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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Electric Cars : A Myth ?

    Hmm.. didn't read the whole list, which is written in countdown form. It fell apart for me at the outset. #24 no more long road trips. My brother and sister in law had no issues driving their Tesla from Los Angeles, California to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and back - a distance of over 2,000 miles each direction. Edit to add (regarding the list): the rarity (and cost) of the metals used would naturally lend itself to the recycling of old (out of service) batteries becoming a worthwhile (and potentially profitable) endeavour.
  2. Haiku Chain

    Her unworthy child Self designated seperate Woeful illusion
  3. simplify

    Billy Idol
  4. The Importance of Anatman/Anatta in Buddhism

    Have you ever had a moment when the words and paradigms fell away?
  5. simplify

    Yankee Doodle
  6. In this lifetime, I have learned many things from many people. Some of those people others would call "good", others would be labeled "bad", but in all cases I had the opportunity to differentiate what was of value to me, and what was not.
  7. simplify

  8. Sometimes the untested feel they have something to prove. Thanks for sharing some of your life experience Walker. _/\_
  9. Haiku Chain

    This empty birdcage Gilded fantasy and dream No longer binding
  10. First post

    I'm just curious about the name..
  11. simplify

  12. simplify

  13. simplify

  14. Trump talk

    I'll let my friend speak for himself, and trust him to be honest with me. If people aren't watching the news, how are they able to accept assertions they aren't privy to? You guys are silly in your funhouse reflections sometimes..
  15. Trump talk

    Are you enjoying the dance on the screen?
  16. Trump talk

    I don't understand your comment, and don't see "cowering" in what's been presented here. : makes confused face, and wanders back to my own ppd :
  17. Tantra...

    This post is timely, and a bit golden for me - particularly the reference to cyclical seeming patterns. One of my "go to" practices is the Six Lokas, and when it arises as "time to go to" the indicative sensations invariably have arisen due to someone getting caught up in the seeming cycles. With recent reflection, there were thoughts having to do with people creating and becoming trapped in their own hells and mind constructed prisons. Just like the hours my friend and I spent transfixed by the TV screen as we played pong on a rainy afternoon.
  18. Tantra...

    This brings up the usefulness of duality (when defined as particular focus of attention on aspects of experience/reality).
  19. Tantra...

    The subject is the divider - naming and labeling their objective experience - from the perspective of an already labeled and defined sense of self. At least this is how it appears to me.
  20. Tantra...

    This is something I've considered over the years, and the memories the "self" uses to build up the cyclical grasping and aversion (in the way I understand it) seem dependent upon language.
  21. Tantra...

    For me personally it's an understanding of how the mind (local mind ) creates it's own suffering - suffering which can be abated by taking a "step back".
  22. Tantra...

    I thought duality arose with the process of naming..
  23. Tantra...

    Here's an odd question: Would any differentiation, by default, indicate conceptualization?
  24. Tantra...

    For anyone presenting the word "clarity" (and anyone else with an inclination to reply), would you type a few words on what this ("clarity") means to you?