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Everything posted by Kar3n

  1. If guilt is induced, gift. Mmmm, cherry maters.
  2. I am not a Taoist, however, I can not help but think of the TTC 12. The five colors blind the eye. The five tones deafen the ear. The five flavours dull the taste. For having in excess, dulls the senses. When the senses are dulled, men look for more stimulation. Racing and hunting fever the mind. Precious things cause greed to arise in Men’s hearts. Therefore the Sage is guided by what he feels, and not by what he sees. He lets go of that and chooses this. Sustenance, like everything else... Moderation. Balance.
  3. Trumpcare

    I agree on all counts. I have seen so many different figures for both dollars spent and individuals who have received subsidies that not much of it make sense. I am still reading, and still nothing definitive...
  4. posting photo

    The file was too large, I adjusted the size. You are good to go
  5. posting photo

    If you would like you can email me the photo to [email protected] and I will post it for you.
  6. posting photo

    are you trying to load a photo from your personal files (computer) or off the web?
  7. posting photo

    at the top, right of the page, click the arrow next to your name. click my profile there will be a black box to the right that says edit my profile - click it choose change my photo follow on screen directions from there
  8. Postural hypotension.

  9. Trumpcare

    A quick search yielded the following fro October of last year... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/10/25/obamacare-fallout-as-premiums-rise-so-does-cost-to-taxpayers.html I am perusing the Congressional Budget Office's website for more definitive figures. https://www.cbo.gov/topics/health-care/affordable-care-act https://www.cbo.gov/publication/51385
  10. Trumpcare

    The idea was that it is supposed to be self sustaining. This has not been the case. The hope for the ACA was that young, healthy people would buy insurance to allow the insurance companies to use their premiums for newly-insured sick patients. However, the sick patients got insurance while the healthy patients opted not to. The penalty for young, heathy individuals not choosing coverage was also intended to off-set costs, however, that has now been repealed. The tax overhaul is up next, I am optimistic that there will be changes that favor all income brackets. Time will tell...
  11. Trumpcare

    Insurance companies have been pulling out of the exchange since the slush fund ran out last year. With no additional funding or bailouts on the horizon the ACA will die on its own and can then be replaced, hopefully with better results.
  12. Ttc 56 - Talk or not?

    chop wood, carry water... shhh...
  13. Computer Scam with a Persistent caller

    I got a call last week. I asked which computer he was calling about and he said my Windows machine. I informed him that I knew what he was running a scam because I do not own a Windows machine. I also informed him that should he call me again, I would contact the Attorney General in my state without heatiation. I haven't heard a word from him since.
  14. Send pm to someone( question)

    If you click block, you are blocking the person you sent the PM to from replying to your message. I would not click it if I wanted to hear back from them.
  15. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Kellyanne never needs to be near a live mic again, but this is hilarious!!!
  16. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I totally read this as Brian the first time I skimmed the post!
  17. Owner permissions no longer apply in preparation for the upgrade and general discussion was excluded from OPs early last year, so permission sets have changed based on those factors. Permissions in PPDs remain the same. Let me know what you would like to happen here. There are a few options: Unhide the post within the thread. Send you the contents in a PM and leave it hidden. Move it to your PPD and hide it so you can work on it there.
  18. Transgender Problem

    You are looking at gender dysphoria/transgenderism as population control, MNN? Your illustration of exterminating wolves in Canada as a correlation to human lives and population control is quite disturbing.
  19. Is America trending towards Fascism?

    From my point of view you are just not looking at the big picture of politics and politicians as a whole. I have no control over what you choose to turn a blind eye to. Both sides of the aisle display and have displayed all of the behaviors you list, and are not specific to the right.
  20. Buddhism and spiritual protection

    Buddha taught that no thing exists independently (emptiness or sunyata), there is no separation. Even if we deem some thing to be evil or harmful it is part of us and we it. Rather than thinking you need protection, the Buddhist approach would be to show compassion.
  21. Transgender Problem

    The article actually addresses the rise in very young children, as young as 3 years old, being treated for gender dysphoria without studies to back the treatments. Yes, there are persons in the LBG community who are concerned. Heck, I am concerned about the children and the treatments they are receiving. Here is a blog post by the author that goes more in depth... http://www.thehomoarchy.com/do-youth-transgender-diagnoses-put-would-be-gay-lesbian-bisexual-adults-at-risk-for-unnecessary-medical-intervention/
  22. Transgender Problem

    Did you even read the article? Your tag line is misleading.
  23. Is America trending towards Fascism?

    Today, we see a lot of definitions changed based on who is using the words as well.
  24. Is America trending towards Fascism?

    Good for you, it still does not make you right. You might consider how the political scene has evolved, or in some cases devolved along with your history and scholorship.
  25. Is America trending towards Fascism?

    We all have opinions, ralis, like you, I am allowed to state mine, even if you do not agree. Thank you for your input.