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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. I'm experientially in agreement with what you've set forth here. The base is clear, and from it arises attributes. When we see these attributes we may mistake them for 'it', and learn behaviors to mimic what we've perceived - missing the source entirely. It reminds me of chapter 18 of the TTC (Feng/English translation) When the great Tao is forgotten, Kindness and morality arise. When wisdom and intelligence are born, The great pretence begins.
  2. Hi rainbowvein, nice to see you. It's been awhile. Regarding the mantra I shared, in the practice it evolves to connecting with and recognizing one's inner essence. Everyone starts where they are, and there is generally a progression..
  3. Meditation sickness and related deviations

    5 to 10 minutes of good meditation would be better than spacing out for 2 hours, wouldn't It?
  4. You have been communicating well in this thread - in what I'm guessing is a second language for you. Just something to consider.
  5. Quitting SSRI's can cause some of the symptoms the OP is experiencing. We don't know what was prescribed, and if he is taking what was prescribed, or if he quit. Or if the medications he's prescribed are to be taken with food. Or what effect taking them while fasting may have..
  6. Without asking any questions about the medication(s) prescribed, and directions regarding said medications?
  7. As the article states, "Sherap Chamma's protection is available to all." Towards the end of the article you'll find the meaning for each syllable of the Sherap Chamma heart mantra.
  8. Are you a Snowflake?

    (Assuming you're serious and not being facetious) This is an interesting starting point: Videos from various protests are easily searched, and some of the comments in the various videos are baffling - to be polite about it.

    Why the focus on difficulty?
  10. DESTINY?

    There are two common ways the phrase free will is used: (from Merriam Webster) 1: voluntary choice or decision // I do this of my own free will 2: freedom of humans to make choices that are not determined by prior causes or by divine intervention And the first is what rideforever seems to be discussing, and the second what wandalaar is discussing. Rideforever seems to be pointing to choice within the framework (please do correct me if I'm wrong). And in this, he isn't mistaken. Wandalaar is arguing the second definition as nothing can be outside the framework, and occur without prior causes. (also feel free to correct me in this). And what manitou is pointing to, imo, is connecting with inner divinity, and becoming what's referred to as divine intervention - thereby nullifying the debate altogether. (corrections accepted) Certainly apples and oranges.
  11. simplify

  12. DESTINY?

    Most of us are exceptional weavers... And if you are not, then you're an exception.
  13. DESTINY?

    And sometimes new sweaters in spiritual colors are woven.
  14. DESTINY?

    Pull and unravel seems to imply willful action. And the awareness itself seems to come from a place of nakedness.
  15. DESTINY?

    We understand this, and start seeing where the stiches of the sweater of our ego/ ideas of self and the world around us were sewn.
  16. DESTINY?

    My interest in this topic comes from a different angle. Presently my thoughts lean toward we can't avoid manifesting that which is unconscious - good, bad, or indifferent.
  17. It's more about understanding than denying. And it seems a subtlety that rises to the surface for many.
  18. DESTINY?

    There are subtleties and nuances, and this topic is a tricky one. You also put in real world effort during those two years. This is an interesting topic, and, from a certain understanding, about soo much more than simply getting what one wants. Do you know what this answer will look like, or how it will manifest?
  19. DESTINY?

    I suppose I could, and it this point I'd rather not. Have a good day wandalaar.
  20. DESTINY?

    And if somebody is not in a place to see what's shared as legitimate, it may just appear as plain old criticism.