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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. He's directly asked me, and casually mentioned it more than once. I repeatedly declined. At this point, I doubt I want to see the "behind the scenes" discussions as they relate to me and the perceptions of others... sometimes it seems better not to know imo.
  2. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Well, at present, it is a team of one.. Before, to me, it felt more like a team of "Jeffsters," than a team of Trumpsters, and I have been grateful for the ability to openly disagree without being batted upside the head with the non- egalitarian policy, or whatever else seemed handy.
  3. No more right-wing bullshit.

    I'm sorry, I'm not there yet, and unable to call the "just grab them in the p..." man me... He was however, by the rules of the game, elected, and if people don't want a second term it's time to get some shit together. And I don't think calling people names is going to cover it..
  4. No more right-wing bullshit.

    I don't know about all this, perhaps with some in some places the above may be true, but the few people who voted Trump I spoke with about the subject after the election voted for "draining the swamp," and as a smack in the face to the people who held the reigns. They believed themselves to be somewhat revolutionary in voting for someone outside of the political sphere and dynasties of power.
  5. No more right-wing bullshit.

    I'm good with waking ourselves; I'm not always so sure about smacking others - I'm no Zen master.
  6. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Bothsidesism - the personal understanding of there being little difference in the derisive laughter and contempt I've experience due to my apparent ignorance on whatever subject the laughing party apparently has more information on, but is more inclined to ridicule (in regard to) than share. And no, this isn't directed at Sean, who has been gracious with me, even if I'm using his term, but the individuals who'd rather insult than educate.
  7. No more right-wing bullshit.

    I wasn't referring to the shitty ass manipulative teachers, but standard every day life. And I agree with there being a "time for action" - as I recently posted in another thread. But please note, I said action and not reaction. I've seen alot of righteous anger in my life, and when it's tightly gripped and held it tends towards distortion imo. And yes, suppression distorts as well. So where is the "sweet spot" between these distortions?
  8. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Even in navigating this, the instruction as I understood it as shared by TWR in a question and answer segment where a question regarding hateful speech of others came up, was to respond from what I'll call "center" when one is able. And in this, one will be more likely to be "a catalyst for change" - instead of just another voice in a sea of discord (my words - not his).
  9. Mass shootings

    @sean Do you think the above manifesto could at least be put in one of those neat little "reveal hidden content" windows if it's going to remain here?
  10. Some considerations which I generally don't consider:
  11. Like Social Democracy? I just brought up the Unions, and their backing of the Democratic party is, imo, one of the reasons Sander's (or someone like him) is unable to win. They've become part of the system..
  12. Truth. And then the unions also became hierarchical and grasping.. claiming more and more of their share of workers wages while creating odd and unforeseen dichotomies. This world I know; the politics behind it, not so much.
  13. Guys? Y'all are confusing the b'jesus outta little ole me. :bats eyelashes and sips tea: Would one of you fine gentlemen be so kind as to offer me definitions for the more predominant words in use here, which I may be able to trust In and lean on in my wish to comprehend? Or should I just wander back to the kitchen and brew y'all some fresh tea?
  14. Wait.. what? Is this an oxymoron? Or is there something I'm missing? Wouldn't the idea of entrepeneurialship be at odds with the basic premise of communal or government ownership of means of production? And what is being referred to as "European Socialism," and why is it being called socialist?
  15. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Because you claim authority over one who doesn't accept your authority.. I imagine this would lead to frustration for both parties.
  16. No more right-wing bullshit.

    I liked your rant. How about some iced tea instead?
  17. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Such as yours? Hope you don't mind my sharing the link Dawei provided. I rather like your version of the chapter in question.
  18. simplify

  19. Define ignorance

    :hoping you get the playfulness and laughter behind this post: What if what one whilst is smoking a pack of camels while receiving some form of govt assistance?
  20. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Perhaps this is where some of the confusion lies. The only leaders here are those who keep us from proverbially hitting each other overly harshly upside the head with our respective texts of choice.
  21. Define ignorance

    It kinda is the stuff of fairy tales - evil overlords able to execute on whim, and a unified voice of the people. In writing the above the Peasants Revolt came to mind. The peasants (which is somewhat a misnomer) were falsely placated through skillful manipulation of their own ideal imo. And my own father was very clear about how any ideals I held could be manipulated and used to advantage.. It made the holding of ideals a bit more tenuous for me - and the ideals of others something of great curiosity and interest. What would Truth with a capital T look like to you?
  22. Define ignorance

    To cut through...
  23. Define ignorance

    Oh my... First, let's say enlightenment is a huge grassy field surrounded by the forest of samsara. We rest, and are warmed by the Sun in this field. And sometimes we wander into the surrounding forest.. I don't mind wandering the forest with you, but find it would perhaps be useful to acknowledge we certainly are wandering in the forest, and not resting in the field. Have you considered how much the tax dollars you pay into the system are actually able to provide? In my own case, it honestly isn't a whole lot. And therefore, I honestly don't have much personal right imo, to claim some ownership or position of authority over anyone who may be recieving a few cents from me personally - which in itself is highly unlikely. I am a bit more inclined to "indict" the irresponsible governmental spending in other areas - of which there seem plenty we could focus upon. BTW I very rarely read posts the length of yours... and now I seem to have written my own long post..
  24. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Maybe he'll manage to break the damn scale, and then we could just get on with things.
  25. Define ignorance

    How, in your hypothetical scenario, would this "say" in the choices of others be policed? How much "right" do you believe financial assistance should grant perceived benefactor in the recipient's life? just curious