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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Is Fascism Left or Right

    But wouldn't the communists have been part of a different state, and not the state he was promoting? I'll look into Kershaw, and I'll be back to this thread later - for now work. Thanks for the response.
  2. Is Fascism Left or Right

    A video I found interesting: Any thoughts?
  3. Is Fascism Left or Right

    I still find this soo incredibly repugnant.. But could someone lay out the ideals of the Nazi party, and how these ideals align with either the left or right from their perspective? To me, at the moment, it seems decidedly left...
  4. Is Fascism Left or Right

    From the article I linked: The article actually states that while Jim Crow was found by the Nazi's to be suitable in the U.S. due to the oppression and poverty of blacks, more extreme measures were needed in Germany owing to the wealth and prosperity of the Jewish people. At which point they turned to how Native Americans and others were classified as non - citizens. Aquisition and redistribution of wealth? And how did the Nazi's view the idea of freedom of speech?
  5. Is Fascism Left or Right
  6. Defining the Left and Right

    You mean exactly the situation she now funds herself in, and knew she would be in if she was elected?
  7. Defining the Left and Right

    She apparently isn't actually in need of help: Ocasio-Cortez claims she can't afford DC apartment, but records show she has at least $15,000 in savings
  8. Defining the Left and Right

    Interesting little talk on the moral roots of liberalism and conservatism. The end was the best part imo..
  9. Defining the Left and Right

    I knew a long time employee of homeland security who built his house 'across the border' and commuted due to the insane housing costs in D.C. She isn't the only one to find it difficult and/or a tax on resources. And I'm certainly not big on the redistribution of wealth or socialist agendas. This being said, she'll have a few rough months, and then she'll be fine. She was aware of these things ahead of time, and made her choices.

    Still Life with Woodpecker: A Novel "Still Life with Woodpecker is a sort of a love story that takes place inside a pack of Camel cigarettes. It reveals the purpose of the moon, explains the difference between criminals and outlaws, examines the conflict between social activism and romantic individualism, and paints a portrait of contemporary society that includes powerful Arabs, exiled royalty, and pregnant cheerleaders. It also deals with the problem of redheads."
  11. Defining the Left and Right

    Calling someone's mother's womb rancid, and then talking about sexism is more than hypocritical imo. How do you even reason with this?
  12. Defining the Left and Right

    The man being yelled at is just standing there, while this person yells the most foul things he can think of at him, and then Mr Foulmouth yells at Mr CalmlyStanding about angry white men??? And this is real?
  13. Voting Question

    The U.S. is a democratic republic. And I'm not sure if that helps at all.
  14. The Dao Trumps

    Would offering you a beer and listening to you vent count?
  15. The simplicity of living a good life

    Where is Rene? She's supposed to be here to remind us of 'both - same time'.
  16. God as Self, Atman

    The divine is always within, and we are 'infused' with divinity.. it's just a matter of awareness imo.
  17. The Dao Trumps

    I'll share it here, in case anyone else is interested.
  18. The Dao Trumps

    Karmic seeds... And the wisdom fire burns them to ash. Much Love s1va And, as you are seeking more spiritual matters being focused on here, ligmincha learning is currently offering a six lokas course. I have taken it in the past, and found it to be personally beneficial.
  19. The Dao Trumps

    I didn't say you were angry. We can misunderstand each other without being angry or having a grudge. I don't know why you wish to stand by your misunderstanding and misrepresentation of what I chose to share, and still accept it is your right to do so. So be it.
  20. The Dao Trumps

    To clarify, I was speaking of myself, and my own path, and how things such as my own discomfort have been explored here. Things got quite messy in our interaction quite quickly. And I didn't say anything about others trying to make me bow to their discomfort. That was your interpretation, of me sharing that I chose to explore my own difficulties and discomfort. I didn't make it about me bowing to others discomfort - you did. And then (based on the misinterpretation) you actually typed the words "please stay away" at me (personally). That later you suggest that I somehow understand that the last sentence was not personal, when what came before it clearly was, seems somewhat disingenuous to me.
  21. The Dao Trumps

    I think worrying over how other's spend their time is a rather futile waste of the same time. I do like this discussion - which is why I choose to engage in it. Oh my stars! Because I've exhibited such a great tendency to traipse over the terms and conditions of this site... :shaking my head:
  22. The Dao Trumps

    How does this confuse you S1va?
  23. The Dao Trumps

    There were many things here that were difficult for me when I first arrived, and slowly I explored them. What I didn't do was expect others to bow to my own discomfort. What I once did was bow to the political opinion of men. I held the idea that they somehow knew better. Now, due to the Trump thread, I explore and study and learn, about the law, about history, about politics. Ideas are presented and explored, and this has been invaluable to me.
  24. The Dao Trumps

    Actually I was thinking exactly what you wrote in response to my question. (minus the "I said" bit, of course.)
  25. The Dao Trumps

    Are you gaining value in your own spiritual progress by focusing on this?