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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. New Who?

  2. Would you give up pleasure for equanimity?

    It's a false premise imo, and my response would be something closer to a smile or quiet laughter before offering a Dr Pepper.
  3. simplify

  4. US Constitution 101

    Thank you very much for this information Aetherous.
  5. Desire vs Yearning

    There is a natural inner heat.. And this heat can be stirred up. Life itself, on one level, is heat. But mostly I was just feeling chatty (for me), and playing around with what the words are generally used to evoke in a literary sense. Your analogy is just silly imo.
  6. Desire vs Yearning

    Yearning always seemed to carry a note of melancholy to it, while desire seemed fiery and hot.
  7. US Constitution 101

    What constitutes breach of the peace? And would calls to violence be punishable according to the constitution?
  8. New Who?

    As they had already had the Master regenerate as Missy, it didn't come across as overly sjw or pc to me, but more of a natural progression. I think Jodie Whittaker did a splendid job, and I'm pleased with the (Yes, reminiscent of Tenant) quirkiness. Seems it will be a fun season.
  9. creating karma

    Sounds like an idea. Perhaps in general discussion?
  10. creating karma

    Thanks for clarifying. I still find the topic interesting.
  11. creating karma

    Thank you for sharing the book recommendation. Looking at karma in the context of class structure, it can be seen as a means of further perpetuation of said structure, and can lead to both eltist and defeatist thought patterns.
  12. creating karma

    There are subjects I'd like to discuss, and your posts sometimes provide a gateway to the possibility of discussion of these topics I find interesting. In my first post, I did playfully poke at you, although I was hoping the wink would indicate the nature of the post. In the second I was careful to keep it more general. And yes, you are judging, and that's ok. This is another topic I find interesting.
  13. creating karma

    "After I quit smoking, I used to occasionally get smoking dreams for several months. Later it became less in frequency. But, I used to get them once in a while for years. This shows how strong the subconscious impressions were and how strong the resulting craving was. Such powerful craving is addiction in my definition, no matter what you explain" If the bolded and italicized part is not meant to convey your own dream experience negating the shared understanding and experience of another, then please help me understand. Of course it's possible to learn from the experiences of others.
  14. creating karma

    So, I've spent some time considering what you've presented, and there may have been some misunderstanding. What I intended to refer to was the 'mind weight' placed on a specific action - the amount of baggage being carried around. And that one individual who is judging another's actions, may actually be carrying more in relation to said action than the person carrying out the action.
  15. creating karma

    We humans do this thing. We have an experience, and a responce/reaction to said experience, and then we believe our responce/reaction is indicative of how others will respond/react to the same or similar experience. However, responce and/or reaction is often predicated by [insert playful drumroll and laughter] ... karma.
  16. creating karma

    Ever desireless, one can see the mystery. Ever desiring one can see the manifestations. These two spring from the same source. I think it is the same source part that is pertinent. And if you wish to draw correlations to Buddhism, would suggest looking at the Flight of the Garuda, and the subject of one taste.
  17. creating karma

    Should or shouldn't really don't come into play.. unless, of course, you have a preference for such. Sometimes people just feel like communicating.
  18. creating karma

    I have to go to work, but will consider what you've presented. Thanks for the reply.
  19. creating karma

    I would suggest, in this discussion, you may have more attachment to their smoking than they might.
  20. Identity-less and purposelessness dilemma.

    May I suggest that for a period of time you focus awareness in your heart, and let the thoughts and any sensations arise and fall as they will?
  21. Identity-less and purposelessness dilemma.

    Are you actively pushing thoughts away?
  22. Identity-less and purposelessness dilemma.

    I actually agree with CityHermit! here. And feel it's... (sorry looking for a word, and all that's coming to mind is 'spiritual pomposity') to assume another is closing off when they choose to focus on the physical life they are living more than interactions on internet forums.
  23. Experiences with Brahmacharya

    My point is pragmatic. A minor is a minor, and at best it's foolish, and at worst flat out wrong for any of us 'strangers online' to discuss sexual topics with them.
  24. Experiences with Brahmacharya

    Then a male diety would work as well, yes?
  25. Experiences with Brahmacharya

    Perhaps directing a minor to "high level" "completion type" practices/excercises before he even has the fundamentals down is the issue? He is a minor, and I suggest taking great care with what is presented and how it is presented.