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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. New Who?

    Considering Baker died/regenerated after a much shorter fall... Then again Tenant regrew a hand while still completing his regeneration.
  2. New Who?

    I mean really, it's bad enough we lost Capaldi - without a Dalek or Cybermen in site.
  3. New Who?

    I hope Graham (step - grandpa) stays, to help the show avoid getting bogged down in the PC swamp. Enough already, gray - haired white guys can be pretty darn ok.
  4. New Who?

    I haven't watched it yet, and still echo your sentiment about Daleks and Cybermen.
  5. The Dao Trumps

    This is to assume the only thing being discussed is Trump. There is soo much more than this simple analysis implies. And that there are only two parties..
  6. Guess This Song

    For me #1 kept correlating to Three Dog Night.
  7. The Dao Trumps

    My life is neither better nor worse for expanding my knowledge of politics both past and present.
  8. The Dao Trumps

  9. The Dao Trumps

    Politics are a fact of life. I've decided I'd like to be informed. And engage in the discussion here.
  10. The Dao Trumps

    And I remember walking away from the spirituality forums I was a member of around 15 years ago because it seemed a bunch of hot air. It's ok to determine where one wishes to spend their own time and energy.
  11. The Dao Trumps

    Sometimes it is a bit playful in the thread referred to.
  12. Guess This Song

    I tried guessing, but my mind kept going through the grunge scene, or at least era. Want to try another?
  13. Where do negative thoughts come from.

    Open and spacious. Grounded and centered
  14. Where do negative thoughts come from.

    I was only curious. I get a sense of what you're pointing at. Thanks.
  15. Where do negative thoughts come from.

    As you mentioned fear being instinctual, how do you correlate illusion and delusion with instinct?
  16. Where do negative thoughts come from.

    When there is an imminent and valid threat inspiring fear in regard to the specific situation why would we label this as negative? If there is a car barreling down on me, it's a good idea to fear the imminent threat and get out of the way.
  17. Where do negative thoughts come from.

    They cry for want of the very closeness and connection steve highlighted in his post imo. BTW I'd question the idea of this pointing towards negative thought, as a baby doesn't have the words to form thought.
  18. General theory of relativity a pseudoscience?

    This came to mind: Body Ritual among the Nacirema.
  19. Where do negative thoughts come from.

    First, I can't say I'm even sure what you mean when you refer to negative thoughts, what these thoughts are, or where the idea that 90% of human thinking is negative is to be witnessed. I wonder if you are attributing negativity where it isn't actually manifesting, or perhaps your life experience is simply different than my own. Setting this aside however, the topic of the arising of negative thoughts is a bit interesting. Even more interestingly, the attributed characteristic of thought can become cumulative (in personal experience and self talk) rather quickly. (Perhaps this is what you are referring to with the idea of 90%) But they can dissipate just as quickly, and they naturally will if we don't try to hold on to them.
  20. General theory of relativity a pseudoscience?

    I like the whole educate yourself idea, and have happily read numerous articles shared in such a manner. (Although to be honest, they weren't always directed at me.)
  21. New User here, music fanatic and also confused

    Yes, tea is good. Just keep yourself hydrated. And if there are further occurrences of intense meditation experiences, a diet heavy in protein, and interestingly enough the ingestion of caffeine may be beneficial to decrease the intensity of the experience. If you find it troubling. And the inverse also seems to hold. Best wishes to you on your path.
  22. New User here, music fanatic and also confused

    Even the sudden pleasant sensations can be both surprising, and later a bit confusing.
  23. New User here, music fanatic and also confused

    In short, Yonkon, you're ok, and I'm serious about the water. Welcome to the bums.
  24. New User here, music fanatic and also confused

    I've known lots of pot smokers in my life, and not a one of them ever expressed experience of anything even remotely close to a kundalini awakening. I find it far more likely that a natural awareness of how past experience effected present circumstance was arising in the subconcious of the op, and finding expression in a way his conscious mind could become aware of. This (the awareness and unravelling of learned modes of thought) is natural when a certain ripeness (sometimes only regarding the specific learned thought patterns) is reached.
  25. New User here, music fanatic and also confused

    Drink water, and relax.