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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. simplify

  2. The Magus of Seattle

    I think SJ is already living a good life in the mountains.. Congrats on finishing the book and getting it out there @Starjumper
  3. Cannibal

    :Pssst: He just put you off of your dinner. :setting out some chocolate chip cookies :
  4. Cannibal

    This deserves a much longer and more thorough response than I have time to give in this moment. And I hope you don't mind if at the moment I leave it with the thought that many times it seems people are just playing out programming.. with the understanding that this may not be an entirely accurate way of describing it and needs more fleshing out. Until I can return to this, take care of yourself Stoshy-poo.
  5. Cannibal

    :hugs Stosh and waits for the punch in the arm:
  6. Cannibal

    One possibility... And there are multiple other possibilities. This assumes fear on the part of the 'other'. If one didn't hold the idea of the other 'fearing' what would the dynamic look like?
  7. Law

    A quick search on the terms qigong law under news turned up this:
  8. Cannibal

    Did you notice the quotes around the word righteous?
  9. Cannibal

    We'll find our way Stosh...
  10. Cannibal

    I did not say I'd weaken it. You said I'd weaken it. Soo.. who is on first? As Pilgrim said, this confusion regarding our avatars has happened before.
  11. Cannibal

    I didn't say I'd shoot the hawk. I planted a tree - remember? I did write that my father would have shot the squirrel [who was eating baby cardinals]. And you don't look insane. You're emotional, and it'll pass..
  12. Cannibal

    Stosh, please take your idea of me out of the damn box you put it in.
  13. Cannibal

    You believe you have a superior stance, and that I'll fit neatly into your argument. The hawk was already adapting to conditions I provided, and by your argument to "allow" the easy kill (keeping in mind that I planted a tree and trees naturally sprout on their own all over the place) would have been to weaken the hawk. BTW One day I watched a hawk land in a somewhat distant tree, and I watched as a curious squirrel hopped ever closer.. the hawks will be just fine.
  14. Cannibal

    I was lucky Stosh, and where I grew up, while I was sheltered in a home, I was not seperated from nature, or it's birth, life and death cycles. And it's taken me many years to try to form some understanding of what is meant by humans acting outside nature.
  15. Cannibal

    I actually liked the bit about balance, and question the idea of 'allowed'. I'm still contemplating "put someone off of their food" (which may actually be on topic). So while you once set this forth as strength in argumentation, when the reality is set before you in action you don't seem to like it much. (mostly just playing with you and picking a little bit) One rainy day, there was a group of crows playing with a frog. Tossing it between them. I walked to the edge of their little circle, and stood just outside it without saying a word. In a short time, they flew away and I cupped the little frog in my hands. When he relaxed a bit, I gently set him in one of my planters near the house. I put them off of their food too..
  16. Cannibal

    You also made a virtue call in regard to the story you shared. Your virtue seems to be a letting things be sort, and certainly would align with some teachings - when understood in a particular way. My father would have shot the squirrel. At my old home up north, there was a Coopers Hawk that frequented the bird feeders in my gardens. Often the little song birds would easily make it to the sheltering arborvaite. He did his thing, they did theirs, and I accepted my role in the dynamic by having created the environment in which this particular dynamic played out. I now live elsewhere, and continue to provide seed. Just as I did nothing to actually harm the hawk up north, I've done nothing to harm the hawk here. I planted a tree Stosh, and made the outlying part of the area where I provide seed a little less of an easy corridor for the hawk to swoop through. I wasn't providing seed to supply the hawks with an easy kill. Or attempting to set up a kill zone.
  17. Cannibal

    I have to leave for work soon, and will come back to this.
  18. Cannibal

    : laughing: Stoshy-poo you can certainly write what ever snarkiness you'd like in regard to threads I've started or posts I've made. If you wanna talk about the hawk and squirrels just jump in.
  19. John was imprisoned, isolated and starved, which may be rather pertinent regarding the visions he shared and your comment regarding LSD. And the vision seems to correlate with a certain (unorthadox) understanding of the fulfillment of Messianic Prophesy. (Which may be slightly off topic, and still interesting.)
  20. And before I get overly frustrated with the potential endless arguments as to why the holy spirit is not feminine - even though there is no argument against a masculine god, I'm going to take a brief break. Thanks again for at least considering the topic.
  21. I don't lean towards the idea of mistranslation, and tend to believe that there was intent. It's been many years since I looked into this subject matter, and what remains of my understanding is in rather large strokes. There is something in the writings of Paul regarding women's place, and women being allowed to speak at Christian assemblies... And I tend to believe that the translators aligned what they were translating with their own beliefs... It would be rather difficult to set forth certain ideas regarding man's place as head of the family (just as God was head of the church), if there was a feminine aspect of God. And as I said, it's been a very long time...
  22. Wisdom = Sophia Word = Logos Both were present. And yes, much was contested and debated over the years.. Thank you for starting this thread.
  23. That's kinda the point.. there are many ways in which people can bypass and avoid issues - prematurely believing they have let something go. And even this aversion can become it's own seed.. ready to sprout when similar situations arise.
  24. I make my own corn tortillas. The process is very simple, and a little time consuming. Make dough.. mix flour and warm water - adding a dash of sea salt to the flour according to preference. Let it sit about 20 minutes, at which point it should be easy to roll into balls. Adjust as needed.. too dry add water, too sticky add flour. Once rolled, flatten. Cook on a hot skillet. My grandmother taught me how to make toffee, although it is incredibly rich and I don't make it often.