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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Experiences with Brahmacharya

    A short overview of yama and niyama:
  2. I'm interested in this. Any further thoughts or examples?
  3. The idea of "satisfactorily adapted" may be the bit that is pertinent. And there is no denying that the practices of the householder have often been changed, and streamlined.
  4. Thank you for the reply. Are you aware of the phrase skillful means, and is this a bit like the intelligence you are referring to?
  5. Perhaps I am missing something, but weren't the steps and methods meant to uncover natural (spontaneously arising) wisdom? Could you help me understand the differentiation?
  6. I think you're referring to wisdom. And I believe there can be a disconnect or misunderstanding regarding success and pleasure. If you don't agree, what is your understanding of all accomplishing wisdom? (I'm going to be heading out for a few hours, although I do look forward to any discussion on this topic.)
  7. Originally published in 1995, this book was required reading in the freshman studies course I took two decades ago. It goes into greater depth of what you've highlighted in this post. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ
  8. Thank you for the reply. Recently I was having a discussion with my SO about "the wisdom of farmers" which flowed into the wisdom of anyone living close to the land. There seems to be a deep and subtle wisdom gained by these individuals - without any real thought of trying to gain wisdom or intelligence.
  9. While I am in wholehearted agreement about being active "in nature" (as if we could be separate from it) and most certainly encourage involvement in actual events with other living beings, I can't help but wonder.. How are you communicating this information if you are following your own advice?
  10. Compassion Helping Oneness : What a Stench

    It's true. Sometimes the ones trying to be the most helpful are the ones most in need of help. I went through a messy period of time where I wondered if anyone actually saw anyone else. And then one day the angst fell away, and so did most of the stories. And a certain trust took it's place. I hope you find your own way rideforever.
  11. Compassion Helping Oneness : What a Stench

    These thoughts of perceived violence, greed and nastiness (where none has manifest) reads to me as it's own kind of victimhood.
  12. Can anyone guide me to access the Akashic Records?

    And do you have a sense of the energy centers? Have you gained any personal insights through your practice?
  13. Can anyone guide me to access the Akashic Records?

    Put politely, this could be attributed to exuberance. Put more directly it's a sign of an overactive mind. And from what I understand many teachers would've left him with the answers he's already been given.
  14. Can anyone guide me to access the Akashic Records?

    What has your experience been with pranayama? And are you finding some stability in the practice?
  15. It's the in a fraction of a second part that matters. (ime)
  16. Soooooo funny !

  17. Soooooo funny !

    He's on the other side of the world, so I guess we'll have to be patient.
  18. Soooooo funny !

    Small things may be easier to let go of, but I still want a joke or an absurd sign or something to go with the sooo funny title of this thread.
  19. Soooooo funny !

    It wasn't much of a disagreement, and you were involved in the moved thread.
  20. Soooooo funny !

    No dear Marblehead; not you. I refrained from names as that seemed the order of things in this thread. "Dude" refers to the individual who started the moved thread, and as this individual was actually making an effort to talk about something other than that subject I was a bit disappointed when Nungali (attempted to) shut him down soo quickly. feel free to move this thread and delete my comment
  21. Soooooo funny !

    I read another post where a fellow bum suggested dude share things besides that thing as an effort to better connect with members of the community. And I saw your refutation.
  22. When I asked about eternalism, this is what was presented: From the very short article: "Why did the Buddha deny the teaching of eternalism? Because when we understand the things of this world as they truly are, we cannot find anything which is permanent or which exists forever. Things change and continue to do so according to the changing conditions on which they depend. When we analyse things into their elements or into reality, we cannot find any abiding entity, any everlasting thing. This is why the eternalist view is considered wrong or false."
  23. Thank you for explaining and clarifying. I really like the space between words - both generally and as you intend with your posts.