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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Lust - and what to do about it

    I'd also be curious about her diet, and if it's possible she's experiencing vitamin deficiencies which could play a part in the dynamic.
  2. Lust - and what to do about it

    This is kinda where my own thoughts were leading - with one somewhat "major" difference. If she is feeling overwhelmed and frustrated it will be very difficult for her to experience arousal. Without experiencing arousal the vagina will not "tent" and it is likely pain will be felt almost immediately upon penetration, just as described. The fear something went wrong during the c-section may only be adding to the anxiety, and perpetuating the situation. Or it may be a convenient way to keep things "nice" without addressing the issues.. I don't know the people involved, or the situation well enough to say for sure whether either of these are possible or probable. @EFS White Have you gently and openly said something like, "I sense you are feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. What can I do to help?" And have you two set aside some time for momma to relax, and get in touch with herself, along with time to relax together? From what I understand it can be as simple as doing the dishes, or putting up the laundry while she feeds the baby.. I'd also suggest non-penetrative sexual relations when she is relaxed, open, and responsive. Ease into it like teenagers learning and tentatively exploring.. Focus on wooing and courting your wife..
  3. I can play the quote game too. Here's a favorite: People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool. Terry Goodkind in Wizard's First Rule When you wanna actually converse let me know, until then - see ya.
  4. Wait.. what??? Hypergamy correlated with this "80/20 rule" as evidenced and highlighted by hookup sites??? What am I missing here?
  5. Why do you believe it's the sexual behavior of women causing inceldom? And why do you believe you are able to paint the sexual behavior of women (in a general sense, instead of an individual one) in the first place?
  6. Went looking into this Jordan Peterson and the claim he is a "serious academic," and found the following article which, towards the end, highlights the issues with this view.
  7. The above "responses" should be taken as, "thanks @Toni for answering my question, and thanks @SirPalomides for your clarity.
  8. You'll have to forgive me for not watching the video; the "why a sexually liberated society is not good for all men" is telling enough for me. May I ask if the metric you offered refers to statistics gleaned from "hookup sites"? (referring to the 85/15 bit here)
  9. Lust - and what to do about it

    This helps to clarify the present situation immensely. Some more questions if you don't mind: Is your wife following a similar path, and does she understand you still wish intimacy? What efforts have you made to help enable her to reach the place within to express and experience this intimacy with you? Are there still the tender touches, smiles, and moments of simple connection between you two throughout the day?
  10. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    I don't disagree with this. Although I don't see how any person here is (or was) in any position to gain favor through sycophantic behavior.
  11. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    Trump will someday be gone, and Stosh is a friend - even during disagreement. The site owner also said no more conspiracy theories, but...
  12. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    (((((Big hugs for my "big brother" Stoshy))))) Miss ya bro!!!
  13. Video Predicting too much this year

    Wizard's First Rule I've posted this here before, it's from Terry Goodkind's novel of the same name.
  14. Video Predicting too much this year

    I took this as an indication the conversation was over. I only replied to what caught my attention, and said as much in this post to you earlier today: Which to me indicates a need on your part to keep this going beyond reason. It didn't crumble; it burned. No. It's just like the weather predictions. From the article dated 2017: And now I have to get ready for work. Take care.
  15. Video Predicting too much this year

    Another? Dodge? Interesting (and inaccurate) play of words. You make it sound as if I perpetually dodge questions you ask of me, when this is the first question I recall you ever asking of me. Unless you want my rundown of how charlatans and charismatic game players use people's ignorance of simple facts (hurricanes in Florida and snow in New York) to bolster their more extraordinary claims of amazing insight to gain a following. This to me is red flag behavior, and brings everything else into question, as opposed to lending credence to everything else.
  16. Video Predicting too much this year

    I was attempting to be conversational with welkin, and had some minor interest in his mentioning of Florida as I live here, and further interest in the snow in New York comment, as I had recently been talking with a coworker from New York about the very subject. Confirmation bias? Because experiential data doesn't correlate with the narrative someone spun (and someone without the experiential information found insightfully predictive when most school kids in these two areas would predict a possibility of a hurricane during hurricane season in Florida, and snow in New York in the winter)? Well I'm glad to hear you have interests beyond poking at Earl Grey, which doesn't really negate the idea of you poking at him.. He is presently experiencing a natural disaster, and has a right imo to vent. Good.
  17. Video Predicting too much this year

    He's been clear he does not need or wish further comment. Curious though, this thread was started exactly a month ago, and you didn't arrive until Earl Grey posted, and his avatar was the one appearing with the thread... The subject just didn't interest you until now?
  18. Volcanoooooo

    Nope. Not the only reason. Please stop following him around, and then acting the innocent martyr when he responds to you in the way you know he will.
  19. Volcanoooooo

    I can't repeat the small bits of Tagalog I remember from my days of being married to a Filipino with dual citizenship in the states. And I'd rather focus on the faces and people affected by this ongoing natural disaster than the politics which relegate people to statistics. Please continue to keep us informed @Earl Grey
  20. Video Predicting too much this year

    I was discussing only what you yourself highlighted and posted here. Don't read more into it than this, as I wasn't saying anything more than I said. If there are more specific points you'd like me to consider you can highlight them as you did the ones I responded to.
  21. Video Predicting too much this year

    We have hurricane season here in Florida - every year. And the "big one" barely grazed us last year - generating weaker winds than some recent thunderstorms. Just like New York experiences a winter storm season.. It would take very little thought or awareness to put these "things" on a map of probability or likelihood.
  22. Is spiritual qiqong a thing ?

    Telepathy can only be as "clear" as the "listening" individual is open, and can get quite messy. In my family the females often communicated without words and regardless of distance - however, it seemed, the more thought was put into whatever "message" the more likely errors would be woven into the subsequent narrative. I honestly wouldn't suggest intentionally cultivating this (and believe for most the degree of "self" becomes a great inhibitor of the possibility), but recognize practices which cultivate space, awareness, and openness may bring some amount of it as a natural byproduct.
  23. Automatic Yoga

    Verification from a trained master who deeply understands kundalini would set aside potential self delusion. Which shouldn't be taken as any form of slight, we humans seem adept with our narratives, and some wind and chi disorders are occasionally taken to be signs of awakening when they're actually signs of something having gone amiss. Having it verified may also assist with your described fears, and let you know if they're well founded or not.
  24. Automatic Yoga

    I experienced the same with the added luxury of sometimes being aware of what conditioning was being energetically addressed, and shaken out. Interesting how deep into our physical beings this conditioning can be... Yes!