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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. What blows your mind?

  2. simplify

  3. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Yay! More pie! Tasty decadence.. Oh wait, it's mo pei, and the recipe is incomplete.
  4. Who is Loneman Pai?

    I erroneously typed "last posted" when it should have been "last visited." In any case, the pertinent information is your, "There is nothing connecting the two." edit to add: Thanks for being so quick on this Kar3n.
  5. Who is Loneman Pai?

    BTW Welcome back @theurgy (Your own profile shows you haven't posted since January 23, 2015. Was it a pleasant hiatus?)
  6. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Neither account registers a name change. Disabled Not Broken joined: July 11, 2012 And last posted September 24, 2014 Sotg joined: July 28, 2013 Which would indicate an overlap, with neither account having been deleted. The "one person one about rule" was posted January 27, 2012, and in effect when sotg joined. As this is actually a serious allegation you are making, and a violation of this site's TOS should it be true, I trust it will be looked into and cleared up either way by the mods/admin.
  7. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Nobody needs your email, and mods and admin can check your ip address. As for me I thought you were Wells at first. If you go to his profile and click the little icon right next to it (his name), you can see the names he's used. The rest.. Well, you invoked "mo pei" when discussing legitimate systems, and there is an "interesting" history with mo pei on this site. And banned mo pei practitioners have returned with new names and similar attitudes (of attacking other members here) in the past.
  8. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Sounds delicious!
  9. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Share whatever opinion you want, hell make a video of you "whistling dixie" with farts for all I care - but I'd recommend not stating your opinions (of others) as fact. "Intimidate me into silence" - how wonderfully melodramatic. Thanks for the laugh.
  10. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Unfortunate. This isn't about his lineage (which is irrelevant in this forum anyway), his alchemy, his powers, or any fees. This is about you making false statements and presenting them as facts. He didn't create his system to capitalize on the "electric qigong craze", and didn't initially charge anything. Your claim is false. You also referred to him as "some roided-up tatted dude." How pray tell, did you come upon knowledge of roid use? And what grounds do you believe you have to state such as fact? It's no bullshit. If you don't want to read about it, then don't engage in it. You are in legal violation, whether lmp would care enough to act or not, and you're also in violation of what Kar3n set forth for you here.
  11. Who is Loneman Pai?

    There are two "false statements of fact" in the above, and both are meant to be damaging to the character of SOTG as perceived by other members here. As they have been presented as fact there is the potential for them to fall into the legal category of defamation - the relative ease of this case (should it be presented to court) would be largely dependent upon whether sotg presents as a private figure or a public figure. There is a post (perhaps in this very thread) in which @joeblast mentioned the membership fees on SOTG's website and how they eventually came about - which could be woven in such a way as to indicate "reckless disregard." Particularly in light of: (which would indicate an intentional looking into the person of lmp as lmp hasn't posted here in years - unless, of course, the individual making the statements is simply a "rebirth" of a previous poster)
  12. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Oh my stars! There are two of them! A Zoom and a zOOm.. Apologies to newbie zOOm; I thought you were the other one.
  13. simplify

  14. Who is Loneman Pai?

    I seem to recall a post where you were giving up on the search for the rainbow body, and looking into mopai - which wouldn't be the same as practicing it, admittedly. One can develop animosity without direct interaction.. I know this feeling well..
  15. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Thanks for answering my question. Not for the over the top (and completely unnecessary) ad hominem.
  16. Warning!!!

    The hundred syllable mantra is part of the Bon Ngondro I have ever so slowly been accumulating, and I've had no issues with it. And Nungali, some mantras are invocations.
  17. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    You've got your ppd, and you can create whatever discussion threads you'd like in it.
  18. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Thanks idquest, but this certainly doesn't answer the question I asked, or even come close to touching on my reason for asking.
  19. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Did you try his system then?
  20. G'Day

    8 days in, and no "shit talking" to be found.. Welcome to the bums.
  21. Is the earth hollow?

    Just popping in to admire and express appreciation of the pithiness..
  22. Omniscience. Game of Thrones.

    You are determined and I've lost interest. It was only entertainment to me.
  23. Living in the Now, vs. Dementia

    The following isn't necessarily a "sunshine" story, and if the consequences of violence are troubling to any reader here I would suggest skimming past the rest of this post. Some years before I joined this forum I had experienced a rather damaging experience where my forehead was repeatedly slammed into the floor by my drunken partner at the time, who ordered me to bed when he was done. In the morning he awoke and asked what happened to me; to which I responded he did, and life went on.. in this odd sort of fog. I could not think very clearly, and my choices and actions immediately following were guided by him, and my parents - who to this day do not entirely grasp how understated I have a tendency of being. Like manitou (And like during my childhood) I settled into the "now". Now nothing is happening. The Sun still shines. In any case, it wasn't until I returned to posting online that glimmers started arising of what.. what.. that was the question. Energetically I sensed the new pathways being created. I once wrote someone here with some odd phrase regarding help with remembering things I couldn't remember on my own. It was like parts of my brain where certain things were stored couldn't be accessed without some new input that created a path to the bits that had become isolated.. In, any case, I'm here manitou, I understand, and (just as this community supported me with little intent to do so) I support you, and hold you gently in the warmth of my heart.
  24. Omniscience. Game of Thrones.

    So I re-watched, and to me it appeared that all present in the godswood were given some sort of "stand down" from the Night King. :shrug:
  25. Omniscience. Game of Thrones.

    This isn't what I got out of it, but I'll rewatch and consider. She was sneaky though. Remember her hiding in the dragon skulls? I thought she did a pretty good job. I woulda been toast - no matter how lightly I can step. House Stark, with Theon as honorary member, did stick together. And remember Bran's expression (or lack there of) as he handed her the blade used to do the deed. Dondarian and the hound kept her alive. The Red Woman prompted/guided her. And Theon kept Bran alive long enough for her to act with the blade Bran provided.. not quite what I'd call lone wolf.