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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Trump talk

    Blah, blah, blah... I wasn't arguing, only pointing to where you could find some information, and therefore I carry no burden, nor do I accept the burden you'd like to place upon me. Take care.
  2. Yes, it was absurd of me to ask if someone expressing apparent angst would like a hug. WTF is wrong with me??? We're here to dig into our trenches, be outraged on behalf of others, and argue dagnabbit. Guess for a moment I forgot...
  3. Hmmm.. you were beginning to seem rather "rooted." So thanks for clearing this up for me, and please do forgive my apparent confusion. :walking away now, sorry for the short derailment:
  4. Trump talk

    My you do seem obstinate and determined, and I've lost interest in your (starting to seem like a temper tantrum of) demands for someone to hand you (what there is available regarding) the information you want. If you want what's available, find it; if you don't, then don't. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.
  5. Trump talk

    You shouldn't bother if you aren't interested.
  6. Would you like a hug?
  7. Then you challenge them, I've got my own challenges brewing.. soo much tea and drama...
  8. Trump talk

    You'd still have more information, even if it isn't all the information, and this would reflect in any argument you chose to make. Best wishes.
  9. Trump talk

    Well if you don't care, then why have we engaged in this apparently pointless discussion? How oddly curious...
  10. When people are ready, they'll look deeper themselves, imo, and prior to this readiness it would be a bit like just soo much wind to continue..
  11. Trump talk

    If this is your chosen focus, then you could look into income tax filed without a social security number.. As I've already stated, I'm not inclined to go searching the available statistics and information. Edit to add - you could also do a compare/contrast between the wages for general labor and hospitality jobs in states with large numbers of illegal immigrants and those without the same influx. Or you could do a timeline study of wages before and after (known) large numbers of illegal immigration, say in California or Florida. Your query; your choice to investigate.
  12. Trump talk

    Actually it could, if one was inclined to search out the information - which I am not.
  13. Trump talk

    What I presented was no argument, and in fact the observations shared would support what you've set forth. Shoddily placed incentive led to unintended consequences? Would this be more to your liking?
  14. Trump talk

    This caught my attention, and is worth noting. There is, and for a long time has been incentive, and we're surely watching the ways in which where the focus and incentive has been placed are playing out. Through government assistance we've actually incentivized a number of things, in unintentional ways. (Such as able bodied individuals finding it more palatable to live on government assistance.)
  15. My bad.. this is how the people around me interact irl, and what I posted would be considered a "gentle reminder" and something to consider. The winds of change are strong, sudden and unexpected.. I'm processing, and stepped in the middle of what appeared to be the start of an argument between two people I consider friends. I will, once again, withdraw and allow you guys to sort out what needs sorting. Warm regards to you both.
  16. Hello my dear Aetherous, I seem to recall you making a statement regarding toxicity as well, only in your case it related to feminism. We forget things sometimes.. Edit with apologies, the phrase was "entirely destructive" - which isn't exactly the same as toxic I suppose.
  17. :takes note: The winds of change have arrived...
  18. Merging and guru yoga

    I was just wondering if you had considered any potential significance to what I'd pointed out from the text. May I ask, if your path isn't Buddhist why you quote soo many Buddhist texts? This isn't a condemnation, but a curiosity, as I've found value in some of what you've shared.
  19. If it has not already occurred (I haven't read ahead) could somebody explain what these actual meanings are? Because all I've actually experienced were labels placed upon me by individuals who disagreed with some idea I set forth, or question I've asked, and the terms seem anything but clearly defined to me.
  20. Haiku Chain

    just as well really dandelion has his smile a quite faithful friend
  21. Merging and guru yoga

    Is this meant as an answer to the question I asked, or are you presupposing an argument I have not made and responding to that?
  22. Merging and guru yoga

    There was a bit about the paths of the individuals used as examples leading to only singular destinations.. Does this hold any significance to you?
  23. The I of the storm

    :raises hand: You were looking at a screen when you typed and sent those words. :sorry, could have resisted, didn't want to:
  24. Merging and guru yoga

    Awareness would indicate recognition, (although we may be using the terms a bit differently). This hypothetical car drives by, whether I recognize or am aware of it's passing, or not - which was rather the point. Non-reified silence and energy would be ever present in the experience of a living human. Sure, you can... The issue, for me, is in regard to the degree "an introduction" is dependent as much (or more so) on the individual being introduced to themselves, as the person "providing" said introduction. And the degree to which the "introducing party" may be "elevated" in perception.