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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. After giving this some consideration I find myself disagreeing.
  2. Perhaps it would be simplest to suggest that the people who feel lacking in power will seek what they feel to be lacking?
  3. Choosing your post because I know and trust you. Sometimes internal things occur, and they're curious happenings. There are people here with information I don't have, and yes, some people with lots of words and aspirations.. Sometimes I wonder about the power seekers, and then I settle back into it really doesn't matter.. either a foundation is there or it isn't.
  4. Deleted

    "I've nothing to offer that isn't already inside you, so why do you look to me instead of within?" It's a lovely sunny day here, and every once in awhile the wind kicks up. This thread, and what you previously quoted, reminds me that thought is soo very much like the wind.
  5. simplify

  6. Deleted

    May I have a glass of wine and sit with you guys for a bit? Honestly, I think this is what rideforever has been pointing towards since he arrived at the bums, and that it even underlies his posts in this thread. What he may be missing is the natural affinity to words that resonate with personal experience.
  7. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    Let's say the siddhis manifest in the god realm. It is said that the demigods sling arrows at the gods, and grow ever more frustrated as the arrows fall as flowers at the god's feet. And in this, your analogy is very fitting. However, for as easy as the gods appear to have things they are still subject to decay, death, and abandonment as their vitality and health fades.
  8. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    Will you be joining this Sunday's meditation?
  9. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    I'm curious. Couldn't it also be said that "the first movement" arose out of stasis?
  10. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    Mildly interesting.. So what is the reason for a being like yourself to go online?
  11. Deleted

    Just to clarify, this was generalized, and not actually directed at lifeforce - who I actually have found to be kind and considerate, right?
  12. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    I did not suggest this, and am hoping that now we've given the mud a little time to settle you may be better able to understand what I've actually written - instead of your inaccurate interpretation. Nope. It was your own words that led to the (rather gentle) admin action. You see, in this place people might make reports due only to disagreement, but action will not be taken on that basis alone. Soo, without your foray into the realm of personal attack no action would have been taken. One reason dysfunction happens imo, is because some individuals put responsibility for their own choices and behaviors at the feet of others. Another is not taking the time to understand what is actually being set forth before attempting to continue an argument (that may be erroneous). I am assuming you are placing the blame elsewhere (those pesky individuals who disagree with you), and deflecting your own culpability.
  13. Deleted

    Where does the lotus grow? I've yet to meet somebody who doesn't bring anything to the table - even if I choose not to ingest (internalize) what they've presented. Please explain how what you're suggesting differs from what you're taking a stand against.
  14. Deleted

    Yesterday's kerfuffle: The guessing game can be fun, but I still like context.
  15. Deleted

    :waves: I'll miss some of you guys.
  16. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    "And in the darkness bind them." Kinda appropriate for a black hole.
  17. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    What I mean is, if a person's words are found to be a bunch of shit buy another person, the second person can easily say, "I see no value in what you present" - or walk away. And there will be no issues or repurcussions. The second person also (clearly) has the option to "kick it up a notch", but they should also be willing to accept the repurcussions for their own choice of words. Once someone has stepped into personal insult, to then fall back on simply 'due to disagreement' is disingenuous imo.
  18. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    Disagreement is not grounds for moderator/admin action. And this reverse victimhood seems very odd to me. Sometimes it's not what is said, but the manner in which it's said.
  19. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    I'd be interested in how some Daoist schools interpret straw dogs...
  20. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    I like it here, thanks. Yes, clearly you know how to read, or we wouldn't be typing words at each other.
  21. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    Your metaphor didn't fit, and I enjoyed playing with it. People here are in different places and carry different tools to fulfill their varying tasks. If someone else's tool is not appropriate for you then simply don't pick it up. And if you find you've inadvertently picked up something that you find not useful to yourself, then set it back down. It's really quite simple.
  22. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    As far as I've seen there have been no personal insults made to you by the individuals discussing magic. At which point, you'll be left to stew in your own acrimony, and sort out where the insult actually lies.. :hint hint: you're carrying it. You agreed to the Terms Of Service when you joined this site, and have already acquiesced to their authority. And yet there you sit - typing away.
  23. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    Quoted both posts for context. I took a few years sabbatical from internet forums. When I returned I found this site alone to be lively and thriving. Why is that? Probably because there is an understanding that this isn't a building site, and everyone isn't going to be wielding the same damn hammer.
  24. simplify

    Fire and Blood
  25. LMP, SonOfTheGods, Mercury Fire Blood and Honey

    Thanks for the reminder. Need to add honey to the grocery list.