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Everything posted by FixXxer1846
Yeah, I like a cushion. Lotus is easier when you lean forward a bit - or sit on a cushion. Eventually you could push yourself to be just as comfortable without. But I guess it's not necessary. Seriously dude, EM fields to get into full lotus? Fill that tan tien, Drew. Come down to Earth a bit. Maybe that helps with stopping the pain when you're sitting into that a long time, but otherwise... just stretch daily. Eddie Bravo on flexibility and WORK ETHIC 1:50 - a stretch I do to warm up to full lotus. 2:33 - Lotus stretch 3:54 - Goes into lotus without using his hands while standing on his head. Bravo brings up a good point here. Most guys cry and moin for 3 years before getting into a specific position. But a college football guy, who stretches 30 minutes a day, does it better within 2 months. Work ethic. Initially I had a lot of pain on the outside of my upper legs and in my knees (you should focus on stretching the muscles surrounding the hip! Not the ligaments of the knee!). That largely went away after a few days and I began to feel the upper most portion of my quadriceps. If I sit in lotus for a while I still need to take a brake for a day or 2, probably because the microtears need to be repeared (otherwise it keeps hurting). But things go easier all the time. It's quite a painful experience though. I have no doubt body type plays a role. I did quite a bit of fitness without that much stretching over the years, so I got stiffer. However, I still have long, relatively thin legs and little fat around my hips/thighs... so with quite a bit of warming up and pain I was able to fold myself into full lotus. But no way taht everyone with short, thick legs can do that without practice. Update: As for those two stretches of Vortex. I just tried them. I'm stretching different muscles with those two than with the full lotus. In full lotus I now primarily feel the top portion of the quadriceps - not my ass muscles (hip/leg extensors) or the adductors on the inside of my leg. That is because when you fold your heel onto your other thigh and start pressing the folded leg down, you specifically stretch out that tiny portion of your quadriceps. Sit on your knees and lean back and you'll stretch the middle portion of your quadriceps. So when one is attempting to sit in full lotus - unless you are VERY stiff in every aspect - practice the full lotus or try to get as close into it as possible.
Interesting. That could well be true. Or at the very least it enhances the flow a bit. Seems to work when you go into emptiness and not work on the "small universe" practice in particular. The posture still caused pressure in my heart area after a while, but for now only when I go into emptiness and not when watching tv (might take too long). Also explains what Jeremy said: I had a very unusual nose bleed also today. But I have a cold, so could well be related to that. Wondering why Chunyi Lin is so vague when talking about the full lotus. Looking at what he wrote down, he says full lotus "opens the most channels" and "allows you stay in emptiness the longest". He also seems to imply that it is a practice unto itself by saying it's possible to practice while watching television (as is possible with Zhan Zhuang). But there's no detail on what the practice actually does. Then in an interview last year Lin adds "There are a lot of benefits you can get from this posture. One of them is to strengthen your vitality faster..." And that's about it. A bit of a shame. If the posture is really that powerful (and may even render the basic small universe practice a bit obsolete) he should promote it more. It seems I'm one person who really benefits from this posture.
This is the kind of stuff I'm looking for. Very interesting. Just today I was amazed that everybody I was standing outside with had it very cold. But I was comfortable and even my nose was pretty warm. Definitely will be keeping an eye on this. I'm wondering if the full lotus is automatically giving a boost to the ren and du channels of the microcosmic orbit and possibly also other channels... I don't feel anything at the back, but that's not my major problem area (anymore). Thanks for sharing! You too, Drew. Probably will have a few follow-up questions, if you don't mind.
Because of a total lack of scientific evidence, I'm trying to feel and describe what is going in my body when doing full lotus - and ask for others to do the same. It does seem to raise some of the energy, but through which meridians? Don't know. But maybe we can feel what's happening if we all describe our experiences. Full lotus didn't cure my hay fever, by the way. That was a combo of acupressure and adapted versions of Zhan Zhuang and microcosmic orbit. Now that the effects of these seem to have leveled off (don't like to do them sitting up with a ton of concentration), I tried the next stage... doing them in full lotus, of which 15-30 minutes is hopefully enough for a number of new breaktrhoughs.
Yeah, the pericardium channel is specifically linked to the lao gong palm point... But what is it exactly that these points do when you point it at another acupuncture point or a body part... More than "exchanging energy" you won't find. Certainly no scientific literature on it. The thing is: I can't figure out what the ice cold energy is moving from the palm point deep into and up the arms... or sometimes seemingly via various other meridians. To me it seems the lao gong points in those cases draw yin or negative energy away from that body part and send it back to one of the tan tiens to be transformed, possibly the middle. Can't feel it past my upper arms though, so don't know what's happening. And now I don't have those sensations at all anymore... Made place for warmth a long time ago. Same question with tingling and pressure over certain points... what's precisely happening? No one knows. Those who say they do, don't. At least they haven't written it down. Details...
All based on my own (lengthy) experimentation.... screw any organized system. METHOD 1: Sit down on a chair in front of a tv/laptop/ pc with your favorite miniseries. Rest with your elbows on the armsrests and aim your palms at your navel area (move up and down a few inches once every few hours if you feel little to nothing anymore, along the Ren channel). Give it 50 hours or so and there should be a considerable improvement of your digestion. In the mean time you will probably feel sensations in your palms (intense cold, sometimes moving up into the arms; pressure; tingling) and stomach (gurgling, pain, nauseau). It can take sessions of several hours before these sensations develop. This is basically Zhan Zhuang. Don't worry about these a straight back, etc. It will work. Worked for me. Improved digestion dramatically. Still a lot of nervous tension though so I still need quite a bit of work. METHOD 2: Lie down on the bed or couch. Focus on the navel area while breathing in and out. Visualize something down there... I usually use a bright sun. It will create the same reactions in the stomach, but it's a little different. The palms do SOMETHING... but nobody seems to know exactly what. There's only some basic mythology about it. This is the Microcosmic Orbit basic practice. METHOD 3: Lie down on the bed or couch. Combine method 1 and 2. Very easy to maintain for hours in this position, while standing posture tends to drive people crazy within minutes after a while (virtually the same effectiveness it seems to me; early sensations occured only slightly faster while standing...). Even after Method 1 had little result anymore (the non-focused Zhan Zhuang version), this Method 3 still produced intense stomach pain rather quickly. All gone now. In this same way I removed huge pain at my heart area (middle tan tien) when focusing there. In that case Method 3 proved much more powerful than just Method 1 (only suited when the energy system is open it seems). Within a few hours the pain in the heart disappeared, my dreams improved dramatically and it also improved my digestion (could feel energy from the blockage flow downward, causing immediate gurglings in my intestines). Don't know if all this works for you. Maybe you have blockages somewhere else. Look for painful spots and knots along the Ren Mai channel. Remove them through acupressure and Method 3. Works like a charm, at least with me. Acupressure works much faster than the above qigong systems, but doesn't go as deep. But in acute cases it the first way to go. And sometimes it needs to be used in between. Often when working on the middle or upper dan tien I feel energy moving downward along the Ren channel, only to find that a painful knot around my tan tien has reappeared. Rub it for a few minutes (which usually causes spasms with me in my right leg, while feeling something move along the kidney channel there) and it's all fine again.
That's true. I'm about the only person whose comfortable studying both ends of the spectrum. Although, I definitely don't have the drive and fighter instinct necessary to make it anywhere close to the top of the MMA/martial arts game. Too laid back. Don't care much for a world title. Money is nice though. Gives freedom.
My ninjutsu "master" once told me stuff as well... doesn't mean it's based on reality (and it was nice to know that their "mystical" teachings consist on the microcosmic orbit, kundalini and a few other practices). People believe in fairy tails, especially the "wise" old men. But put a Tai Chi "master" in the cage and we'll see what happens. I once saw a 7th or 8th dan ninjutsu guy get man handled by a reasonably skilled MMA fighter. The modern stuff is just better than the old. Maybe there are masters out there who have build up their meridian system to such an extent that they can kill that way (like you can see on some History Channel documentary), but that's about the only chance these styles have. Then again, at that point things become so serious they fall into the warfare category and you can just as well introduce machine guns...
Don't know who the long-haired male ballerina is in the first video is but he's going to get his ass kicked when dancing with the guys in the second video. But I guess that's the case with all Tai Chi and Kung Fu boys...
I just got sick a day after stepping up with Chunyi Lin's microcosmic orbit (last thursday). Don't know if it is related. Haven't been sick in 1,5 years. Thought I do the orbit while being sick, but the main problem is that the nose is stuffed. So I breath through the mouth (vaseline on lower lip). Works, but still it's very hard to concentrate, impossible if you are very sick. Got the idea my body was seriously overheating after doing it for 2 hours while sick. Had to walk around a bit.
Actually, learning to see which muscles are tight can be very hard. For each muscle you have specific ways to compare left and right and the overall flexibility (in degrees). A lot of stuff someone doesn't come up with by themselves. Almost like reverse jiu jitsu. Often you have to position your hands on a joint or muscle just right to flex or extent properly. Can't give you the books. Mine weren't English. Getting tired already when thinking about learning it again. Not for practical daily use.
One of the better books to see what muscles you're using when picking up weights: http://www.amazon.com/Strength-Training-Anatomy-3rd-Frederic-Delavier/dp/0736092269/ref=pd_sim_b_1 You won't simply learn from books. You have to do the exercises, play around and look for other exercises. I have a weight lifting routine with maybe a dozen basic exercises and some I've come up with myself over the years (for safety or to specifically target my upper 4 abs, for example). But you have to do the exercises, feel which muscles are being stretched, which are sore, etc. This is the domain of physiotherapy (and doctors and surgeons also get anatomy/fysiology), but bodybuilders and athletes usually know more about practical exercises. At college/university you get all the intricacies (including all the stuff that's useless in daily life)... which muscles are in the body (hundreds and you have to study hard... feeling the muscles, like in the lower arm or shoulder can be hard also), but also how they are build up/contract, the different energy supply systems and how fast they run out, and how the impulses move from the central/pheripheral nervous system to the muscles and back. If I were you I wouldn't be bothered by that unless you want that type of education. A ton of work. Been there; done that. You'd be better off doing fitness and studying the major muscles you work out. If you get hurt... physiotherapy/doctor time. Too many muscles under the skin... so many tiny little movements to stretch/manipulate them. Takes many years of practice and continuous doing if you don't want to forget. Fitness, much easier and more practical. Learned very little on the education that's for practical personal use.
The Hui Yin acupuncture point is at the perineum. When activating the microcosmic orbit this is one of the major energy points that connects to the legs. It's the only point where I actually regularly feel the qi flow for a split second, like it is unplugging. As far as I know Kundalini starts at the tailbone and moves up the back. But like Chunyi Lin said in a recent interview and some other advanced level practitioners have said, the MCO doesn't work with that type of energy. Sometimes people who opened up the MCO start working with Kundalini energy which despite an open MCO still runs like a freight train through their spine.
Well, I think Tulku or Non would definitely be interested in you. But my guess you have more success with Facebook. Haha. Plenty of nice men out there. They don't even have to be spiritual. A beautiful woman as you can easily convince 'em to diligently practice the microcosmic orbit everyday until they can do in the bedroom what you expect of them (exchange energies and such). Few men would be interested in all the philosophical, theoretical aspects of spirituality though, but that probably also goes for most women.
Damn, this is a good interview. Thanks a lot. Only wish he went a little deeper into the full lotus position. Only managed to sit in it for 2 minutes one time as an experiment, but there seems to be something to it indeed. Felt powerful. I once asked Chunyi Lin if he could really see someone's past life... He seemed very surprised by the question and wanted to know where I got that info from. Said I "read it somewhere on the internet"... knowing full well it was Mr. Drew Hempel. Don't believe he answered it; definitely didn't deny it. The idea was basically to do an interview with him at another point for questions like that, but it didn't have any priority so never did it. Had two healing sessions with him. After that I decided to do it myself. Was interesting though. Asked him where the major blockages were. He said they were in the chest... could be true, although they were elsewhere too. But my heart and upper chest really, really hurt when working on it myself - didn't tell him that. He was 5,000 miles away and I started getting a little nauseated and began burping when he was working on me. First time I thought nothing of it (but was strong enough that I put the phone aside to let out a few burps... very unusual), but it happened the second time also. Don't think that was a coincidence. Once had a lady working on me... way back. She burped so much while working on my stomach that the whole hotel room began to smell funky. Pretty big room also. Glad she didn't release the energy from her backside, as some have a tendency to do. Haha.
Interesting. Very recognizable. I usually feel a major spasm coming up before it happens. There's usually some itchy, tingling feeling building up (but maybe not as strong as an orgasm ) and the spasm automatically releases and disperses that feeling - which feels nice. Often there's no way to stop the spasm. And it usually gets way to uncomfortable/painful if the energy is allowed to build up. I found it of great benefit to target the major problem areas on the microcosmic orbit/small universe first, but think I'm gonna continue with Chunyi Lin's version now continually... see if I can also reach these new plateaus gradually. Focusing on the first point all the time (tan tien is kind of a bore. Felt some warm energy trickle past C7 into the back of my head last time I did small universe... trying to get it to reach my nose... weather is starting to get colder, you know. Don't know how your progress is now 6 months later, but that current sounds like something positive. Seems like you body is just adjusting to the stronger flow. Many people report electric shocks when their tongue makes contact with the palate... Never felt it, but supposedly this only happens when the energy gets really strong and moves so fast it starts getting an electric quality.
Been working on my health since last year and one the things I'm after is opening my microcosmic orbit. Turned out it was plugged from all sides. Now, after many months most of the painful spots are gone (rub them away or point your palms at them while concentrating on the spot), my emotions are much better and some physical ailments have improved or are gone. I have kept a lengthy log of all my sensations and improvements during this period. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the Ren and Du channels (Conception and Governing vessels) exist: I felt many acupuntucture points, streams of energy, tingling, intense heat, etc. Even tried testicle breathing. Amazing how cold that feels and how the sex drive goes to zero (although my channels aren't open enough to completely remove the energy... after a week I can do all the testicle breathing I want...) Still there are a few things that bother me. Like a said, a lot of things have improved. And things like my hay fever were completely gone after focusing on the yin-tang for several hours. The hay fever had become very severe last year and the qigong showed it was strongly related to bad emotions that same year. However, I am still waiting to feel ANY heat in my lower stomach... You know, where the tan tien is supposed to be. Granted, the first time I focused there for 20 minutes I fell asleep and woke up thinking I had dropped a burning moxa stick just below my belly button... so intense was the heat. But I NEVER felt any heat anymore thereafter. It's my most severe problem area there, so in the beginning there was lots of pain, gurgling and spastic movements. That all settled down and after 50 hours or so digestion was greatly improved. But it's still far from perfect after... I don't know... 150-200 hours. This greatly annoys me since the lower belly/tan tien/cauldron is the motor of the entire meridian system. Even though I'm quite young (29) and have a strong body, my yang energy definitely is trapped somewhere or overall down. The tongue diagnosis shows it clearly and especially my nose still has a tendency to get very cold (noticed that during an occassional stress attack cold energy literally rushes into my nose). Acupuncturists have not been able to help (in contrast to my own acupressure and qigong) so that's no option. I need to kickstart that cauldron. So my basic question is if there are any people here who feel (very significant) heat in the lower belly when focusing here... And how long does this take for you? I assume in the long run I will feel it too (nervous energy is still trapped there... definitely), but really want some reassurance that there actually are people who feel heat, like Mantak Chia describes, for example. I can get strong sensations at the Ming Men (first time there was heat also) and some sensation at other points, but the tan tien/Qi Hai/CV-6/Belly Button area is very unresponsive with me. Except for gurgling and very minor sensations. Can't hop to the U.S. to get Chia or Chunyi Lin to kickstart it for me so will have to do it myself.
Focused in the past two days more on the center of the body, where the tan tien is supposed. Things changed again, strongly too. First a few heat waves. Than cold shiverings in the upper torso and arms, followed a few heavy spastic movements of the torso and legs. The latter happens regularly when focusing on a different, blocked aspect of my microcosmic orbit, whether it was acupressure, moxa or now qigong. That's interesting. Focusing on the navel (first with palms; then with the mind and breath) gave me certain strong sensations once... they went away. Only causes a lot of warth in hands (which used to last much much longer when I tried it ten years ago... everyone commented on my warm hands back then) Supposedly just focusing on that point alone will be enough to fix that whole area. That may be true eventually, but when focusing on CV-6 just below it, some of these sensations briefly came back. That's only logical, because in TCM it has considerably different effects and is actually more potent than the navel, certainly when it comes to building up the kidneys and spleen. The heat went away again for now. If I consistently manage to get heat there or feel my tan tien I'll give this topic a final update. Or somebody else must beat me to it. Quotes from the 1980 book I posted on that reviewed experiences with Mantak Chia and a few other systems: Review from the early 20th century (this guy was dying, so I hope I reach this state faster...): And Chia himself (who focuses at CV-8 instead of CV-6): Student of Chia (interview): I aim for a bit of (internal) warmth/fullness for now or feeling the tan tien itself.
Interesting idea that yang aspect. Makes sense. Was thinking about that, as you are basically drawing in an external (full-spectrum) heat source. Could be why I love it so much. Still a bit yang deficient.
Love and Desires are Antithetical to Enlightenment
FixXxer1846 replied to tulku's topic in General Discussion
Surprises me that negative trolling like this is allowed. It will push away all rational people. I just came here to dump some info, to be picked in the Google engine, so don't mind me. Pay back for some of the insights I gleaned from the Tao Bums forum, but mostly from Drew Hempel and that Matt W-something person. I've done a different kind of research for many many years. Most of the time you can't say what's what, but I've seen evidence that the entire alternative community, online and off-line is penetrated by persons tied to the CIA (works through private institutes, also domestically, just as the 60s and 70s) and Pentagon - maybe State. Also was surprised to find documents with persons like that setting up chapters of the Raelien and Bhagwan cults (registered at the same address of a person who was caught photographing children's bodies at morgues--never made the news), in addition to all the NWO, Illuminati, Annunaki, Reptilian promoting groups out there. Tricky thing, allowing everyone irrational and hypernegative to say what they want. But like I said, don't mind me. Love and sexual desire are two different things. Coincidentally posted about that in the last few days. Love is very quiet, can be even boring. Romance and emotions go through the roof when sexual energy is building up. But love... very different. In fact, there's evidence in reincanation and near death experience research (which also counts the involvement of some curious individuals) to show that love is the energy that holds the universe together. Little to do with sexual desire. Apparently the soul is pure love. It merges with the physical body/ego/brains at birth. In that way people are continually challenged to take the high or the low road. Darwin was right, but there's every indication there's a lot more. -
I do. Experimented a bit with it 7 years ago. Guy who brought it to the West was nice and helpful, but couldn't really do it at the time. There's too little sun out here, at least when you limit yourself to the first hour in the morning and evening. Experimented a bit with it again 2-3 weeks back. Looked at the sun during the day for 30 minutes on end... Very bright, but no problem whatsoever for the eyes. In fact, it feels great. Several times felt like energy was running into a blockage in my chest, but that's about it. A quick calculation shows you need to do about 200+ hours of sungazing for full effect. Not gonna get close to that in the coming years. Basically I agree with the people who say that bare feet on the earth isn't necessary (I just lie down in a chair, feet up in the air) and those that sungaze without problems during the day for hours on end. Too bright for me at this point, but it feels wonderful. Eyes get shiny white because of it. Eyesight even improves a bit with better colors. But that's only to be expected, based on Dr. William Bates' research. Of course, it's all at your own risk. Follow HRM's instructions if you wanna be 100% safe. But not practical in many parts of the world. Good luck.
Interesting. The odds of getting killed in a car crash in the Netherlands in 2010 was 0,004% (640/16,000,000). Better be careful with taking answers from "Silly Jilly" at Yahoo Answers. As for Russian Roulette guess it depends how often you pull the trigger. Should be 1 in 6 if you try once. Anyway... the instructions actually are in the public domain. Chia's writings might be all over the place but take a book like Awaken Healing Energy of 1983 and you have all the info you need to get started and not fry your brain (although I think it could be better in many places)... if people actually read. And so what if the info is not in the public domain? Then we experiment, experiment and experiment until it is in the public domain and everybody knows EXACTLY how to do things - because that is where it should be. "Secret knowledge" to "protect the people" is the biggest load of political crap on the planet, except in (true) national security/war situations. People are always obsessed by secret knowledge... It's wrong when hundreds of millions of people are suffering of diseases that the holy man in his cave knows how to take away. People are resposible for themselves and this energy system is part of who we are. So we better learn to work with it. Accidents will happen... so what? Part of life. Acting like a control freak and superficial thinking, if you don't mind me saying...