jealous of star? He seems to like typing it, but I haven't seen it.
  20. I rather dislike the habit some members show of editing posts which have already been responded to.. To me, it's like coming up with some witty comeback after you've walked away, and trying to get it in there anyway.
  21. Nice troll! (And inaccurate generalization - hinting at a lack of the very respect gatito pointed towards.)
  22. I know The Pit is hidden from view and all, but I'm wondering if anyone else sees a correlation with the numerous V-origen accounts and obsession with "beautiful busty women"?
  23. You could start a thread in your own ppd to discuss what concerns you.
  24. I don't believe she was hiding what she found "embarrassing," but simply chose to set a table welcoming others to explore in a setting she found more conducive to staying on the topic she has chosen to discus. You'll find the sister thread in her ppd.
  25. Sean actually gave me permission to hide a thread I had started in the past.