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Everything posted by Kar3n

  1. What is Kleem Mantra ??

    If practices are done solely to find a mate then the results are probably not going to be very fruitful or temporary at best. Fitness, personality, communication, et al, are all external. Practices are about about transforming from the inside out. Welcome to the bums
  2. @GSmaster, I thought you were going to be cultivating for months. Have you dashed your plans to better yourself to continue your tirade?
  3. Watching The Birds

    There is a "flock" of them that like the olive trees in the park in my neighborhood. I have been trying to catch them on film, but every time I see them I do not have my camera. One day I will catch them.
  4. What happens to suicides

    It is unclear what happens. Some people, traditions and religions say you're stuck in a sort of purgatory, some say you go to hell What does happen is those who are left in the wake of a suicide are hurt, badly. If you are or know someone contemplating suicide, there is help available. https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ http://www.supportline.org.uk/problems/suicide.php
  5. Watching The Birds

    There is a lot of activity this morning, more than usual. The weather here is warming quickly, we broke a record yesterday at 106, so I suspect they are eating early and will hunkering down during the day. Saw a pair of love birds this morning. I went in to get my camera and they were gone when I got back outside. It was nice to see them again, it has been a while.
  6. Lao tse and the Socratic Method

    I think he was going deeper than just discussion in all of those chapters. Think he might be saying more about humility and wisdom in discussions rather than the discussion itself?
  7. Lao tse and the Socratic Method

    You've said this a couple of times. Can you point me to where you are drawing this conclusion from? The only thing that comes mind is chapter 81.
  8. Paradoxes in Chapter 41

    At this point, for me, no. My mind is still too conditioned to even begin to pick apart what he means on a deeper level, if there is a deeper meaning. Lao Tzu was a pretty simple, yet deep man.
  9. Its finally here

    I started watching and was intrigued by the opening quote. I decided to start with the first one. Thanks for posting!
  10. Paradoxes in Chapter 41

    All that glitters is not golden...
  11. Paradoxes in Chapter 41

    For me to see it as anything else right now would be for me to accept your interpretation as my own, and I do not. That's the beauty of a discussion, everyone brings their own thoughts to the table. I am not seeing how this pertains to over doing anything other than thinking and applying what we have been conditioned to expect. I think he is saying that just because you don't see it doesn't mean that it's not there and vise versa.
  12. Paradoxes in Chapter 41

    Sounds to me he is talking about the mental images we have and that things are not always what they appear to be when looking at them from our conditioned state.
  13. Taoist rules of thumb

    No, no, no, it goes like this... Thumb, index finger, then middle finger.
  14. How to discuss on this forum?

    Yes! Those are the best discussions.
  15. How to discuss on this forum?

    In a word... Civilly.
  16. Taoist rules of thumb

    Because we humans are social beings. Some have the gift of gab and like to talk (and read) about things we are interested in. Even good ol' Lao Tzu...
  17. Taoist rules of thumb

    And it is the ego that insists others share their view. The Taoist approach would be to leave folks to figure it out for themselves. The wisdom of wei wu wei comes to mind...
  18. The Dao Bums demographics

    There is a link to TDB Map in the header. https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=2826065
  19. Eye twitch?

    What is your caffeine intake like? Sleeping well? Under a significant amount of stress? All of those can be factors in eye twitching.
  20. Tibetan Dream Yoga

    No, this topic has not been moved.
  21. Letting go, and all will be well?

    As we are aware, being aware is, on occasion, elusive.
  22. Letting go, and all will be well?

    Yes, and I do not believe anyone has suggested otherwise. Most have a practice of some kind, even if it is not a traditional system. It is easy to say let go; it is the actual letting go of thoughts and a lifetime(s) of conditioning that is so damned difficult at times.
  23. Letting go, and all will be well?

    Even with training progression will be minimal to non-existent if we can't let go of the mind stories.
  24. Modern 'Education'

    If it is on the innerwebz its gotta b tru!
  25. conscious reality

    Aesthetically, not so much. Physiologically, yes. I saw this "cat" on television years ago. He was actually pretty well spoken, in spite his lip modifications impeding his speech a bit and looking like a feline mutant. If he wants to fly his freak flag higher than most, so be it.