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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Pssst.. wrong thread. Manitou started the movie thread; Walker started this one. And while they are similar, the intended focus is different. BTW I'm beginning to find your consistent mentioning of your credentials odd, slightly confusing, and a bit off putting. What is your intended purpose with this?
  2. Rigpa vs. Yuan Shen

    Oh, and we can also tag @Taomeow, who has received teachings and practiced both.
  3. Rigpa vs. Yuan Shen

    My post won't directly answer this wonderfully clear question. Although perhaps @steve may be willing/able to provide a more direct response. I believe the teachings are precise to assist the "seeker" in proper understanding and the avoidance of pitfalls. For example, just because there is rigpa permeating all manifestation of consciousness, doesn't mean one is always "abiding in rigpa" or "resting in the essence of rigpa." Abiding/resting is dependent upon awareness - without it we're just riding the water wheel and playing in samsara. Rigpa "itself" is without levels or reference, as I understand "it." I believe there is much which points to this (overall) understanding (a clear "source" from which "for" or "against" arise), although as highlighted above I don't ascribe to the idea of "levels" in the manner I understood your words (which could easily be misunderstanding the intent of your chosen words on my part). * If you want to know the truth of something, be neither for nor against. (my paraphrase) For me personally, finding similarities with the Buddhist idea of "one taste" may be simpler due to the mess which seems to have arisen here time and time again regarding rigpa. But here's hoping your thread will be different. Thanks for starting it.
  4. My wish would be a bit different...
  5. How to be on topic?

    I realize as I sit here, I am feeling disappointment. There was this brief moment where I believed there was sincerity in the starting of this thread - an honest quest regarding the idea of being on topic. And some understanding the desire for others to share and connect around certain topics was (no, is) the manifestation and expression of their own being. But no... Somehow, everyone who wishes to engage in the discussion of an actual topic is still being looked down upon for not "expressing" their "true evermore nature".. which is soo odd to me, in a way I lack the words to express - save it seems extraordinarily arrogant to me. The breeze seems more responsive to me than some of the words typed here.
  6. Haiku Chain

    a different drummer coming in on the offbeat lively rendition
  7. "What would Mister Rogers do?" (I really liked that bit from the first linked article.) I imagine standing on a soapbox would get kinda lonely after awhile, so why not step off of it? (Yeah, I'm no Mister Rogers, and this is the best I've got to offer here. Honestly, what would he do?)
  8. How to be on topic?

    In your quest to engage and elevate, you, in all honesty, have a tendency to negate. Here and now, for me, is unconcerned with your "evermore." And there is only one "me." The one you can choose to have a conversation with, or continue to look past from your soapbox.
  9. How to be on topic?

    It means one is able to focus on the words shared, and narrow their own sharing to what is pertinent to the subject matter.
  10. How to be on topic?

    How to be on topic? First one must take the time to understand what the given topic is.
  11. The invitation, including all who were friends to Marbs, is posted here (at the venue we will be meeting at):
  12. Shall we start with what time you'd like to meet in remembrance?
  13. You can announce it there, dear Anand, and I'll certainly join you.
  14. Haiku Unchained

    More like a noodle, an expressive word doodle - structure hard to break
  15. According to this, what has been described as a "shoe fetish" was actually a production consideration. As in, the dress shoes he normally wore were much louder on set than the sneakers he donned. Not to mention, shoes worn outside were left at the door in practically every house I entered as a child.
  16. Haiku Chain

    please don't break the chain happily bound by haiku cadence marching on
  17. Climate Change

    A short little article regarding the water level variations of Lake Michigan:
  18. BTW How could it not be cautionary, if your suggested understanding regarding the subtle body is accurate?
  19. The prostitute/priestess dynamic you present here is most interesting, as it relates to the shifting Aeons as presented in the underlying theme of this topic. The shift from sustaining mother earth, and sacred woman, may be interwoven in what you shared. Thoughts of biblical passages damning outside cults come to mind.
  20. This certainly seems the intent of the story.. scare young men, and damn the women willing to embrace them. A cautionary literary device to be sure. Edit to add: Why is the "fall of man" (singular or otherwise) so often attributed to women?