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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. U.S. Law and Policy

    While I understand this is your interpretation, I'm not convinced this was the intent. When I was young I played the boardgame RISK with older neighborhood children alot. When it became apparent that I was losing, one of my favorite moves was to build up armies in Australia where there was only one route of attack - a defensive wall. This isn't the move a general with an eye on winning would pursue. And it holds it's own numerous follies. Glad you're here.
  2. U.S. Law and Policy

    As Dawei has already pointed out, the leader's of our country have been expressing a need for a wall for quite some time. And there are clips out there of some of the people who are now speaking against it voicing their past opinions in favor of it. I'm pleased you joined the conversation. Do you have further context for the quote, and if you do would you share it?
  3. U.S. Law and Policy

    The Secure Fence Act of 2006:
  4. U.S. Law and Policy

    Proclamation 4865 of September 29, 1981 (High Seas Interdiction of Illegal Aliens) was upheld by the Supreme Court.
  5. U.S. Law and Policy

    I found there was much for me to learn. If the subject interests you, you're very welcome here. Have some tea and cookies.
  6. U.S. Law and Policy

    The Presidential Proclamation that is being contested and moving through the court system:
  7. U.S. Law and Policy

    I'm sure those who are interested will find their way here. Welcome to the thread.
  8. U.S. Law and Policy

    Existing law:
  9. U.S. Law and Policy

    In a 2:1 ruling the 9th circuit upheld the block on President Trump's recent and temporary policy of denying asylum to migrants who enter the country illegally. It was cited as being inconsistent with existing law.
  10. We all have our own decisions to make in our personal interactions.
  11. This might serve more purpose in the pitted Trump threads - where the conversation seems to be carrying on with little care of venue. As an aside, some people find it odd to be spoken/written of in the third person when they are present for what it's worth.
  12. What is wrong about being judgemental?

    The six lokas practice addresses this, and I've personally found it beneficial.
  13. What is wrong about being judgemental?

    Discernment is actually considered a wisdom - one of the five wisdoms.
  14. What is wrong about being judgemental?

    In day to day life, judgement can create a separation from actual experience, and it can indicate places where we are holding onto something that obscures clarity.
  15. I'll go look now. Thanks.
  16. What I wrote was part of my own understanding/practice, and is not a personal argument against, or indictment, of you. Just as what Aetherous wrote about judging others falls into my own personal understanding and practice. My practice, and the teachings of TWR are the common denominator in my sharing - not you personally.
  17. How is the point proven? Did you somehow feel attacked?
  18. And soo much of what is seen is colored by what we carry...
  19. You can split it out and make a new thread if you would like. I'm going to get a cheese pizza.
  20. Oddly, I find myself taking a bit of exception to this. First, who knows what is, or is not, good for me? Second, it isn't two mutually antagonistic groups facing off for page after page. Third, it hasn't been all rants and insults. And finally, I don't see most of the individuals who participated in the thread caring much about it being pitted - one way or the other.
  21. Personally I think the issue(s) remain and are being swept under the bed. But the house will look clean for those who don't look under the bed. I do however agree that the two threads are of a piece, and should recieve 'equil treatment'. As for oversite, I'm not sure.. The most vocal proponent of pitting the one seems completely ok with the other - while calling out others for bias.
  22. May I ask why the Talk Trump thread was pitted, but not the Trump Exorcisms thread? I'm curious.
  23. Thanks for checking in sean, and sorting things out a bit.
  24. Dark Night of the Soul

    While this may sound very odd at first, make 'friends with' the breeze.
  25. I wouldn't call it necessary. It is something you can try. Just as you can try thelerner's suggestions. You'll find your own way, and what works for you.