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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. old dead zen dude quote.

    Yes, it did look fun and brought a smile to my face.
  2. old dead zen dude quote.

    They come if you just say hello to them too, at least in my experience.
  3. Energy flows during meditation?

    Dragon Tiger, experiences come and go - let them.
  4. Energy flows during meditation?

    Just highlighting this. Thanks Spotless.
  5. Do you 'wet dog' as you walk? (Shake things out)
  6. I Think, and Only I

    I missed it by 12 minutes...
  7. I Think, and Only I

    Placing awareness in the crown is a pretty standard practice..
  8. I Think, and Only I

    Naked and unadorned awareness..
  9. Kundalini Awakening and Kundalini Syndrome

    I am not familiar with the deer exercise, and don't know what the first skipped stage would include. But I have seen a number of people here who found themselves in interesting situations by skipping what are considered preliminaries. There are a number of threads here regarding experiences similar to your own. And there are a number of members here willing to offer what assistance they can. Welcome to the bums.
  10. simplify

  11. Microcosmic Orbit Questions

    Sometimes having a 'framework' to put our experience into a form of perspective can be useful when going through difficult times. In the end the frameworks may fall away, and should not be held overly tightly. This doesn't negate the usefulness of them as temporary tools. As such I'm recommending a book: Wisdom Rising: Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine It isn't mco and it isn't kundalini. And focuses more on everyday personal experience through the framework of the 5 buddha families. Best wishes to you on your path.
  12. simplify

  13. Microcosmic Orbit Questions

    This can sometimes be destabilizing, and actually lend itself to symptoms referred to as kundalini sickness.
  14. simplify

  15. New Who?

    With a nice little twist on the standard take on AI...
  16. simplify

  17. simplify

  18. Is Fascism Left or Right

    There you go, being all straightforward and ruining my fun.
  19. Is Fascism Left or Right

    I was curious, although the test itself didn't have a neither agree nor disagree option for some of the questions. And I suspect part of what we're seeing here is what was highlighted in a video Apech shared awhile back.
  20. Is Fascism Left or Right

    No one is putting Marbs in a box.
  21. Is Fascism Left or Right

    And bringing up cup cakes has me giggling even more.. - feeling a little too sassy, think it's time to sign off for the night. Take care everyone.
  22. Is Fascism Left or Right

    Sometimes things like periods and commas make all the difference in how something reads...
  23. Is Fascism Left or Right

    Sometimes I just want to hug you. It's ok.. really it's ok.
  24. Is Fascism Left or Right

    I was zero, dead center on the left/right scale, and ever so slightly libertarian with a -1.8
  25. Is Fascism Left or Right

    The extremists don't seem to be on spectral ends to me, but in the same general arc area of a circle...