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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Tantra...

    And the quasar has been a limited event in the process of change. This statement itself lends to the idea of "limited happening."
  2. Tantra...

    It's emptiness even in arising form. And I'm currently contemplating how emptiness would even be recognized, discovered, what have you, without form.. Perhaps we're using and/or understanding the word "emptiness" differently?
  3. Tantra...

    When the surrounding material has been burned through (rather literally) the quasar ceases to be a "quasar" - making it an (extremely large) "limited happening."
  4. Is the information about the Jesuits included in this book, and are they using the term "rainbow body", or some other terminology?
  5. A cursory search of "rainbow body sufism" brought up a link to "body of resurrection", and many links with "sufism" struck through as search criteria about Tibetan Buddhism. A search of "rainbow body sufi" yielded the same results. A search including "tamil" instead of either variant of Sufi yielded a link to the following book which looks somewhat interesting: Rainbow Body and Resurrection: Spiritual Attainment, the Dissolution of the Material Body, and the Case of Khenpo A Chö
  6. @lightbody09 there is a link in this post to the story of Tapihritsa - a being who realized the rainbow body. I don't know what your practices have been, or what you've studied, but perhaps you'll find the link beneficial.
  7. Rainbow body is specific, linked to lineages, practices and traditions and was actually addressed in @thelerner's post that you summarily dismissed. I would suggest starting with the guru yoga and Ngondro of a lineage, followed by "intermediate practices" - such as the Six Lokas, and perhaps dream yoga. But I highly suspect this isn't what you want to hear You seem to have a pocketful of stones that you're quite happy to skip across the water yourself. You could simply start a new thread with your query in the New Comer Corner.
  8. Haiku Chain

    where do tears reside? so very like the raindrops when the sky is clear
  9. Haiku Chain

    Eating ghost peppers Burning flush, internal fire Tears streaming down cheeks
  10. Haiku Chain

    Light up other's face Radiance shines where it will Unbounded and free
  11. Haiku Chain

    Leaving calm repose Warmth arising in the heart Smile upon my face
  12. Of interest to healers

    When contemplating what is presented in this article what you shared regarding a young man you had been working came to mind, @manitou And I'd like to share, if you don't mind.
  13. I see differently, and am reminded of a heartfelt conversation I had with a young woman who had grown up in "the inner city." She shared similar thoughts regarding people who act tough and talk shit. For people like my young female friend and Walker the reality of what they've experienced certainly informs and colors what comes to mind when people start talking shit - especially when it comes to the harsh realities of actual violence, as opposed to controlled martial training and sparring. I would prefer we didn't have threads dedicated to other forum members, and believe we could discuss the issues instead of the individuals, and at the same time don't want to see those who feel compelled to speak out silenced or scorned. Hell, imo, if it weren't for the scorn experienced in the other thread, this thread wouldn't even exist.
  14. Happy...

    Insecure Country Day? Oh my.. perhaps grill a burger (veggie if you prefer), and enjoy and appreciate the day with family and friends. Or pour over a good book if you prefer.
  15. This thread has been off-topic since it's reboot.
  16. The making of personalized threads tends to lean towards the defamatory, while sometimes what leads to the creation of such threads seems to stem from what is considered harassing/abusive behavior by the initiator of such threads.
  17. There are what I would call "more than a few" of these personalised threads here, and most don't seem to end well. I understand locking them, and would honestly prefer they not be allowed to remain in public view.
  18. Would it be acceptable for me to say, "I don't much like the title of this thread"? Every time it shows up in my notifications I think, "no."
  19. Haiku Chain

    With the bees and birds Winged adventurers journey Upon unseen breeze
  20. simplify

  21. Haiku Chain

    Have a cup of tea! Enlivening ginger or Soothing chamomile?
  22. Electric Cars : A Myth ?

  23. Electric Cars : A Myth ?

    What an amazingly generalized and oddly grandiose statement. ~~~~~~~ Live Performances Records Eight Tracks Cassette Tapes CDs MP3s And live performances continue (through it all). Things change; the tears only come with fixation and attachment. We could play the same game with forms of human conveyance, or just the evolution of automobiles... people will travel from point A to point B. :shrug: