Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. Yep: as many above and I are all sharing, where is holding your breath in all of this conjecture? Just a thought: alchemy doesn't mean getting your junior mad scientist chemistry kit in the mail and playing with everything to turn lead into gold, it's a process of trial and error that's been practiced and refined for generations. The conjecture of the OP in this thread is confusing because it's being presented as fact but when challenged, the words are minced and goalposts are moved.
  2. And those who jerk-off a lot in a day with no ill effects tend to be teenagers with a lot of testosterone and hormones helping their bodies grow, or the guy with two penises on reddit who needs to because he will get an inflamed prostate if he doesn’t... As for holding breath, I usually don’t even notice if mine stops because it’s so slow that time seems to move slow as well in some forms I practice.
  3. Breath holding is also what killed Bruce Tegner, who held his breath and tensed his body. I don't know why there is such a bold certainty that this is the way to go; it's not something I've seen often in any of my Daoist or Vajra practices. I've seen slower breaths and spontaneous breathing, but generally, natural breathing is the common thing I notice that quality practices go for, not holding it in. Holding your breath isn't really something I see except for when I see the dabblers and the power seekers and boy, do a lot of people seem to do it when they get obsessed with activating their dantian for all sorts of shits and giggles. That said, I haven't had any experience with holding breath at all; even Flying Phoenix has breath control, not breath holding.
  4. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    "It's a Southern Thing" - I see you too are a man of good taste with that channel. Loved their bit on what a horror movie would be like if it were really set in the South. As for The Donald and Andy--this generation's Andy is often considered to be Sasha Baron Cohen, but I disagree, because Andy had so much influence that everyone from Penn and Teller to the Yes Men all showing more of a Dada/Fluxus kind of approach to performance art that just happens to be comedy, and Sasha is more of a comedian.
  5. https://lifehacker.com/what-kind-of-burnt-out-are-you-and-why-it-matters-1847256205 Because you might be going beyond cognitive dissonance and actually contributing to others and their Weltschmerz! Step back.
  6. Search bar in upper right corner, "Flying Phoenix".
  7. Go to the Flying Phoenix thread in zen bear’s PPJ here in TDB or to the Flying Phoenix thread in Alchemical Garden as linked in my signature.
  8. If you have met them in person, it’s very obvious when they give their demonstration indirectly or through what they can do. My doctor in Singapore was one such individual. With adequate experience and self-development, you can tell who has it and is full of shit online, both on video and from what they write.
  9. The most reputable one I’ve come across who does teach online is Terry Dunn and his peers through the Tao Tan Pai practice. Others I know of do not have an online presence and aren’t taking new students now. Many who claim to have the LDT active do not. I’ve come across roughly 6 who actually did have an active dantian, and many who claim they did actually just had potbellies. Also, virtue answered the latter part already, so this is adequate.
  10. Rewiring of the body in my practices is both internal to external and external to internal. Whether it is basically Yi Jin Jing where your body transforms physically through specific exercises from Zhan Zhuang and so on, or alchemical approaches that involve the activation of the Lower Dan Tian through proper practices, nothing available online, in any published book, or YouTube video, which both at the very least affect your health and physical strength. It is better to illustrate using specific examples: - increased bone density and relaxed, intelligent muscle rather than big and hard muscles - activation of the killer instinct gene - expanding and contracting of the fascia, between the muscles and skin, to the organs, the bones, and even the teeth - powerful joints and tendon strength - lesser exertion required to project more power, greatly enhanced strength, and superior stamina - radiant health that diminishes most illnesses and outright prevents them - a pearl-like object that can be felt by people pressing against your abdomen behind your navel, which feels electromagnetic and at times has a slightly audible hum - a completely casual attitude towards what people once described as mystical and mysterious through hyperbole
  11. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I see Xi Jinping above Yin and Yang.
  12. Circle walking

    I concur.🤣 We used to do this in 3 years, but we found that the average was closer to 3-5 years because of things like safety and the commitment of the students. 😎 Example: some students haven’t gone past the first year of syllabus for three years because they don’t have the time to practice consistently enough and be ready for the next step. They’re committed—life just doesn’t let them. One student with kids moved fast, one student with kids finds they won’t let him stand for more than 10–15 minutes. Yare-yare daze. Cool! 😁 Some of our school can do fajin with their face, as we train to do fajin without being restricted to a form.
  13. Circle walking

    These were taught as basic first year practice in Xin Yi under Chan/Rodriguez, and fundamentals under Dolic first year too.😃 Yup! Somehow, I don’t think we’re thinking of the same thing when talking about fajin because it doesn’t come in our practice without fascia and core activation, which doesn’t come from single palm change alone. You can push using the same form for example, but you won’t have the power behind it without the development from supplemental practices, which take 3-5 years. We’ve taught one person to do the fajin push without the fundamentals though, and he ended up first being able to make people fly, however, it led to serious health problems and he was forced to stop by his doctor since it somehow caused him a lot of pain and chronic fatigue and weakness among other things.
  14. Circle walking

    The analogy falls a bit flat given my teachers mastered and taught me both styles. 🤣 Pun very much intended. Yup, these same guys trained my teachers! 😃 That’s why I can fajin now either standing or walking, among other things.
  15. Circle walking

    Technically, they are sister styles as historically there was a lot of overlap in the training methods. Yes--self-learning is the worst thing one can do when learning circle walking. Taking bits and pieces here and there don't develop the skill one desires--it's the supplementary practices in addition to circle walking that impart its benefits, much like balancing and strengthening is necessary for athletes before they begin training in the sport they wish to excel in, as done in the Olympics.
  16. Martial Arts - Realm of the Insecure

    Serious answer this time: moderation, not suppression or repression. Meaningful relationships, adult decisions for sex, not "Wham, bam, thank you ma'am". It's not just jing loss from ejaculation, it's absorbing more than you bargain for when touching another person. I know people who are cautious about whom they have sex with and whom they spar with, and hate massages because of the sensitivity to energy exchange they have. So they only spar with their students or friends after vetting. If you're not picky about whom you have sex with, you have more than just STIs to worry about. Likewise, even for sensing hands, you may pick things up from your opponent as a lot of energy exchange is happening for those with deeper understanding of tuishou and alchemical cultivation.
  17. Martial Arts - Realm of the Insecure

    Is that a pickup line?
  18. Martial Arts - Realm of the Insecure

    Depends on the art, and the teacher. Also greatly depends on the student. Aikido: not the same mentality as Krav Maga. Iaido: not the same as Eskrima.
  19. Martial Arts - Realm of the Insecure

    And then there are some of us who just do these things, longevity or martial, for fun. Narf.
  20. Can't edit or delete own posts, even in PPJ

    Just to clarify: the forum for AG is technically owned by virtue and I just help with mod duties. Above is his request for feedback and here is the link to leave it.
  21. Can't edit or delete own posts, even in PPJ

    If someone thought it was a violation of rules here or reported us for making a new forum, they probably don’t realize that they’re advertising for us by bringing attention to the site. 🤣 Nothing wrong with a choice between Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, and Dr. Pepper anyway—some people might even want water, so give them options.