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Everything posted by Samoobramba

  1. Waysun Liao DVD guide.

    I have them. I like especialy Seminar on Internal Work and the Ultimate Internal Power Workshop.
  2. I'm searching for the Wai Lun Choi's Hsing-Yi Ch'uan DVD but is "Currently unavailable". Anyone knows where to find it of would like to sell me his own? Thanks in avance for any help. Hsing-Yi Ch'uan: 5 Elements: 5 Element Change Form
  3. Jiang Yu Shan's videos are preaty expensive. However to me they seems preaty good. I'm collecting some money to buy his videos.
  4. Anyone has to sell me the Wai Lun Choi's Xingyi DVD?

    Seems is difficult to find.
  5. Alex Kozma's new book and website

    Anybody have the Ziranmen book by Alex Kozma and would like to sell it to me? Thanks.
  6. Temple style Taiji Quan

    Anybody ordered the online videos by Waysun Liao? Can they be downloaded?
  7. Master Waysun Liao

    Has anybody the Waysun Liao's DVD set "Taichi and the Martial Arts "? I'm very interested to have it.
  8. Anybody is combining the IMA practice with the Calistenics? IMHO it could be a great idea. IMA within a strong body sould work even better. Calistenics yes or not? Maybe other exercises to strengthen the body? Opinions?
  9. Internal Martial Arts & Calistenics

    This Hung Gar form uses the Dynamic Self Resistance or Dynamic Visual Resistance exercise. I like this principles. Some believe (maybe are right) that with this exercises you can train whole body without the needs of weights.
  10. Internal Martial Arts & Calistenics

    However, I don't see Yang Cheng Fu, even Cheng Man Ching, doing Calistenics.
  11. I like very much what teach Bruce Kumar Frantzis ( I have some his books and old videos. Also last year I bought the Tai Chi Mastery Program. It is excellent!!! In this year I plan to buy his Hsing-I Mastery Program. Also seems his Bagua Mastery Program and his Old Yang Tai Chi Training Circle are very good. Any experience?
  12. BK Frantzis - Mastery Program series

    I just ordered the Hsing-I Mastery Program. It has 30 DVDs about the Hsing-I 5 Element Fists and the basic I Chuan standing postures: - Volume 1: San Ti and Pi Chuan - 7 DVD Set - Volume 2: Water Fist (Tsuan Chuan) - 6 DVD Set - Volume 3: Wood Fist (Beng Chuan) - 5 DVD Set - Volume 4: Fire Fist (Pao Chuan) - 4 DVD Set - Volume 5: Earth Fist (Heng Chuan) - 4 DVD Set - I Chuan Standing Postures for Power - 4 DVD Set (BONUS) However the program contain also a donwloadable Online Program. :-) It seems great. Can't wait to receive all the program (DVDs) by mail. :-)
  13. BK Frantzis - Mastery Program series

    Anybody else learned from the BK Frantzis Mastery program series?
  14. Xingyi

    Hope that this year I can practice some Xingyi.
  15. Taichi, Hsing I, Bagua....etc

    IMHO, they are different methods that uses the same principles.
  16. BK Frantzis - Mastery Program series

    Interesting. Thanks for sharing your experience.
  17. Combat T'ai Chi Ch'uan Documentary

    Here is shown the same exercise (for demonstration at higher speed): The aim of this exercise is to learn how the soft overcomes the hard.
  18. Combat T'ai Chi Ch'uan Documentary

    Here is a free-form sensitivity drill done at higher speed. It's a non-cooperative training practice. For the safety reasons all strikes are pulled back. The video shows the motion at 1/9 of the real speed, frame by frame. So you can see the strikes and what is happening! Here is shown in real speed! This is not a tipical speed of this drill. It may look nothing special and just slaping hands but you need some very good combative skill to do it.
  19. Bagua Mastery Program by Bruce Kumar Frantzis
  20. Temple style Taiji Quan

    Waysun Liao studied also with Cheng Man Ching. The Temple style Tai Chi has a significant input from that.
  21. Can anyone recommend good Tai Chi DVDs?

    I can recommend: - Traditional Sun style Taijiquan - 5 DVD set by Tim Cartmell (Sun style long form) - Tai Chi Mastery Program - 50 DVD set by Bruce Kumar Frantzis (Wu style short form)
  22. Bagua mastery dvd

    From what I heard the Bagua Mastery Program is very good. I have the Tai Chi Mastery program and is excellent. I like what BK Franciz teach. :-)
  23. Greetings from Slovenia

    My name is Igor Rakar and I am from Slovenia. I like the practical side of the Martial Arts. I like especialy the internal marital arts. I'm very interested for realistic combat practice. The major influence to me were from the Guided Chaos system developed by John Perkins. Other imortant influences are from the Internal Martial Arts and comes from systems/schools by C.K. Chen, Bruce Frantzis, Tim Cartmell and Bob Boyd. I lead a small realistic self-defense training group in Koper- Capodistria (Slovenia). Our name is 21st Century COMBATIVES. Here is our webpage: Here are some videos from our training group practice: If anybody is interested for martial practice (if you are from Europe maybe we can do some practice) or discussing on fighting can contact me at [email protected] .