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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Interested in the abilites developed by certain Lineages

    ilovecoffee is taking a forced hiatus from the forum.
  2. What is the purpose of neigong?

    I don't know if you'll have any takers for your questions (especially about which is best), and you'd probably have more luck if you shared a little bit of your experience, understanding, or reasoning for all the questions. The people with the information you seek tend to hang out in general discussion. Maybe try there.

    Most of us have dreams. Some are just more subtle than others.

    Sometimes dreams are nice.

    The subconcious colours the way experience is perceived, and our interpretations. At some point things we've picked up over our lifetimes that distort perception start to fall away and unravel. And this enables a sensed connection with what you've referred to as God Mind - our inner connection with the sacred. I'd like you to explain this, flesh it out a little bit. A friend used to ask, "Can God make a boulder soo large that God can't move it."
  6. Yes, flowing and fluid - this is one thing. Actual vivid dreams carrying over into waking is a bit different in my experience.
  7. Original Post Sometimes Original Poster
  8. I've experienced this, and it isn't the same thing the O.P. is referring to imo.
  9. I've seen geometric forms, turtles, birds, doors, expanses of green, bears and a Phoenix. There was also a brief period where I saw many eyes. It was a curiosity. And ever so clearly a fluidic play of light.
  10. New Who?

    We're getting a New Year's special instead of a Christmas special this year, so this:
  11. The Spirit of the Dao Bums

    I have a friend who wandered this way, and thought most of the conversations were about semen retention. Granted this was a few years ago, and such discussions don't tend to be as front and center as they once were. The subject still seems to garner more interest than most other subjects - including Trump. And I'm pretty sure there are more posts here on this subject than just about any other. They're just spread out amongst many threads - instead of coalesced into one or two.
  12. War vs Office Job

    What of those who are naturally calm? And what of the samurai?
  13. DESTINY?

    Does this question point more to practical application than vast financial gain?
  14. DESTINY?

    To me the moon is dharmakaya, our clear luminous essence, the seat of wisdom. And the sea is the depth of our being. When the sea is stormy, and full of self - interested stories it doesn't reflect the moon with clarity. Yes.
  15. DESTINY?

    I tend towards most people living their dreams, and some of those dreams are less pleasant due to the karmic seeds that have been planted. Just as some dreams seem more pleasant - as @dmattwads post seemed to point towards.
  16. DESTINY?

    This is what my last post was referring to. The sea doesn't clearly reflect the moon during a hurricane..
  17. The Advantage of Evil

    I don't know about this higher thing.. I'm relatively certain I don't have the ability to regenerate a limb should I lose one.
  18. DESTINY?

    Soo many words. And much presumption. I am capable of speaking for myself, if and when, I choose @Everything. If you want to impress me, leave some room for others to share their own experiences and theories. And ask questions, instead of making assumptions.
  19. DESTINY?

    This requires a certain amount of openness..
  20. DESTINY?

    I was wondering how it would play out, and if you'd respond. Personally, I don't tend to be particularly impressed with the many proclamations of what another is 'really saying' that can be seen here. Nothing like taking another's voice from them, or at least attempting to..
  21. U.S. Law and Policy

    The title is intentional and I'd like this thread to focus on U.S. Law and Policy as it relates to current events. Past Law, policy, and events may be cited to further understanding and or educate (oneself or others). There is an expectation of civility in this thread, and I believe that, as spiritual people and/or cultivators we certainly should be able to discus issues civilly. Please leave Hitler out of things. One final note: if this thread deteriorates to the point of being another headache for the mods, as the OP, I have the option to ask it be moved to my ppd. : setting out tea and cookies :
  22. War vs Office Job

    Thank you for trying to share the brutal reality of what is being glorified and viewed through rose colored glasses here.
  23. War vs Office Job

    To respond to what ralis shared with the idea of pleasure only going so far seems a break from the reality of the sharing imo.
  24. Questionable Journalism and Fake News

    This is interesting. CNN's 2014 journalist of the year has admitted to fabricating parts of at least 14 stories.
  25. War vs Office Job

    The real alternative is to address your own dissatisfaction.