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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Astounding, I know...
  2. Perhaps it is all of the focus on females as being nothing more than female which causes some of the obsessive issues in the first place.
  3. Daoism as a Practical Philosophy

    Throughout my life, I've read and contemplated, testing and checking out if what I've read is applicable in life, and if it is how and to what extent is this thing I've read (or heard) useful, and will it assist in navigation and/or understanding. It was almost like a hobby. How very practical! (kinda like cutting up an ox (or maybe an avocado) and finding the truth of the words for yourself)
  4. Daoism as a Practical Philosophy

    "In dwelling, be close to the land. In meditation, go deep in the heart. In dealing with others, be gentle and kind. In speech, be true. In ruling, be just. In daily life, be competent. In action, be aware of the time and the season. No fight: No blame." - Feng/English It is the "be competent" aspect I'd like to highlight for the purpose of this thread, as to me, it highlights what @Cloudwalking Owl seems to be pointing towards when he mentions mastery, and it kinda brings the point home. On a more personal level, the seed for the potential discord was sown in the opening post imo, and gave opening (and dare I say invitation) for the posts @wandelaar is finding disruptive. "No fight: No blame." In anticipating a fight, an opening jab was thrown, and here we are.. I like practicality, and am going to continue here for a measure.
  5. Daoism as a Practical Philosophy

    It was nice to see you even for a short while. May your wandering be enjoyable. Warm regards
  6. What are all the benifits of wall squats ?

    I'm not sure the individual has an instructor in regard to this as it was mentioned the recommendation for 100 wall squats a day was found in the book Methods of Zhineng Qigong.
  7. What are all the benifits of wall squats ?

    Wanted to highlight this bit. Thank you for stating it so plainly and directly.
  8. What are all the benifits of wall squats ?

    Regarding the knees, powerlifters I knew warned of this, and stressed the importance of alignment of feet and hips and making sure the knees neither canter in nor out, but remain in alignment with the feet and hips to avoid injury. Which you may very well be aware of...
  9. What are all the benifits of wall squats ?

    Oh, and keep in mind, "when the shoe fits, the foot is forgotten." As in if something has stopped aching, or being some sort of irritant, you may simply not notice it anymore, and not recognize the benefit you're getting from this simple practice.
  10. What are all the benifits of wall squats ?

    @waterdrop My present thoughts on this: Working up to an ability to do 100 in one session may be a generalized point where the benefits of the practice may be noticed. It is likely enough to assist in mind/body harmony, and, in this, physical problems which are psychosomatic in nature have the potential to be alleviated. And to be clear, even "carry over" pains from decades old injuries may actually be psychosomatic, and alleviated by such mind/body alignment. Yes, I believe this practice may assist with posture. I doubt if it will fix your eye site. The dust allergy is another matter, and I would actually suggest looking into your diet regarding ways to help alleviate it.
  11. What are all the benifits of wall squats ?

    @waterdrop Would you consider using capital letters, periods, and commas - especially when using the amount of words you have? I do have some further on topic thoughts to share, but they will have to wait until I have more time.
  12. Some people emit heat, is this chi related?

    As a generality women tend towards having better hearing while they sleep - perhaps an evolutionary adaptation to the need of feeding babies in the night. There are life experiences and predispositions which can intensify this. The other night I fell asleep on the couch and was snoring, so he turned off the TV, at which point I woke up - able to repeat the last line of dialog. Which is shared only to illustrate, that in spite of a great deal of auditory awareness on my part, I've learned to be able to sleep with the sound of a fan - which I initially grumbled about and overly focused on for a few not soo restful nights before I adapted. But eventually adaptation did occur. And I suspect it would be similar for your lady.
  13. Some people emit heat, is this chi related?

    - except men don't have wombs, or a place to host a little zygote becomes a baby party. I'm going to take a step back from the laughter long enough to point you in the general direction of the (now revised and tightened) forum rules (they can be found in the tech support subforum). Our fearless leader recently cleaned house of the individuals who wrote things such as you are writing here (members were banned without warning, question, or recourse), and I would strongly suggest if you wish to remain a member here that you cease with this narrative. edit to add pertinent post by the site owner (aka fearless leader):
  14. Daoism as a Practical Philosophy

    Hello my friend, if I'm remembering correctly you enjoy a good bone broth. At one point you learned how, and now you simply do and enjoy.
  15. Daoism as a Practical Philosophy

    Maybe instead of using the word "mastery," we could consider "ease of doing?" It's actually rather interesting to me when I take some time to contemplate what there is in the navigation of daily life and interpersonal relations which hasn't arisen through some learning curve. And when I'm being brutally honest there is little to nothing which hasn't been dependent upon some form of learning - the easier something seems, the further from the "time of learning" it appears to be - nothing more. At this juncture, I would certainly say, "yes," although I may be looking at the word differently than you are. Initially I was going to ask if someone could present something not related to the autonomic nervous system which wasn't dependent upon some form of learning, but upon my own contemplation there are ways even the nervous system "learns," and things such as trauma can cause repeated patterns of unconcious behaviors - at which point "mastery" (or rewriting the subconscious script) may become synonymous with healing. At any rate, this is more than enough words for the moment.. It's another paradox. Sometimes "attainment" brings both simplification and what appears as natural flow.
  16. What are all the benifits of wall squats ?

    Before halving or doubling the "recommended dose," why not simply do the recommended amount and see what benefits you experience?
  17. Daoism as a Practical Philosophy

    "Who can wait quietly while the mud settles?" (Feng/English) I love this quote, and have found it's applicability to everyday life (and in particular interpersonal relationships) invaluable. However, this too (upon further contemplation) seems dependent upon the development of certain skills - namely an ability to recognize "mud" and the ability to "wait." I was writing this when a notification arrived regarding the above post, and decided to share anyway - although this isn't in response to the above..
  18. Daoism as a Practical Philosophy

    To return to the intended subject of this thread I present the humble avocado, and my experience with the same. When I first encountered a whole avocado, it actually proved to be a tough little adversary. There was no simply cutting it straight through due to the pit, and by the time I had separated the tasty goodness from the inedible rind and pit I was left with mush only suitable for guacamole. With patience and practice technique arose, and over time the technique became more natural and fluid. How incredibly mundane, and incredibly useful... a culinary skill without need of contemplation which first required much contemplation on my part.
  19. Daoism as a Practical Philosophy

    This bit reminds me of what @Nungali has shared here about intuition.. tagging him in case he'd like to chime in. As for the rest, I will consider, and possibly contribute more at a later time. For now, the practicality of work beckons. Hope you have a good day.
  20. Daoism as a Practical Philosophy

    Just wanted to say, it's nice to see you posting wandalaar. Hope you've been well.
  21. Daoism as a Practical Philosophy

    I have a question, if you don't mind (and if you do mind, feel free to simply disregard it). Wouldn't this "instantly knowing" be a bit dependent upon the energetics of whatever has arisen, and (generally) a non-intellectual ability to read and move with said energetics? (a form of practical energetics?)
  22. Daoism as a Practical Philosophy

    "Truthful words are not beautiful.Beautiful words are not truthful." Practical application in everyday life: speak plainly and directly. (not meant as an indictment, but more an offering to the subject of this thread) Thank you for your clarification of position and response.
  23. Daoism as a Practical Philosophy

    "I don't want to be provocative, but.." [I am going to anyway] Have you ever considered how many phrases which come before the word "but" tend to indicate just the opposite of the explicitly stated intent? Not to be rude/dismissive (or whatever word we wish to place here), but for some reason I find this odd form of "civility" quite humorous; perhaps because it honestly seems uncivil - while placing the burdon of civility upon the hearer/reader and somehow absolving the utterer/writer of any responsibility for furthering the "civility" of discourse.. It's like the grown up version of "please." Consider, if you will, a five year old's voice echoing the words, "but I said please" - because we all know it's a "magical word" which somehow makes denial an impossibility. :still laughing: Yes, you were provocative, yes you wanted to be, and yes, you chose to be - which is entirely acceptable and, to me, just too funny (with the way you danced around it.) Neat story. Thank you for sharing it.
  24. Some people emit heat, is this chi related?

    Have you struck up a conversation with any of these females to see if you can ascertain a bit more of why you sense heat with some and not with others? :just curious: