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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Letting go of attatchments

    You are welcome. I hope you enjoy your day.
  2. Letting go of attatchments

    @sagebrush, you ok? :offers tea:
  3. Letting go of attatchments

    I'm going to make some tea and sit with @mindtooloud for a stretch, contemplating the oddness of some of what has been posted here, and wait for the mud that's been kicked up to settle a bit.
  4. Letting go of attatchments

    Perhaps this will help our companion @mindtooloud understand:
  5. Letting go of attatchments

    As we've seen numerous times on this site an unbalanced focus on the crown leads to.. imbalance.
  6. Help interpret a word from a dream

    The wrist and hand as "brush" which our esteemed TM posted of a rather long time ago?
  7. .

    Both he and I have spelled it out as simply as possible. So either you are honestly incapable of comprehending, or you are deliberately obfuscating. In either case you have shown yourself to be someone I no longer wish to engage in dialog with. If anything changes I trust someone will let me know, until such time arises good luck and take care.
  8. .

    Then try on some empathy. Try to understand why Earl Grey was upset with your behavior.. instead of writing yourself (and your group) as perpetual victim. It was this victim mentality which led to the fiasco in the first place (imo).
  9. .

    When you find yourself creating narratives to diminish or negate the (emotional) experience of another (especially while playing the victim yourself), there is a pretty high likelihood you are engaging in gaslighting. The more you insist upon your chosen narrative of negation the more likely it is the repetitive storyline is indeed gaslighting.
  10. .

    Yourself, your practice and/or your teacher were not under attack, and the thread where all this started had absolutely nothing to do with any of the above. Again you, your practice, and/or your teacher weren't the subject - until you perversely began insisting them to be, and simply wouldn't let people carry on their discussion without focusing on the above. And yet again, this had nothing to do with you, your practice, or your teacher - until you painted a great big target on your own chest, and the words of others began to hit the mark you crafted for them. You are giving evidence to many qualities I simply don't like. You're not the victim in this; you're the perpetrator of your own suffering who lashed out at others due to this suffering. And I don't need your gaslit play by play of what I watched go down...
  11. .

    And by all means, please stop with the damn gas lighting.
  12. .

    This is odd. When I don't want to discus something, I simply don't. Except the very thing he has been asking of you. Try to understand he wasn't discussing mopei, and you preemptively struck out against what he was discussing (because it was "to close to home" for you. In this you placed your own issues on him, and called him out for the issues in your own head. It is the case. What you did with using his name in the title of the thread was against the then general decorum of this site, and what was underlying the dynamic was your own odd idea of defending mopai even where it wasn't being attacked. In "running defense" you most assuredly perpetrated a preemptive strike - which then made you the aggressor. Not Earl Grey. This is apology worthy in my opinion.
  13. .

    Did you intentionally miss my point? This form of cancer, once (and in many cases still) believed to be caused by agent orange can clearly be caused by some other unknown factor.
  14. .

    I would suggest leaving this narrative behind because as I understand it your group has been barred entry by the "key holders" of the lineage. I.e. your group is neither welcomed or accepted, and as such you do not have access to any supports the system (as a whole and integrated teaching) may offer. But honestly, without access to a teacher or the lineage, how would you know? This is rather irrelevant, although it seems important to your group for some reason. Why?
  15. .

    I know a man who died in his forties due to the "aggressive type cancer" generally believed to have been caused by agent orange exposure in others - without ever having been exposed to agent orange. As an aside which may be considered pertinent to some, he suffered intestinal distress which was originally given the generic label IBS for a rather long time before being given the cancer diagnoses.
  16. .

    Well, we all know about you and pie...
  17. .

    A general question anyone who wishes to can answer: What is the investment here?
  18. .

    Yes, I noticed the laugh, and added my own. It's still fun, and I'm feeling a bit "chatty" today.
  19. .

    It's the Marvel universe kingdom of Doctor Doom.
  20. .

    Dude, I just walked in (negating your "still"), and will type words to who I wish when I wish regardless of any injunction on your part.
  21. Haiku Chain

    at least for mortals who dare to dream of walking where physical form can't
  22. .

    I'm sorry, but this "select few" shtick is a pretty big red flag for a cult - especially when the speaker/leader claims a skill/power others could only test if they too were of the select few who possessed it. I.e. "Believe me, I know what you do not, and you'll just have to trust me until you develop my skills (or drink the kool aid and convince yourself of the truth of my claims). It's not working? You need more faith and trust and to work harder."
  23. .

    You are being exceptionally twisty here. Just because a school is accredited and offers some online course options doesn't mean a PhD can be earned solely online.
  24. Do What Thou Wilt

    @Nungali or @Apech I was watching a Great Courses lecture on hieroglyphs in which a comment was made regarding the "t" sound ending a name/word indicating the name/word is feminine. If this is accurate, then why does Nuit's complimentary Hadit end with a "t"? Is it meant to indicate "he" as the ever center only moves through "her" the unboundaried circumference? Something to do with their union, and in turn "sex magic" (in it's "purist"/"highest" sense) as creative/manifesting source? Or is this only an odd Crowleyism which I'm reading to much into? It's a present curiosity, so I thought I'd simply ask - instead of waiting for some answer to come from somewhere.
  25. To my understanding, our bodies were created for motion, when this natural tendency towards motion is inhibited for whatever reasons various discomforts and ailments seem to arise. Do you have to sit for soo many hours out of the day?