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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. simplify

  2. What We Think We Know

    The concept of eye rolling being rude was formulated by the authority figures in my life when I was young. And as such, I figured our short interaction could serve to illustrate what's brought up in the article, and CT's additional reference points. If the only reference points I held were those of parents and grandparents, I would not have been able to avoid sensing "rudeness." With more reference points, there are other possible storylines, lending to more openness, and less reactivity.
  3. What We Think We Know

    As it relates to the topic.. When I was a child rolling eyes would earn a slap to the face. It was considered quite rude. This instruction from parents, grandparents, and friend's parents remains a "reference point." With some more reference points, it can be understood as "playful yet dismissive" and more like a "no shit" in the language of emoticon. ***** Regarding the sentence I wrote however, there was more implied than simple agreement, and imo such expansion of reference points can lead to what a friend long ago referred to as paralysis by analysis. This isn't always such a bad thing - except when it is (stifling).
  4. Haiku Chain

    gone without glory without heraldry or song time pauses for none
  5. simplify

  6. Proposed simplification of forums

    One would grow accustomed to whimsical names, and considering the "welcome screen" as some sort of "map" may actually assist in navigation and understanding the process of navigating for those with troubles in this regard, imo of course.
  7. simplify

  8. Proposed simplification of forums

    Can we get playful with the names - working with the idea of "adventure" and this being a world with many "lands"? For example - General Discussion/ discussions on the way could be the Silk Road. A title which would express both the exchange of non-sectarian ideas, and a sense of "danger" to the "personal value" of strongly held ideas/ ideals/ tenants/ what not.. Taoist Discussion could be something along the lines of Realms of the Immortals Buddhist discussion seems a bit trickier to me, but perhaps something along the lines of Lands of the Laughing Buddhas, or the Pathways of Boddhisattvas. Vedic/Hindu could be something like Shiva and Shakti's playground or Where Brahman Walks. Off Topic as a bit of Wild Lands or The BadLands - to be traveled at one's own risk... Meta Talk would be The Matrix where the plotting and planning happen... Local meetups could be The Watering Hole.. Anyway, you get the idea.. I'm not soo big on overly simplifying here, although I'm certainly on board with the "weirding."
  9. simplify

  10. simplify

  11. Does the soul know the difference?

    Was just discussing the laugh/cry relation, and how due to repeated trauma a "sense of humor" can become a bit "twisted." Although in actuality it seems to be a way of processing and slow healing.
  12. simplify

  13. Echoing the man who planted Trees

    In the area I grew up in, it is quite common to see ditch lilies - literally in ditches along country roads, where apparently someone of similar notion to you @thelerner must have planted them.
  14. Echoing the man who planted Trees

    Echinacea and Coreopsis are both self seeding, and the butterflies back home seemed to love them. Zinnia are also self seeding, although annuals. A few hours north of you I had great luck with all of the above, and zinnia can be bought by the pound, or at least it could be a few years back. You can play Johnny appleseed with flowers, and see what happens. Edit to add: Blackoil Sunflower seed sold as bird food will grow, and sometimes squirrels will "plant" it, or birds will "advantageously" drop it.
  15. simplify

  16. Haiku Chain

    sleep well until light warming sun calling you forth a new day beckons
  17. Proposed simplification of forums

    In reference to the idea of there not being an inferior-superior hierarchical relationship between what I'll call mystery and manifest you may have happened upon a workable and more accurate understanding of "emptiness." In any case, I liked what you wrote.
  18. Haiku Chain

    a purpose that begs for what it is unaware mewling hopefulness
  19. What We Think We Know

    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but does this indicate the answer received actually clarified very little for you?
  20. What We Think We Know

    Sometimes inherited ideas can be distorting and hard to recognize. Yes, I've come to the conclusion the "onion" cannot be entirely peeled. And I agree with this, although I generally use the phrases "let go" or "set back down." But tendencies aren't always recognized - without some form of catalyst anyway, such as what was described in the article.
  21. What We Think We Know

    And this, as a practice, is entirely humbling...
  22. What We Think We Know

    Once upon a time I would have also readily agreed with him. Then came this odd and unintended realization the criteria I believed to be "mine" was inherited from a number of sources.
  23. Does the soul know the difference?

    Our sticks were swords, and my sister ended up with a more serious injury due to the manner in which the stick/swords were first confiscated and more importantly disposed of than she ever would have experienced had the play been allowed to run it's course with the sticks being eventually returned to the woods we found them in.
  24. simplify

  25. Does the soul know the difference?

    In considering this, I find my thoughts returning to the idea of willing suspension of disbelief. A short article on the phenomenon, although it may not directly address what you've called imprints, or how these imprints relate to soul - which, in my understanding (were I to use the word) would not really be "imprintable."