Earl Grey

The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. .

    John and Kosta were. This does not make you legitimate students. You are not wanted or accepted by the school in Java. You are not official members. You are not Chicago Bulls. You are dense as hell. How much do you charge people to watermark the video for 2b? Who is the lawyer who drafted the NDA? Stop copy and pasting, copying and pasting, contradicting and pasting.
  2. .

    And he can stop it anytime by owning it and stoping with the gaslighting, which even ilumairen noticed. We did call him names, but even then, he exaggerated it to sound worse than what was said. What's worse is the rampant homophobia he displays by immediately insisting he's straight and not acknowledging the question of whether or not his group allows gays and trans folks. No one actually outright said "You're gay" (aside from someone saying he should grind his boyfriend instead of grinding copy and paste responses or me saying that I bet he would love to rub sticks in the forest with JC in reference to the fire video). He can't even answer a simple question if he is a member of the Chicago Bulls Mo Pai school in Java, and ignores everything else such as my own question months ago about learning from video for people with disabilities, nor can he answer the above if they allows gays or trans folks into the WMP group, while insisting that he himself is a supporter of gay rights. The worst kind of homophobe: declaring himself to personally be okay with gays, but refusing to stick up for them when there's outright bigotry against them in his own group because he's only interested in himself.
  3. .

    You are a filthy liar, Jeremy Imelda. No where was it said that he got plastic surgery, what was said was that he was planning to get it. You have letters as well of John telling Jim to go learn from a nature spirit, not fairies. You keep saying that someone said you're working with the CIA to infiltrate Mo Pai when all that was said was you were paying a Chinese member to infiltrate the school and send your group the teachings. You are a pathological liar and distorting everything being said. All this could have been prevented had you not been stupid in the original thread and apologized to me, but you're too proud and sure of yourself. Quit smoking pot and messing up your life in that trailer where you sit and troll all day here--pot is bad for internal practices, especially ones stolen from a school whose lineage you don't even belong to, Jeremy Imelda. John and Kosta were. This does not make you legitimate students. You are not wanted or accepted by the school in Java. You are not official members. You are not Chicago Bulls. You are dense as hell. How much do you charge people to watermark the video for 2b? Who is the lawyer who drafted the NDA? Stop copying and pasting and copying and pasting and contradicting and pasting.
  4. .

    You are a filthy liar, Jeremy Imelda. No where was it said that he got plastic surgery, what was said was that he was planning to get it. You have letters as well of John telling Jim to go learn from a nature spirit, not fairies. You keep saying that someone said you're working with the CIA to infiltrate Mo Pai when all that was said was you were paying a Chinese member to infiltrate the school and send your group the teachings. You are a pathological liar and distorting everything being said. All this could have been prevented had you not been stupid in the original thread and apologized to me, but you're too proud and sure of yourself. Quit smoking pot and messing up your life in that trailer where you sit and troll all day here--pot is bad for internal practices, especially ones stolen from a school whose lineage you don't even belong to, Jeremy Imelda. John and Kosta were. This does not make you legitimate students. You are not wanted or accepted by the school in Java. You are not official members. You are not Chicago Bulls. You are dense as hell. How much do you charge people to watermark the video for 2b? Who is the lawyer who drafted the NDA?
  5. .

    John and Kosta were. This does not make you legitimate students. You are not wanted or accepted by the school in Java. You are not official members. You are not Chicago Bulls. You are dense as hell. How much do you charge people to watermark the video for 2b? Who is the lawyer who drafted the NDA?
  6. .

    You are a filthy liar. No where was it said that he got plastic surgery, what was said was that he was planning to get it. You have letters as well of John telling Jim to go learn from a nature spirit, not fairies. You are a pathological liar and distorting everything being said. Quit smoking pot and messing up your life in that trailer where you sit and troll all day here--pot is bad for internal practices, especially ones stolen from a school whose lineage you don't even belong to, Jeremy Imelda.
  7. Breathing into LDT properly using reverse breathing

    Frankly speaking, it appears you are out to have power and are willing to use a stolen system, based on wanting the powers Jim had and using it on your mother. This is 100% wrong. If you are after healing or martial skills, honestly, you need to readjust your values and your approach. I can't in good conscience recommend most styles or systems out there because of what you are after. If you are willing to change, however, here is what I would do: 1) drop Mo Pai and meditating on the LDT completely. Stop. Two weeks of doing nothing. 2) Go look for Fragrant qigong, a system for healing and psychic development. Ideally, learn from the teacher John Dolic, or if money is an issue, there is a free PDF and YouTube videos, but the quality is low and much information is missing, and there are some minor mistakes in the forms on YouTube. 3) Never, ever go out to try to seek personal power as you did with Mo Pai and don't practice without an instructor, not just to do things right and protect you from danger, but to make sure you don't harm anyone else, especially your poor mother. You are inviting angry spirits from Mo Pai, and as a Javanese practice (not Mohist, truthfully), spirits are dangerous things to play with. At least Fragrant qigong was a gift from Master Tian to humanity and only takes 30-45 minutes a day, no more. Do not mix Mo Pai with Fragrant qigong. You will die.
  8. Breathing into LDT properly using reverse breathing

    "Do not do it, it is dangerous and you can harm yourself."
  9. Breathing into LDT properly using reverse breathing

    People have different ideas for Zhan Zhuang. Someone I spoke with thought he was doing it, but he was only doing wuji, not embracing. Many people think they only need 10 minutes, but our school does it for hours. Find a better practice--it's dangerous and incomplete, and unethical to practice stolen instructions.
  10. Go to his PPJ and see the memoriam thread that chronicles it all.
  11. .

    Well, some lawyers or hacks will draft anything for anyone. I used to work in the legal field and saw some ridiculous things, especially as a process server and a paralegal. A robber sued a family for negligence when he fell down the stairs attempting to steal their TV, and he won...
  12. Breathing into LDT properly using reverse breathing

    Likely there is just a different approach--as we both have encountered teachers saying the exact opposite, it's hard to be conclusive. To simplify this, I'll speak for what my own teachers and others I've met have said: LDT breathing comes later after having built a foundation of meditation and body re-wiring. Doing it too early is either going to do nothing at best or damage at worst. It's a step-by-step process as the member freeform also wrote the other day when doing Taoist practices. Sitting-forgetting is an aspect of Golden Flower--and again, this practice is up for debate amongst many, but commonly from the teachers whom I have met, it's the same thing: do Nothing, capital N, and often they will focus on breathing. While it seems so simple it's stupid, it's the development of the body and mind that makes this precious because of each stage of development that comes with the practice. The specifics are not mentioned on how to do Nothing here, but it's a close approximation of what I and my teachers impart to our students. Another way of looking at it is this: what fruits are being borne by the students and teachers with their practice? As I come from a martial/healing/neigong background, I can say that the fruits are very specific to what we do, but the ten thousand things come from the one thing.
  13. Breathing into LDT properly using reverse breathing

    I've encountered the exact opposite where teachers have advised against LDT breathing, as it can burn it out. Unless you're part of a formal training discipline they guide you through, they don't recommend it, especially for beginners and the MCO is as bad too.
  14. .

    How much do you charge people to watermark the video for 2b? Who is the lawyer who drafted the NDA?
  15. .

    John and Kosta were. This does not make you legitimate students. You are not wanted or accepted by the school in Java. You are not official members. You are not Chicago Bulls. You are dense as hell.
  16. .

    How much do you charge people to watermark the video for 2b? Who is the lawyer who drafted the NDA?
  17. .

    John and Kosta were. This does not make you legitimate students. You are not wanted or accepted by the school in Java. You are not official members. You are not Chicago Bulls. You are dense as hell.
  18. .

    John and Kosta were. This does not make you legitimate students. You are not wanted or accepted by the school in Java. You are not official members. You are not Chicago Bulls. You are dense as hell. How much do you charge people to watermark the video for 2b? Who is the lawyer who drafted the NDA?
  19. Breathing into LDT properly using reverse breathing

    As you’re only discussing a technique, you don’t give any information on system and practices. LDT breathing alone without any basic information about what you do and what you have is guaranteed to either do nothing at best or burn it at worst.
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    From John Chang and Michael Jordan.
  22. WW3 2020?

    Hrm. Another political thread. More emotions. Not good. Too many names to run away from fast. Mixing strong personalities and politics. Bad. Close thread. Or walk out. Better to walk out instead of being thrown out. Good people. Good friends. All of them. Bad neighborhood. Walking out. - Rorschach’s journal, final entry
  23. For sake of simplicity, yes, which I guess wasn’t clear here when I gave the translation and contemporary use Of course, it’s like saying hydroelectric, magnetic, thermal dynamic, kinetic, static electricity, and such are just energy rather than the specific kind as i understand it.
  24. It took you ONE WEEK to come up with that pathetic reply? You still never indicate what languages you speak, the nuances of history, or if you actually traveled and lived while talking with people you claim to speak for as though your view of colonial history represented everyone. And of course, everyone on this thread already agreed you’re just a pest. Nothing to do with me being a global authority—simple elementary knowledge. Keep trying—who knows? Maybe you’ll be memorialized like Rosa Parks for eliminating pillows because they’re white sheets too.
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    Don't forget they have a gopnik defending them now, too. ...unless Baba Yaga ate him already.