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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Xing and Ming cultivation

    I hope you don't mind me going a bit Buddhist on you, but the unfeeling sociopath seems to arise when one has not gone deep enough into the emptiness to find the warmth - which is much as you have described, and imo, where De or spontaneous virtue arise.
  2. Too much seems to revolve around issues with women, his own sense of powerlessness, and projection of what he's unwilling to address within. Having dealt with this type of dynamic in the past where I was cast in roles which didn't fit me as I actually live, I'm putting the individual on ignore. I'm simply not so keen on the vilification of the feminine these days..
  3. I did, especially as it occurs in moments the subconscious is more easily able to bubble up into awareness, but was hesitant to address this possibility as it may serve to further entrench the individual..
  4. What are the oldest Chinese Taoist myths?

    Then why do you refer to sinking "breath" as what happens when the abdomen expands on the inhale, instead of something deeper and more subtle?
  5. I won't be teaching anyone magick, but you could try this; the syllables of the mantra are said to include protections.
  6. Ego

    I inherited a shellfish allergy, and have a preference to live. Therefore - aversion to shellfish. Coupled with an understanding of the perils (think the fool card of the rider tarot) of a complete denial of ego and unwillingness to express aversion, this simple fact of my existence has served to temper effortful dismantling of ego. It is useful, imo, and experience, and so long as we're sharing words cannot be completely dismantled - "it" only falls away in silence (again in my opinion and experience).
  7. Ego

    The ego (to me) is generally the lens through which (the generalized) we look at and interact with the world around us. It speaks in learned language, and perpetuates learned behaviors. It can be the perpetrator of things viewed as good or bad, and this is the tricky part.. the pitfall of spiritual egoism.
  8. Haiku Chain

    and console themselves with a hotdog and a beer "we gave it a try"
  9. Perhaps this will help with understanding meaning and "how":
  10. Hi @ReturnDragon, are you trying to guide the members reading here to what you view as a foregone conclusion, or actually engage in an open sort of exploration and dialogue? : curiosity :
  11. @gendao As you turned down bathroom nookie with what you considered a hot woman, any further argument you present is now suspect. I.e. she was "forced" into involuntary celibacy by you (your rejection). Or maybe (you secretly believe) people really should have some right when it comes to when they engage in sexual activity and with whom..
  12. Hell Lukey, I married one.. unless of course we go with Filipino not counting.
  13. The biggest "male slut" I knew back in the day straight up told women he was "hung like a field mouse." And according to any accounts I heard, he was. They weren't shared as an indication of displeasure, but generally something more akin to awe. Apparently they found sexual explorations with him quite satisfactory.
  14. More than two decades ago now, I worked with a man who loved to say nice guys finish last. He was a drunk who could not control his bladder when drunk and vomited and peed on his girlfriend.. Yeah, he ended up finishing last and losing his girlfriend, but it wasn't because he was a nice guy.
  15. There is much here which seems paradoxical and/or nonsensical to me. For example the whole hypergamy narrative while pining for a past in which women were considered of a lesser class/caste, and "hypergamy" would have been in it's heyday. Or the longing for attractive women to "spread their legs," while once again looking nostalgically at a time when a woman would have been considered "ruined" for doing so. What a bunch of hooey...
  16. I don't think "proud" of free will which chose evil would apply generally either, but do accept your explanation it was not directed at me personally. Thank you for the speed with which you sought clarity between us. :respect:
  17. This is something I could agree with.. However there are reasons this analogy doesn't work for me - in spite of me thoroughly enjoying your way with words and the images and contemplations they can provoke. I don't see land as being perpetually corrupted after ("natural") deforestation. Without human interaction inhibiting process, it will begin anew.. the self-replication would come through this inhibiting process, imo. This alien government being rather like humans with our bulldozed lots for homes, stores, and parking lots - where we, though effort and intent, inhibit and shore ourselves up from natural process? Again, I don't find this analogy fitting, although it is rather evocative. I honestly believe we should take some responsibility for the human actions which have impacted the world we live in. Even if we weren't the actual "government" itself which perpetrated whatever it is we choose to look at. And as you find it so distasteful yourself, please try not to attribute emotions to others. My thoughts were not "proud" ones - not even deep inside, but a very simple sharing of my own thoughts on the subject matter. I don't labor under an assumption sheep would feel anything owing to any human narrative.
  18. Say Something Nice About Someone Chain!

    @gatito I appreciate the pithiness of some of your posts - which call for exploration and self reflection, and how supportive you were of my sharing of experience here. Thank you gatito. @steve As a more seasoned practioner of the lineage whose practices and teachings I've resonated with, your gentle reminders and fellowship have been invaluable. _/\_ @thelerner I enjoy your sense of exploration and openness in regard to practices and life experience.
  19. Whose signature do you like?

    Dependent arising and karmic storehouse.. More like how clouds coalesce and dissipate.. without choosing their form.
  20. I suspect we, as in the large human race we, have and continue to corrupt ourselves.. And finding this unsatisfactory we (again general we) have crafted mythos to explain this - where in we are unwitting pawns, and therefore without blame (and in a sense responsibility).
  21. Assuming you have not experienced siddhis, what is the frame of reference supporting the above narrative? And do you believe it is possible to "develop powers" while supporting and engaging in a narrative which serves only to bolster a sense of disempowerment?
  22. Let me preface this with your path is certainly your own to choose and forge.. However, I wonder how you are doing what you refer to as something like soul work, with a view which seems perpetually looking externally?
  23. Weather Magick

    Hiya Rocky, Nice to see you looking completely unscathed by the airborne necromancer's vile intent...
  24. It is taught even the gods and goddesses inhabit Samsara, eventually their life of ease will pass, and as they near their passing they are abandoned by their fellow divinities who do not wish to be soo close to suffering and mortality. Having lived a life of ease and abundance they have not seen reason to engage in practices, and will be reborn into whatever realm is appropriate to their karma. The human realm is special in this, as there is enough suffering to encourage practice, but not soo much as to make it impossible, and human life is seen as precious opportunity - not to facilitate rebirth into yet another realm, such as the god realm, but to reach freedom from karmic rebirth. Yeah, this is the pitfall. You may be able to achieve a rebirth in the god realm, where you'll still be karmicly bound, but unable to recognize it until it's too late (as it seems eternal). What are you doing here? Trying to become a god or a demigod? For the purpose of engaging in sex whenever you wish?