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Update Over time, since starting FPCK, I have been very negligent with my practice due to the usual tiredness I have always mentioned that I cultivate due to my busy lifestyle. I have recently made efforts to come back though, because as a lot of you know, the effects on me are fast and strong. However, FPCK has always been in the back of my mind, like a lover you think of every day. The day would inevitably return that my practice would resume, though I have been on and off since the start of the year. So here is a recent effect that I found worthy of sharing: Context: I recenty caught feelings for someone, the type of feelings that are quite overwhelming because it is not only reciprocated, but also subject to many synchronicities and some telepathy. I have suddenly experienced a strong energetic force from this love, that made me feel as if I had been asleep all my life. The love ignited my soul and I have felt more alive than ever. This has resulted in a lot of turmoil in my mind, as I have never experienced this. The first few months of this feeling were filled with ego-driven fear and even panic, and I tried to escape the friendship many times, but was pulled back by my friend, who would not let me go, in spite of my awful regular emotional outbursts and irrational rants. I then felt the urge to practice Monk Holding Peach and involuntary thoughts came to mind regarding these feelings. A process happened extremely fast (within two sessions in one day), in which deep truths dawned on me about my feelings and about my spiritual growth. Very fast, I realised how much of my suffering was caused by my mind's mechanism. Within MHP sessions, I released these mental blockages and realised the errors I had previously made in my understanding of what love means. All my issues suddenly became insignificant and while practising, I absorbed the meaning of unconditional acceptance and experienced true empathy for my friend. All feelings of blame dissolved immediately and were replaced with deep compassion and understanding. I also realised nothing is about me. Each person is advancing at their pace and I have no veto on their soul to change anything at all about them, and my previous feeling of inconvenience was only an indication of my own state of being. I could go on and on about all the aspects I understood in the space of a very short time, but these are those that came to mind right now. I must point out that this experience was not thought-driven. It was purely energetic. I can only verbally describe the process in retrospect. I just remember intense feelings of gratitude washing over me and myself repeating thank you many times as I was doing the meditation. Since that session, my feelings have changed, in that the love is still present, but all fear concerning it has left me. I am able to feel the love, without the attachment I had before. Now, time, duration, commitment levels, need for validation, need for certain verbal affirmations from my friend etc. all have lost their importance. I am able to accept the present and what it contains, without the million unnecessary questions I posed before. The feeling of love is at once of great magnitude and great simplicity. Even if we should part ways, I will be at peace. The possessive aspect has no importance here. The important factor is for each (us two) to be spiritually fulfilled, according to our individual needs and life paths, which will be perfectly seen to by life itself, no matter what. A peace has come over me, and I am certain that Monk Holding Peach has accelerated a process that I could not have experienced through mental exercise and certainly not from reading a book! The meditation was accompanied by intense heat leaving my head, which I believe came from the heart region. It is what was being released by spontaneous crying. I felt loved by the divine forces and a true transformation was taking place in me. The compassion I felt was a source of bliss. The true jist of the experience was an initial amplification of the feeling of love, until such a point where the magnitude of that feeling became unbearably painful, till the pain was released and the quality of the love was purified with only serenity being left. I hope this testimony may help other practitioners.
Thanks for the feedback. Have you continued doing this, and how has it been going?
Dear Sifu Terry Thank you so much you made my day! There are two things I wish to add to what I have written in this thread. 1. Some may recall I mentioned a presence once. I was very perplexed and asked others here who it could be. It has been a long time since I wanted to say, the presence is me. A higher, wiser, better version of me, who loves me unconditionally and never leaves my side. The one who helps me make the right decisions and helps me through bad times. This is an extremely loving being, different from the conscious me I feel in every day life. 2. I have always had a theory that bad/unhealthy energy is disorganised and light relects poorly from it so we (who can see these things) see it as dark. My take is that FPCK gets in between our atoms and reorganises them. The blue is a réflection of the pattern it creates. It is not an entity, it is a configuration/ blueprint. And we create that blueprint with the breathing. We transform our inhaled energy like a dj transforms sound waves. I wish to add I have been doing almost nothing but Monk Holds Pearl in supine. But I wish to try out the two rejuvenating meds of volume 7. I know I should pass by volume two, which I have barely touched, but I am tempted to try regardless. I may in one week combine two from volume one and two from volume two, then alternate with the two from volume one and seven respectively the other days. Thank you once more Sifu for this system, for sharing it with us. It is indescribably beautiful to me. All my best Astral B
FPCK resulting meditative state is my elixir and I use it preciously. My cat recently went missing and I sought help in my meditative state. I was promised his return with certain details and it happened exactly as in my vision within the FPCK meditation. For nearly 3 weeks of him going missing I was serene thanks to this. I know exactly when the meditative state is upon me and I mostly just chill but sometimes I use it like with my cat. Edit: I feel the chi bubbling like a small spa in my LDT when it is activated. Sometimes I get this outside of the meditation too.
Hi everyone I have been very bad at keeping on cultivating but now for the first time I have managed to keep it up for four months and I plan on progressing past exclusive practice of Monk Holds Pearl. What baffles me is that it is true that just one meditation has wonderful benefits. What is even more baffling is that today I noticed I have new baby hairs growing out in areas where my hair is normally white. The baby hairs are dark. I notice that I have more such hairs growing on my scalp. So my hair is not only thickening, it is growing out dark. I didn't except this so soon. Just putting it here for those of you who might need the inspiration.
It has always been my understanding that alterations to the "self" are multi-dimensional. It has been five months since the re-start of regular practice for me, and I have watched my life transform before my eyes. Some fundamental erroneous beliefs have been dismantled and I feel as if I am emerging from mental incarceration. I have now internalised some truths regarding the way I want to live my life and I am finally emancipating myself. Before, I would implement changes because my head told me to, even if my heart did not understand. Now the two seem to be in synch. I still maintain firmly that had it not been for my practice, I would not possess this clarity. I am also happy to say that my dream incubation ability has been re-activated. I am able to consult and draw results. I am getting many environmental confirmations and echoes of my life situation, what I normally call synchronicities, so I know I am on my true path. as Nelson Mandela said, it is a long walk to freedom! I would like to hear from other practitioners who feel that the practice of FPCK has mobilised events and ignited a deeper connection with their life path.
Well, I was previously doing between 1 and 2 hours daily (4 months). Since about a month, I have been starting with 30 minutes, then stretching my lower body (it is always much more flexible after the meditation) - front + side splits and lower back. Then another 30 minutes and more hip stretches, if I have time. Most often these days, it is not more than the initial 30 minutes. When I can, I do morning and evening in bed, but these days it is mostly only on week-ends, as daytime at home on Saturdays and Sundays is problematic as a wife and mother. I totally agree with Sifu Terry that 20 to 30 minute sessions take you to a certain tipping point that you can actually feel, and I agree with Cihan that surpassing the 1 hour mark in one go is a phenomenal experience, which, once started, will make you want to lengthen each session to a maximum just to get those sweet benefits! I would advise you to wake up earlier than necessary to get a half hour in, in the morning, and/or in the evening, going to bed early when you are not too tired yet. For relaxation, it beats the hell out of counting sheep just not forgetting to do the closing breaths before sleeping though. Extra thoughts: Dreams are getting surreal, to say the least. They are very vivid and feel like real life (imagine large spherical, metal UFO's streaming through the sky at a few meters from you as if it were really happening, and seeing each glimmer of sunlight in the metal!). Lucidity in my waking state is so sharp that I have trouble not feeling that I am surrounded by "sleeping robots" (other people), in and out of home. I really feel extremely sharp mentally. It is amusing that I feel as mentally alert as my seven-year old child, we both feel as if others are sleepwalking, while we a bursting with energy and clarity. I firmly believe this to be due to FPCK. I am still stuck on Monk Holds Pearl, can't seem to snap out of it. but I do feel that I need less of it to maintain my existing wonderful energy level. My skin looks amazing. Everyone asks me what I have done to look life this, the other day my husband asked me what on earth I have done to my face, with a shocked look. He is not easily shocked. Side note - paranormal activity at home has picked up significantly, reaching poltergeist level, but still playful and not harmful. Edit: to get those precious extra minutes in in the morning or evening, the lying down position is the secret. No motivation to get out of bed required, which is an obstacle for many of us - I for example know that if I am not next to my child when she falls asleep and she opens her eyes for some reason, my session will be spoilt. So supine has been my saving grace.
I have grown addicted to Monk Holding Pearl because since a while, it gets me into very deep meditation instantly. It is the perfect aid to quiet sitting. Really, I need to do the other meds but I am not very motivated, as I get so much out of this one. I understand now what Sifu Terry said about the fact that after a certain number of hours, just the breath control sequence suffices in order to activate the med. I think I will do the same with each med one by one. I will go intense with MGM whilst keeping up Monk Holding Pearl a few times a week, till it gets me into deep meditation too, and then I will keep these two as I go intensely into Monk Holding Peach. I don't know if it is recommendable, but it feels right to me. It feels as if once I have done this, I will be more ready for the next stage. The upside about it is not having the stress of fitting in everything every day. I cope better with doing one meditation a day, and having one day for this one and one day for that one. I have DVD 2 but I am not in a rush to use it, as what I am doing now is extremely beneficial and my health and energy level have reached an incredibly good status. I am literally glowing with health and I can even see my aura's colour outside of meditation time when physically exercising, it looks great. I am regaining the stamina of my youth.
This is so simple and yet we (myself previously included) seek to analyse and understand because "nothing is that simple". Well actually it is. And once the simplicity is internalised, there is nothing but the practice. I no longer wish to understand anything material, philosophical or historical about the art. Just accepting it is really liberating, and I encourage aspiring practitioners to "JUST DO IT". I haven't worried about the contents of my tummy, a little tiredness or sometimes even location, I have tried to "just do it" and the results are still there. Guys, just do it!
Cihan is right. FPCK works better without daydreaming. Alert calm is the best. Works every time, verifiable and repeatable. I realised : thinking draws energy to our "monkey mind". I should generally, in life, draw less energy to my mind and leave it free to circulate naturally to balance out in me and regulate me. I knew this before but only now am I internalising it. Thinking slows down healing. It makes a part of our self a vampire for the rest of ourself. (Where the mind goes - chi follows). It is not for nothing that daydreaming makes us fall asleep and takes us to the "drunk realm", where we are at the mercy of our loitering. The different dimensions are not only places. They are our essence, what we are made of. I had realised through astral travel that heaven (or any "layer" of heaven) is not merely a place but also the stuff we could be or are made of, as are all the dimensions, after all. Daydreaming is like a car with a drunk driver. I no longer want to stay permanently in autopilot. I will work on this. This page in my life is the start of the narrowing of the gap between what I am and what I could be. The more I am on top of my monkey mind, the less I will stress when confronted with upheaval (autopilot=knee jerk reactions).
I am now in the third month of non-stop practice, trying for the 100 day gong. I had one day when I practically did nothing because of "home hindrances" (Saturday with child oblige), but technically it still counts as 5 minutes So coming in here to say it has been almost 10 weeks, the average time per day is between 30-60 minutes, rarely 30 minutes, mostly 1 hour to 2 hours, thanks to the convenience of supine MHP. Effects observed thus far: Disappearance of undiagnosed abdominal chronic pain endured since 2014 Disappearance of dysmenorrhea (used to be bad!) Detox of reproductive area De-bloating of abdomen Disappearance of lower back pain Increase of lower back flexibility (before, I couldn't pick up something that fell or tie my shoes) Draining of sinuses Clearing of fine forehead rash (probably due to decrease of abdomen - liver?- fire) Rejuvenation and permanent hydration of skin (appear as way younger than my age) Hair and nail growth Increased physical energy Warm extremities Increased libido Deeper, more restful sleep Increase in mental alertness, whether woken or sleeping/dreaming Increase in positive attitude Increase in inner peace/contentment More synchronicities Decrease in irritability Increase in pious/devotional feeling Increase in frequency of compassionate surges (I had these, but now they are closer and closer together and last longer), especially in crowded places - I used to stress a bit when around a lot of people, now I nurture them and pray for them and feel genuine empathy for irritable ones Increase in mindfulness over my body and over my responses to people and situations Decrease of need to be in perfect control at all times (a particular source of stress for me, especially as concerns finances as I am the breadwinner and also support my mom) Effects during meditation: Gurgling in abdomen and evacuation of gas Faster metabolism/weight loss Acute awareness of tension in organs Feeling the FPCK energy move and act internally Feeling "showers" of energy going down my body, I call it "cosmic glitter", especially when thinking of the Divine When wanting to sneeze, redirection of energy into body, causing "cosmic glitter" feeling Tearing of right eye as soon as I start meditation Feeling of upward "pulling" behind the nose, probably in the pituitary gland area Various tingles and sensations in brain Twitching of body with sudden, short out-breaths Ability to enter deep meditation fairly fast Distortion of time Awareness of postural mistakes Seeing my hands as fluorescent blue during MGM Seeing blue sparks at random times This list is not exhaustive but it is all I can think about for the time being. My marriage is definitely thriving and I think the good energy is a conduit for this. My relationship with my mom living with us is also much better (she suffers from BPD, so the relationship status is a good barometer for my state of mind). I am very grateful for the tangible change in my quality of life. I really needed it, as a burn-out was imminent, and my child needs me to be there for her. Overall satisfaction and happy to continue to where the system leads me. Anything further is a bonus.
Thank you for the truly beautiful video.