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Posts posted by nonee

  1.'s such a shame that you don't have a gift for teaching and might be able to create good instructional books otherwise.That book you have linked is a monstrosity of jumbled concepts, of talking about a lot of subjects on the same page without making sure that people reading it are familiar with all the terminology and that the terminology is rigorously and precisely defined from the start.

    You don't have even a table of contents. 

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  2. I have asked about the blocks and he told me just to get it done with and go to Oneness University course in India to have brain rewired and come back permanently Awakened. In the past he has seen the main problem with not sensing subtle energy is there is energy block connecting left and right hemispheres of the brain and thus I am not sensitive to what the right hemisphere is registering because there is not good communication between the hemispheres. He said meditation will not release this block, it would take Divine Grace. So once again he is saying only the Oneness course in India will be effective. I have no desire to travel all that distance and they have recently raised their fees considerably for their courses in India. I will wait until they eventually start offering those types of courses on Skype which I have a feeling they will do one of these days in the near future. Perhaps within 5 years. If things become even worse in world condition of violence, I think they will be forced to reach more people rather than hope that more people will come to India to be Awakened. I can wait. So as I have said elsewhere, I do not believe it is so much the qigong method that a person does, but rather the results depends on the condition of the nervous system of the person doing the qigong method. So to continue to search for a more effective qigong method is going to be futile for myself.

    whenever I hear this type of bullshit...that you need the "immortal master's" transmission ....or some kind of "Divine Grace" nonsense...and practices won't get you there....that sound more like they want to do some kind of ritual...who knows what they want to attache to your spiritual sounds more like possession...if practices don't work then why the f**k do them at all?I saw your psychic's picture, he looks like shit for his age, his parasite seems to thrive. Jenny Lamb talked about this,how many play with energetic practices and open their third eye and shit and their intention being acquiring power, that attracts lower spirits that posses them, she said people should be more preoccupied on cultivating virtues not play around with energetic manipulations that we honestly don't know what effects they have and what gates they open for some entities that want to feed on you.I always wondered why people try energy manipulation practices when they don't know what effect it will produce on a level that we simply don't have any organ senses to know what we're truly doing...we base our "knowing" on how we feel,even though our feelings most of the times only create more confusion.I heard a story about someone hiring a magician to harm a buddhist monk...i think he was theravada...the magician said that for some reason what he did didn't really work and gave up.unless at an lower physical and energetic level we manage to cultivate as many positive virtues and fix many of our denatured ways to perceive reality how can someone expect to advance to higher real spiritual knowledge? it's like western medicine who don't fix the root causes and imbalances but try to mask the symptoms with bandages...people think for a time they're well...but then the side effects surface themselves and everything gets worse.

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  3. Tao stillness I don't know if you have considered the thought but why haven't you asked your main clairvoyant to find out specifically for you what is the best stagnation/meridian clearing approach and how to improve your sensitivity?...he keeps testing for you qigongs you keep searching for and can give really accurate readings on how it will affect you but he can't provide ultra individualized advice for you so you can fix your energetic problems?...something doesn't sound right about that.

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  4. Hello guys...untill now I've only been practicing more realistic martial arts I learned from online courses and now I'm interested in some spiritual aspects that I hope to learn from members here.

    Wish you an awesome new year!
