Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Best and most sensible answer, as expected from you, as always.
  2. Knowledge is very simple

    It is one of the most beautifully-written books in the English language—a must in any library.
  3. Knowledge is very simple

    Fortuna—again another reminder of A Confederacy of Dunces and Ignatius J. Reilly who always talked about how Fortuna affected him because of his fondness for Boethius’ The Consolation of Philosophy—and the running gag is that he cites the book often but completely misses the point by of destiny as spelled out in the book while claiming to be an authority on it.
  4. Climate Change

  5. Food for thought

    Be careful, he may use some secret martial techniques to outsmart you like this hombre here:
  6. Food for thought

    Be careful! You said the mAgIc WoRd! They’ll be coming around the mountain when they come, they’ll be coming around the mountain when they come...
  7. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    ...yeaaaahhh and here I remember that even kids knew what was a shitty deal growing up when they’d eat a spider for a nickel but would refuse to get a twenty from Uncle Drew-Drew at McDonald’s...
  8. Food for thought

    I am beginning to wonder about your sexual frustration after wanting balls in your mouth in another thread already.
  9. Do What Thou Wilt

    It appears you are the one who is getting annoyed. Oh, and with the unresolved sexual tension (albeit one-sided here because you most certainly aren’t my type!), I am becoming very wary of the sudden admission of your open obsession for my balls in your mouth...
  10. Knowledge is very simple

    Yet you keep coming back for more! Seriously, lad: buy a Moleskine and a good pen, and have someone read your own work back to you while you’re at it.
  11. Knowledge is very simple

    Probably because you’re most comfortable with it with how you’ve been acting.
  12. Knowledge is very simple

    Again, tossing out a name but no elaboration! Here, I’ll use your method! ”Give us an example of a person who went from poor to rich to poor and rich again!” Marcos! Napoleon! ”How?” Look it up yourself! ”We know, but why do you use this example?!” You figure it out! ”We don’t know your reasoning!” Not my problem! “You’re still not proving your point!” STOP BEING JERKS AND LET ME BELIEVE WHAT I WANT! ”But we don’t know why you believe it!” ad infinitum
  13. Knowledge is very simple

    At least I won’t be unoriginal like you.
  14. Knowledge is very simple

    Ah, so because you can’t elaborate your argument, it’s my fault? You’re either lazy or you have no good argument to support your ludicrous babbling, but either way, you’re still wearing the victim cap!
  15. Knowledge is very simple

    You are mentioning the events, but you aren’t explaining how they prove your point. That is as useless as me crying out random names of intellectuals and making YOU reason out how that supports my argument. The burden of proof is on you, not me to figure out what is going on in the abysmal depths of that hollow space where your brain should be located. So: explain, don’t just give the name of the historical events.
  16. Knowledge is very simple

    Instead of vague platitudes, use historical examples that prove your speculation.
  17. Do What Thou Wilt

    Context is queen, and you’re trying to usurp her authority by you being another drama queen, bub. You still don’t seem to understand it because his madness could be falsified and tested, yours is easily deflated with a few elementary questions. Besides: unlike you, he was original. He who shouts louder doesn’t make his argument any more believable. The more you talk, the more you should be quiet.
  18. Knowledge is very simple

    Let’s see: you’re making bold statements that mean different things to different people, such as those who have privilege and those who don’t, you’re making it universally applicable, and you’re ignoring both facts and flaws in your reasoning—and somehow, you’re the victim here for people pointing out what’s funny about your fallacies?
  19. Do What Thou Wilt

    Like I said earlier: I read RAW and you haven’t; you’re just quoting your only exposure to him from my own signature! Ha!
  20. Do What Thou Wilt

    The difference is that we have INFORMED opinions and yours is all conjecture, pulling things out of your ass and making everyone believe it shines like a diamond!
  21. Knowledge is very simple

    Man, you really don’t know history either and any black American would stop listening to your drivel about destiny already, and that’s forgetting Native Americans on top of that.
  22. Do What Thou Wilt

    nor does it mean you’re right!
  23. Do What Thou Wilt

    Translation: “I have the right to be right through self-initiation and self-appointed authority to argue the merits of self-serving logic, whether it makes sense to anyone else or not! I have the right to be wrong about my interpretation and the right to argue that I am still right!”
  24. Knowledge is very simple

    Ah, just like it appears that your destiny is to be blind to the holes in your reasoning!