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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    This is better.
  2. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    Oh my stars!
  3. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    This he (being me) is a she.
  4. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    I'd prefer if you considered the question.. And responded after your careful consideration.
  5. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    Magick and Tantra? What is your understanding of, and experience with, Tantric practices?
  6. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    I would suggest you stop being so eager, and digest what has already been presented. Before someone such as those you mentioned in this thread show up..
  7. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    And as your experience indicates, even if distractions arise, one is able to return.
  8. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    Perhaps this was asked on one of the many other threads.. Why the focus on power over others? Why the wish to control others?
  9. Member's name history

    Just looked at mine, and was surprised to see a name I have not used. It was an exemplary sounding name though... BlackTigerWhiteDragon I kinda like it.
  10. Dharmakaya / God?

    Looking forward to your ppd.
  11. Dharmakaya / God?

    Thank you for the reply. I have no experience with Buddhist centers, and (although I do some Bon practices) I am not Buddhist. Therefore what I am comfortable sharing in responce is limited. I think the concept of emptiness can be easily misunderstood, and people can be well intended and still give pointers and advice that can lead individuals in certain situations to feel isolated and dejected. My experience with other Bon practioners and some Buddhists is exactly what you've wished for at the end of this post - full of love, hope, and intelligence. Much warmth to you.
  12. Dharmakaya / God?

    There is an option of starting a ppd here. Then you'd be able to put the understandings and answers you've found in one place, and still share.
  13. Dharmakaya / God?

    Nihilism can easily lead to depression.. Have you actually met people who talk like this? (Curiosity)
  14. Not my place.

    There was no demand. There was a question that included the phrase "what came across as". And to me, without any reference other than the words in this thread, it did come across that way. Thank you for taking the time to clarify. (Although I'm still a bit confused as to how toenails correlate.)
  15. Not my place.

    Was going to let this go, and then decided I don't want to. Would you care to explain what comes across as incredibly misogynistic bs?
  16. Inner peace. Inner direction informing action from a place of peace. And there are yet further subtleties, and more refinement, and deeper understandings. BTW I'd prefer if you didn't concretize my understanding of a word, as there are multiple definitions and, as I've already stated, understanding is dependent on context. Further, it was something I once came across presented for consideration. If it resonates and is found useful, or is found to be useless and a bunch of bs is for any individual to determine for themselves.
  17. Acceptance should be understood in the context it is used. And in the context of the above definition of aggression being a lack of acceptance, it should be contemplated and carefully understood. It isn't defeatist or nihilistic, and if the understanding leads to either, imo, it is 'wrong understanding'. If it is used to justify complacency and stagnation this would also be wrong understanding imo.
  18. I think this is dependent upon what is meant with the idea of acceptance.
  19. And to look in a different direction, this post/thread by Zerostao regarding aquiescence.
  20. I've read aggression defined as not accepting what is. In this, it could be incredibly subtle, and felt as nothing more than tension. And some may feel that without this there would be no impetus to change.
  21. Understood, and thank you for sharing it.
  22. I think the idea of projection can be much bigger than is often considered, and people can put 'goodness' on others - the same as 'ugliness'. And I think this relates to the concept of 'one taste'.
  23. Isn't this about finding the value in difficult people as a means of personal growth?