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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Merging and guru yoga

    From the link: Encompassing mind with mind.. is this what has captured your attention?
  2. Merging and guru yoga

    I've read the sutra you shared, and it, to me shows an understanding of causes within samsara and their outcomes. In the tradition I follow there are six lokas, not five, but the premise and understanding seem very similar.
  3. Merging and guru yoga

    With the age of this thread in mind, may I ask if you still experience this? And if you do, may I suggest what you seperate out and hold onto in regard to others is what would be an aspect of yourself? Where and how did this "should" arise?
  4. Merging and guru yoga

    Another golden nugget... _/\_
  5. Merging and guru yoga

    Wouldn't both the silence and energy already be present? So both would be experienced, and the question would actually be one of recognition?
  6. Merging and guru yoga

    One can certainly calm an upset friend through compassionate presence - which would be a very simplistic example. But any introduction would be only to awareness of what is already present, and in this, either the seed sprouted, and grew into a tree which is ready to bear fruit, or no "introduction" would be possible. Any awareness or later description of occurrence is within the aspirant or the individual being "introduced" to themselves. Understanding everything I'm responding to here is old, but I finally felt like giving this thread a looksie.
  7. Merging and guru yoga

    Hmmm... so you can map your system and understanding into the TTC, but Apech is in error for doing the same?
  8. Merging and guru yoga

    This is golden.
  9. Merging and guru yoga

    Make tea. If there is "no separation" what is there to merge?
  10. Tools to Wake Up and Grow Up

    Thanks for sharing LiT. _/\_
  11. Haiku Chain

    goes well with pu erh watching the sunrise in a clear expanse of sky
  12. Forum speed and topic move

    I've experienced the same, and thought it was on this end. Good idea imo.
  13. The I of the storm

    Have the "two I's" reconciled? Or perhaps more accurately, what does this look like for you today?
  14. Is rigpa really that simple?

    Does anyone else ever wonder where TI has wandered off to?
  15. Is rigpa really that simple?

    For the sake of expressing the qualities of the view (through simile) to aspirants, for pointing towards and recognition purposes. The loving mother (a "universally recognizable" symbol) holding the son expresses warmth (compassion) while the son expresses awareness. They are not seperate "levels" (or "degrees") but inseparable qualities. Yes, this is an old post, in an old (and at times contentious) thread, written by a member who hasn't been active in a very long time...
  16. Haiku Chain

    fireworks inside sparks of inner radiance being bursting forth
  17. Haiku Chain

    fog on the hillside specter of a primal dance emptiness made known
  18. Tantra...

    Sorry, this is simply how my mind works and not intended in any nefarious way it could be construed, but wouldn't the video game analogy be one such "perceptional framework" with the stated potential to "obscure the underlying primordial"?
  19. Haiku Chain

    my crutch is shaking held aloft in grasping hand first tentative steps
  20. What happens to suicides?

    That's one hell of a discussion you had with yourself - soo many measuring sticks. What would happen if you let the measuring sticks go? What do things look like without the comparisons and ideals? Could this suffering be maintained without the internal dialogue feeding it? I second CT's call to kindness and compassion - particularly towards yourself.
  21. Tantra...

    And what do you mean (or what are you referring to) when you use the phrase "energy body"? Corporeal form? Or perhaps the concepts collated to form an idea of "self"? Both would fit with the idea of "as it burns away," and I'm finding I honestly don't know what you're referring to. Of course I could pretend, but I'd rather ask than assume.
  22. Tantra...

    Wouldn't a new galaxy be predominately "dark" - with points of burning light, just as Sadhguru highlighted in the video? And wouldn't even a quasar be a point of burning light in vast darkness? Are we attached to the idea/ concept of light to the exclusion of observable conventional reality? In what manner do you wish this idea of light to be understood? What is "light" to you?
  23. Tantra...

    I'm not sure how I feel about the phrase "really is," but agree with the sentiment expressed. Is your primordial equivalent to the author's ultimate? And is your primordial somehow separated from it's expression in form? Where would the separation (if it exists in your paradigm and isn't a misunderstanding of your paradigm on my part) occur?
  24. Tantra...

    Form is what we perceive, and whatever we perceive is empty. Empty. Through the two eyes of valid cognition. Probably not.. I would start with the indivisibility of form and emptiness. Joyful smiles and much love to you Jonesboy.