Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. Do What Thou Wilt

    Oops, yes, Magus, not Fool! I use all three Magi and the Crowley ghost card for what was taught to me was to utilize the uniqueness of the decks.
  2. Do What Thou Wilt

    Nungali, which Fool card do you tend to use when doing Thoth readings? Or do you keep all three at once?
  3. This episode was what they used to explain to me when I was a kid:
  4. I grew up around a lot of vets who were displaced from the US after, along with their counterparts from Thailand, the Philippines, Korea, New Zealand, and Australia. They ended up around Indochina and the Philippines and definitely gave me perspective on that. Some damned good music and it was as one of them said "having Rambo as your uncle, and finding out you had a dozen Rambos for your uncle". Of course, I didn't know what PTSD was as a kid, so...
  5. Did you find that elimination of classist and racist barriers true in your service? What about the disproportionate number of blacks as grunts and denied R&R in Australia, or racist COs? How has it improved since then?
  6. Or we could go back to the days of the Greeks and Romans, where citizenship and citizenship rights meant you had to serve in the military as a citizen and then have military service to even be taken seriously to be a politician, let alone the right to vote. Did you know the rise of "suffer fests" like Tough Mudder came as a result of the lack of rites and strenuous activity in daily life? The boredom and lack of purpose or camaraderie without some sort of calling whether through military or volunteer or religious service is what makes people so lost in the modern industrial world. Of course, Tough Mudder would never sell in Israel because they all have mandatory military service. When I was growing up, acting like a moron led to everyone saying, "Man, go get yourself a hobby", and somehow, being an idiot on the Internet is a hobby instead of actually engaging with others and connecting.
  7. 01001111 01100110 00100000 01100011 01101111 01110101 01110010 01110011 01100101 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01101101 01100101 01100001 01101110 01110011 00101100 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 01100101 01110010 00101110 00100000 01000100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00111111 00100000
  8. Sounds like all the idiots who like Rorschach, in spite of him being a right-wing conspiracy nut who doesn't shower or have an education. Hmm, reminds me of little welkin...
  9. Are you a carnifex and psychopomp now? A psychiatrist too? Hard to believe you have so many qualifications without realizing that it's only possible if we accept how you self-appoint and self-elevate as your modus operandi.
  10. I take it your coding skills and understanding of binary are weak based on what you just wrote there. You are a bit too high maintenance to be my friend after our exchange privately in April and your episodes as of late. Your history of apologizing and then returning to the same behavior again and again tells me you want an enabler, and I am not an enabler, I am an interventionist who doesn’t cover up if a buddy is driving drunk, but tells his family and the cops to make him learn his lesson. Good for the Polynesians. If you’re one of the Asian Americans who has the silly belief that Southeast Asians like Filipinos are Polynesian, you again show that you don’t know anthropology, language groups, or culture all that well, let alone geography.
  11. You obviously don’t know how they communicated, which can be seen in historical texts, and again, it helps if you speak another language. You seem to like platitudes and agreeableness—hallmarks of New Age and Millennial mindsets. New Age by the way is heavily influenced by New Philosophy, a 1960s movement and old garbage from bastardized text interpretations of Alice Bailey’s and others’ works.
  12. No, I am a contributor. My name is in the credits, not as the author.
  13. No, you did. I said flying. You did the ad lib. You doing an ad lib and attributing it to me is a classic case of putting words in someone else’s mouth. Also a straw man argument.
  14. Good luck finding someone like that—i already have.
  15. Good for you, go tell someone who gives a flying fuck. Being proud of doing nothing? Horse shit.
  16. There is nothing but conjecture and no depth of understanding at all in your usual bullshit platitudes, so there’s nothing for me to say (besides the fact that they’re worded in a loaded manner).
  17. It has helped people. I’ve got letters and photos that I refer to whenever I need a reminder that I have done enough to allow me to be at peace if I were to die, knowing I did some good for people and the planet in my brief existence, much like ralis has in his military service and advocacy. No disputes there.
  18. I am a Third Culture Kid and American citizen with Chinese and Filipino heritage. You obviously don’t know cultural anthropology either. By the way, I’ve attended and presented in conferences worldwide. You can even see my work published in some college textbooks, such as “This Book is Not Required.”
  19. I remember when some BJJ punk told me that “kung fu is for fags, you’re a fag, huh huh huh” and I didn’t need to do much to prove it because his BJJ was atrocious and my BJJ buddies who spar with me know that that’s not true—and they also hate homophobes like him. He could believe “kung fu...” all he wants even if I beat him, just like none of your allegations hold true as much as you wish they did from people like us simply showing you not just the facts, but your egregious number of fallacies.
  20. No, Shinto as you currently believe in your perverse and distorted manner is not what you think it is, and going there would be a way for you to get your facts right at least about Shinto.
  21. It is pretty obvious you don’t know linguistics if you make that false comparison, especially given that it is a translation from Classical Chinese to English. I take it you don’t speak the language of the heritage you so proudly boasted about belonging to when you made an unsubtle threat that you edited in the Sumer thread saying to be careful if you were right about your research into ancestors and Shinto. Besides the fact that being proud of your ancestors and yet thinking that us older peers are ignorant while you are wiser because of your youth is a complete contradiction? You obviously don’t know shit about Shinto. By the way: I’ve been to Japan and speak the language at a street level, and actually am a member of a Shinto group here in my town. I might actually recommend you go to them, the Shumei group, in Hollywood or in Pasadena, because you obviously lack community and understanding of the things your Google searches, social media memes, and YouTube videos are telling you. You’re basing your understanding on algorithms, you fool.
  22. Strange, he seems to have the maturity of a 10 year-old. Mental health and New Age conspiracy theories are a bad combination, but with all the cannabis he takes that fuels paranoia on top of it, it’s no surprise. We’re talking with a kid on a computer who has nothing else but time on his hands because there’s no loss in the cost benefits analysis for him, which in turn gives him attention, an obvious benefit to someone whose attitude here likely ostracizes him offline too.
  23. Just like you do not get the point made by me and everyone else and your mother across multiple threads.
  24. American healthcare really needs to improve if someone like welkin is allowed to go this long without adequate attention or medication. This really looks like an untreated manic or bipolar 2 episode. Former patients I’ve managed before also tend to be worse when they refer to pseudoscience and conspiracy theories from New Age garbage.