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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. New Who?

    "Musta ordered it ages ago."
  2. New Who?

    Just 'cause I can. "Fezzes are cool."
  3. New Who?

    During KERBLAM! I said, "oh look! The Doctor's got another fez!"
  4. Did the U.S. really go to the moon in 1969?

    :off-topic: @Patrick Brown @Lost in Translation you're right, it wasn't the best episode
  5. Did the U.S. really go to the moon in 1969?

    The moon is a giant egg. Don't you watch Doctor Who?
  6. Did the U.S. really go to the moon in 1969?

    Well this conversation could always join the various Mo Pai and Trump threads in the pit...
  7. How Not To Be Negative

    The pendulum is still swinging, and there is still an underlying desire to define. Whichever way the pendulum is swinging it is still a singular focus only on negative or only on positive, and both highlights and negates whatever fits or doesn't fit into the present paradigm.
  8. Karma/Kidney connection

    It came across as more curiosity to me than worry. And it is an interesting topic imo. :smiling at all your love:
  9. U.S. Law and Policy

    From the linked article: This answers my curiosity about how a federal judge could rule against what was upheld by the Supreme Court. It's interesting that simply removing the penalty for not having insurance is enough to possibly render the ACA unconstitutional.
  10. How to develop mindfulness awareness of energy body?

    The link brought me to the site, but the article didn't come up. Navigated to resources It's a nice site. Thanks for sharing it.
  11. What is spirituality

    There wouldn't be the standard measure of time we are accustomed to, and in this it certainly is an abstraction.
  12. Anger as Power

    Yeah, I wouldn't recommend this - intentionally storing anger.
  13. Karma/Kidney connection

    In one part of the practice of Sherap Chamma five major organs are focused on because they tend to hold emotional energies and subconcious patterns. The kidneys are one of the areas of focus. And the method is mantra based. For me personally, there is a need to increase fluid intake in relation to certain practices.
  14. Karma/Kidney connection

    Did you mean frequent urination is common or inflammation of the urinary tract Is common?
  15. Dark Night of the Soul

    Refuge is a break from all the stories. And can be as simple as a brief moment of restorative silence.
  16. U.S. Law and Policy

    As campaign finance law is pertinent to the recent plea made by Michael Cohen, it would be appropriate to discuss here. Personally, I've done little to no research on the subject, and it isn't where my interests lie.
  17. U.S. Law and Policy

    Perhaps this illustrates the point of the quote? The wall seems little more than a hindrance that can be circumvented.
  18. Dark Night of the Soul

    Do you practice (inner) refuge?
  19. What is wrong about being judgemental?

    Enjoy, my friend.
  20. Dark Night of the Soul

    Just checking in. How are you in this moment?
  21. What is wrong about being judgemental?

    Being judgemental is limiting, a narrowing of focus, and a holding onto a sliver in time, or a learned belief. And to call it wrong, is a judgement in itself. For the most part I don't have an issue with individuals being judgemental - unless that judgement becomes violent towards others. Of course it is, although there is a difference between deeming something as wrong for oneself and wrong for others. This is generally how these conversations go. It starts with the idea of judging others and eventually meanders to such choices as grabbing an apple or an orange for a snack.
  22. What is wrong about being judgemental?

    Not really. And having discerning taste is not using the word in the same sense intended with the wisdom of discernment. And part of the wisdom is actually a 'lack of words' attributed to arising phenomenon, and understanding things are both more and less than the sum of the words we ascribe to them.
  23. What is wrong about being judgemental?

    So, I concern myself with my own path, allowing the natural room to breathe that comes from understanding that by and large any judgements regarding others are largely subjective.
  24. U.S. Law and Policy

    Perhaps a more interesting question at this point in the discussion is if a problem needing a solution is seen? Nice you're here Aetherous.
  25. U.S. Law and Policy

    Many of their decisions are overruled, and as precedence was set with Proclamation 4865 of September 29, 1981, I suspect this one may be as well. I've so far only found Proclamation 4865 as a pdf, so it's a bit harder to share here.