Earl Grey

The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. Your opinion about reiki?

    Even without the Reiki, the power of suggestion and a framework that makes emotionally vulnerable people feel empowered is what draws people to this. Power without responsibility? False authority? A nebulous idea of what is good and positive while casting out others for being “toxic and negative” when they really just don’t agree with their reality tunnel? Nothing is positive or negative absolutely, but the absurdity of saying others are toxic and negative is a means of control. Actually, the toxic positive cult that is prevalent in Reiki doesn’t heal anyone if you just call others negative because you can’t control yourself when others challenge your weak paradigm... especially when your Law of Attraction is more wishful thinking and any results are rationalized rather than verified.
  2. Your opinion about reiki?

    This is why New Age folk love to say “You’re so negative! I can’t be around you!” and never think of their own garbage they create with this false dichotomy and insufferable holier-than-thou attitude.
  3. It shouldn't surprise you that a number of teachers in Vajra lineage agree with this sentiment. The teachings were given relative to the historical context, and now with what we have even after every ten years with technology, the teachers now try to adapt to the modern world. Otherwise, there is an unqualified approach of taking a zealous and superficial understanding that takes many references too literally, such as asking to be blessed to be born as a man instead of a woman. Taken out of context, this would not appeal to any modern woman. Taken in context, it was seen as a compassionate act because if one could not change the norms governing the classes, one would hope to be reborn in a higher caste, ideally as a prince and with a good teacher to continue guiding them.
  4. Martial Arts From Home

    The link is in my signature.
  5. Martial Arts From Home

    The other forum I write on basically is all this. 😂
  6. Sutras as a practice

    They do. They’re described in each sutra partially. There is a reason the Golden Light sutra was recited regularly by decree of the government in Japan before the failed Mongolian invasion.
  7. Sutras as a practice

    You're literally there in a realm beyond time and space because you become both a transmitter for the Buddha's teachings and an attendee present when you begin with, "Thus, I have heard..."
  8. Om Mani Padme Hum and it's profound benefits

    Even when I did basic mantra siddhi level of 125k repetitions, I still feel drawn to this because it affects all sentient beings and the illusory existence. Vibrating beyond the sublime realms and down into the hells and hungry ghost realms, animal realms, and human realms, this is a fantastic and simple practice. It can't be understated even if one doesn't believe or has formal instruction in its use.
  9. Medicine Buddha

    You could consult with an appropriate teacher. I just asked Lama Zopa Rinpoche, who uses divination to see what are good practices for you from a Dharma and Karma perspective. Send him an e-mail, which a friend of mine did and then gave me the same information to inquire for my own practice too. It may take a few weeks, so please be patient. https://fpmt.org/fpmt/iofstaff/lama-zopa-rinpoches-assistant/ Eric Isen reads it on a health level more, so that is another option.
  10. Teacher - Student Karmic Impact

    From what I know? Well, in Dharma practice, this is a serious offense and sends you to the Avici Hells. False teachings, greed, and misleading others is no good even if someone believes he's good.
  11. Hi... What is Dao Bums really..?

    No need to worry about joining--we designed it for the sake of lurking for people who aren't interested in active participation. We also have a number of members who didn't read the memo and signed up to lurk anyway, haha.
  12. Hi... What is Dao Bums really..?

    Stop by our other forum too, Alchemical Garden.
  13. Baggy Kung Fu pants

    Depends on where you are. I find them usually in markets rather than retail stores...whether it's Korea, Cambodia, or Thailand and the Philippines, this is where I found them.
  14. Introducing Heavenly Dao School

    For all the teachers you've claimed to have studied under, you lack understanding of even basic cultivation concepts with the way you presented them in your original posts. Your linguistic knowledge and presentation as "Laoshi Ausar" on your page shows your Chinese isn't even dubious, it's non-existent. For all the teachers you talk about like Verdei or GMDW, you can't even mention who taught you "Haotian" I'll leave everyone else with this wisdom from Sifu Terry, @zen-bear, who is an actual student of GMDW and authorized with a certificate, and whose methods you've co-opted and mentioned in your website with "Monk Serves Wine" and other practices you claim as your own: “A mediocre student seeks benefits from his teacher’s reputation. An average student gains from his teacher’s kindness. A superior student grows under his teacher’s wisdom.”
  15. Introducing Heavenly Dao School

    This post above should dispel everything you're insisting on here in your poorly manipulated photos of an old man who can barely protest your presence. Looks more like he's trying to make you go away and you've been wheeling him around taking photos of a guy who can barely protest. Coercion? You should know that stroke victims his age have a hard time focusing and need help staying on point. If he really taught you this imaginary style that is neither documented by him nor authorized and certified, he's been having a serious laugh with ya, mate. Here's the a list of songs on the violin that will be played for your career, when the appropriate authorities catch up with your activity, and when karma catches up not just in this life, but beyond because of the serious nature of your crimes and sins: https://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/occasions/memorial/classical-music-for-funerals/
  16. Introducing Heavenly Dao School

  17. Introducing Heavenly Dao School

    Isn’t elderly abuse a felony? The link posted from the Flying Phoenix thread above dispels the false notion that GM Doo Wai ever had a student named Ausar. Given his stroke, it’s highly unlikely he was able to teach anyone for over the past decade. And if it were really a special system from GMDW, one wouldn’t discard it so easily. It’s also highly suspect that if someone already has a highly advanced cultivation system already, why he would learn more from Doo Wai only to discard it later in favor of what he claims to have now. It is my sincere hope that one day, Ausar, you will develop and cultivate a sense of virtue, ethics, and compassion towards others so that you no longer feel the need to participate in further deceitful activities to achieve whatever you are hoping to achieve... activities that have harmed a few members on this forum, in addition to many others. Until then, may your students who sincerely seek spiritual wisdom and growth find what they are looking for one day, in spite of what has been presented to them via “Haotian”.
  18. Introducing Heavenly Dao School

    These two links can share more information. I was originally going to reply with more information before Vajra Fist quickly identified Ausar, but I held back believing the mods wouldn’t like me doing so. Now that a few people have identified another sock puppet account of Ausar too, here: https://www.thedaobums.com/topic/47382-ausar-a-fraud/ https://www.thedaobums.com/topic/12639-flying-phoenix-chi-kung/?page=189&tab=comments#comment-828719
  19. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I bet her calling your dad a motherf****r would get a similar response.
  20. FYI you don’t grant permissions... mods and admin do and decide regardless of what you think about a thread. Re: hogwash: res ipsa locquitur.
  21. Actual examples of suffering right now in the world, including genocide and ethnic cleansing, and diaspora. I hope that anyone who even remotely considers what the OP is saying to instead dismiss that weird line of rationalizing and look at facts instead. https://www.cfr.org/global-conflict-tracker/conflict/rohingya-crisis-myanmar https://www.rescue.org/article/top-10-crises-world-should-be-watching-2021 https://www.rescue.org/article/three-refugee-women-describe-whats-happening-tigray https://www.amnesty.org.ph/campaigns/war-on-drugs/ https://www.hrw.org/report/2020/04/09/shoot-traitors/discrimination-against-muslims-under-indias-new-citizenship-policy
  22. YUP. YOU GOT IT, NUN! And even then, cultural genocide (which I mentioned) isn't just "burning books"...but some people neglect to do due diligence.
  23. Quoted for emphasis. QED
  24. Sutras as a practice

    Reading sutras alone--sutrayana--is a very profound practice in of itself. What I've read recently was the difference with tantrayana and sutrayana is here: https://www.padmasambhava.org/2018/03/distinctions-between-the-sutrayana-and-vajrayana/ I highly recommend Ksitigharba, Medicine Buddha, Golden Light, Namgyalma, then the Lotus, Heart, and Diamond sutras. The first four are so dear to me that I want to carry copies with me everywhere and share with everyone...particularly because the first two are great for liberating animals and the dead or dying.