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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. thank you soo very much ralis!
  2. Would you be willing to share the recipe? Feel free to pm me if i you're willing to share, and don't want to further derail this thread.
  3. The idea of praise brought to mind an article I shared here some time ago. I'm linking the entire thread. The pertinent article is in the first post, and the pertinent part of the article is about mid-way through it. It relates both to this thread and what can happen when spirituality gets skewed. For your own sake I would suggest treading lightly when it comes to the idea that every woman should be "absolutely praised" for the heavenly goddess she can become.
  4. Even if every word of teaching was destroyed, the answers within would still be available. And people would continue to discover..
  5. Maybe that's why he's asking how to cultivate? In the Six Lokas practice jealousy is understood as the dominant hindered pattern of the human realm, which is released through openness. The poster is human, and recognizing what is hindering him. This is something... Except in some cases this can be bypassing and a subtle form of repression or denial, and in those instances the underlying issue is likely to arise again at some future time, in some future scenario - with the added emotional baggage that has been avoided and not addressed. This is rather lovely..
  6. There was much going on at the time.. There was a particular sensation I'd feel, like a small little stab at the place where there was a scar (on the right side) from a surgical incision. And the little stab persistently correlated with what you've stated regarding ill-will and/or anger - although it was from others. It still occurs, although it seems to only manifest when I'm able to assist in some way. And then come the tingles - normally at the forehead area. And there is much more to this.. however it falls into the realm of what may be difficult for some to understand, and is not something I myself thoroughly understand. There was also a massive something that first shot up, and then, just as strongly shot down along the central channel, and that seemed to have to do with my attachment - in ways I'd rather not discuss here. And there was no mistaking there was a central path it followed.
  7. Prior to intent there was experience, and this experience correlates to what you've presented here. Thank you for starting this discussion.
  8. The day after a mid-term miscarriage, my SO of the time invited his friend to the house. This friend brought his wife and their baby. There were many emotions I felt on that day, but hatred of the woman or the child at her breast were not among them. My suggestion would be to look deeper into what vulnerable feelings may be underlying the more powerful feeling sense of hatred. Generally I've found it to be a mask one hides vulnerabilities behind.
  9. I understood that the people that hurt me the most are just people - with their own struggles. I looked at their struggles. For awhile I held what I knew of their struggles. And in the end, I wished them well and set them down. They're lives may be carrying on, while you're holding on to a specific point in time and ideas around it that are hurting you more than them.
  10. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    Thank you for the adjustment Dawei. I'm going to leave the thread in my ppd open for anyone who may be feeling intimidated, overwhelmed and/or just shy. A little welcome that may or may not be utilized as each person finds their own way here. And if we find it's not utilized, at least the gentle welcome was extended.
  11. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    Welcome to the bums. I've made a quiet corner in my own ppd for you (and any other junior bum) to use until you reach the post quota to open your own. The only rule I have is .. be nice. Bullies will be buried (or at least their posts will be hidden).
  12. I'm now in my 40s and living over a thousand miles from where I grew up, and the lodge of my ancestors. Sorry to hear of your difficulties.
  13. Yes, my grandmother and aunts were Eastern Star. Thank you for the consideration.
  14. I have recent ancestors who were freemasons, but I'm a female - if this is what you're referring to with the pro-Mason comment. If you're asking about my screen name, a friend created it for me.
  15. Just closed my eyes while sitting on the porch, and yes the veins are still there. And yeah, 40% seems pretty steep - better to guide oneself if that's the price.
  16. What if one is guiding oneself in dream state? And of course I've seen the veins in my eyelids when I've closed my eyes.
  17. How did your paradigm, especially as it regards dream states (to keep on topic in this thread), arise?
  18. So, you've given me a place in your paradigm - how interesting. If you look around, you'll find I don't often quote scripture, and am more interested in actual dialog. I'm listening, and you're talking.. is there anything else you'd like to share while I'm here?
  19. Corruption and Natural Growth

    Do you always have this many words swirling around in your head? :curious:
  20. Corruption and Natural Growth

    This reminds me of the idea of ripeness.. fruit picked too early, or too late can be inedible. Warm regards
  21. Honestly, this seems like one hell of a framework... Sometimes I like stories, and sometimes I like paradigms. Yours seems incredibly complex, and my tendency is towards simplicity.
  22. I didn't see anyone laughing, and we even have an emoji for that here. So you create an imaginary crowd to agree with you, and justify your unwillingness to address what the other poster shared? Might I suggest avoiding such foolishness in the future, and simply not responding to a post you clearly don't have a worthy response for? It would come across as more honest.