Trash Filter

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Everything posted by Trash Filter

  1. My Dantien is < 2% full

    Hey eletric, can you elaborate more on having a powerful, strong radiant energy? Thks TF
  2. Reverse Breathing and Central Channel

    Nice way of putting it, "upgrades its bandwidth". Yang Jwing Ming's has a book that I have, its very good. Reverse breathing is great because it produces a lot of pressure to melt stuff. And abdominal breathing works in deep it seems.
  3. What will be the future earth society?

    Yes, its good one! You know I don't necessarily agree with everything the kabbalahists decide. Again, they supress knowledge and do not acknowledge the use of meditation used in the old advancements. And forget about madonna, she is just on her unrelated trip. lol Nevertheless some of the old knowledge available helps me understand some things. Talking about connectedness, we got to forget about these losers of council 33 controlling the earth who got there by being the best at deception not because they were the best spiritually advanced, despite there trillions of dollars and research, they lack vision because they have never considered doing anything besides deception and never thought of relenquishing power for a future society that is sustainable for all. We start with more detailed vision of what we want in our minds, and root our rejection of these fools- we won't take it anymore- in caution. Tao is for all, and not for the privledged few like it has been for so long. This almost extinct knowledge is part of the problem why our desired future society is so slowly developing. The world is a reflection of myself(ourselves), even I used to get the human trip where I would feel like withholding knowledge, power, love for ego, but now I have developed in a way where I couldn't care less about the selfish self because its never been forfilling me and all, hence my proposition- the buggers need to let her loose and why i like to share some words. We need a society where the values are new and improved which is a massive goal, but we can start with our own consciousness. There done, i believe we can do it. TF
  4. Micro Cosmic orbit

    Eletric gravity has some really good info. I don't specifically work on mco, but when i went on 1 of my retreats long ago I decided to examine it a bit. I was filling the dantien to the point that no matter how hard i tried the energy would move through the orbit up the back. Huge painful blockages at the gates were being forced by a lot of chi and some of these blockages disolved and the flow moved higher. You are right E gravity, my power dimineshed the more i focused on points of blockage, i had repower the dantien? because the pressure get weaker the more you circulate, which i didnt like. I remember feeling really light and hollow out. Also good state of mind with chi entering brain. Lots of visions, brighter then eyes open was hard to sleep. got to go TF
  5. What will be the future earth society?

    Just off the bat, say that we accept that the ultimate truth is: that there is no free will, like an appendage attached to the body which is always under control of the brain. Suppose there is Creator or a source of creaton, why would we have the feeling of free will in us, if non truly exists? Nothing is wasted in creaton! The authentic kabbalahists reckon that it is because of our "disparity of form" from the source. We feel as if we are separate, and perhaps think we are our own mind. As we some how become more like/closer to the source, perhaps we come to an understanding that we are not truly independent and free willed human. But we can remember this: we kind of ARE different to the source, in that we run by the need to receive for desires, and source needs/lacks nothing. Complicated for me. take care TF
  6. Maybe you are right, what a hero. I guess i will have to wait till im a royal emirate and then he can offer knowledge. Just kidding. TF
  7. What will be the future earth society?

    Sure thing, Camelot interviews are excellent TF
  8. What will be the future earth society?

    Hey straw, im in a library now with time to kill. The simplest proof that there is a small extent of free will, is the fact we ask if there is or not or feel the corresponding emotions. I believe the creator created us to be an entity that demonstrates independent choices, although we are limited in a framework of inherent lack of free will. Kind of like, we are allowed some room to make small free choices but we still are going where we must go regardless. What is very cool is that we are initially something that is completely different to the Creator. We need to meet desires, where as the creator only gives, and has no desires for it lacks nothing. I guess as an ultimate truth, we may not. TF
  9. Crikeys you need to listen to your beloved GM more to meditate more to calm your mind mate.I got a feeling more pie is a perhaps humbly more advanced then you bro. To sum up, you can pay all that money with a guy who has some real power, but don't expect very much teaching. It's common knowledge Wang Liping is the chinese govs national treasure, but they are still primarily concerned with money for sharing vry little. It's probably not their fault. It's a shame they don't utilise his development for the upliftment of the world. He could be like a world hero. TF
  10. What will be the future earth society?

    Hey straw, this is excellent topic. And free choice is always interesting. I've got a bit of backgrd in kabbalah, they say we have free will in choosing our environment and hence speeding up our developments in lifetimes, but we don't have free will in that we cannot avoid our final correction or something like our ultimate fate. We are all to reach the final correction whether smoothly or fighting against the tide painfully lifetime after lifetime. Something i found fascinating lately in a recent camelot interview, was that these buggers controlling at the top with cold precision, don't view time like we do and see things happen in sequence rather then plan dates. Really living in the now with choices, although totally unrestrained morally. TF
  11. Prehistoric Civilizations

    Hey Ben, just would like you to know i was not posting to you directly or assuming anything like you were abuducted, but more generally discussing the topic. I know first hand these experiences are difficult for us to understand, and i express my deep sympathy on such a complicated topic. And you are right, caution is intelligent. I don't necessarily agree with everything Dr Greer's point of view is either being just one guy, despite his high privy to direct contact with ETs and government high ups etc. However, I feel he may be generally correct...And definitely relative to the opposite extreme, that they all want our babies and eat us. It seems the general rule is non-interference by the ails, so indeed we got to work ourselves out on our own, but at the sametime I hear they are more interested in the average folk then our loser govs. Like I said it has taken me at least 10 years in my young life to shape my opinion and so my stated opinion is just an opinion; I encourage people to be cautious and do much research and be aware of things in their life. You may have heard, but there is talk on the cards that a false flag staged ail threat is in the making. I don't want us all to be deceived, because some of the tech the gov has looks out of this world, hence we unite in war and again loose more rights that took so very very long to create. Over to you Straw, sorry. Maybe others remember, but they found in Africa the remenants of what seems to be a nuclear power plant from prehistoric times! TF
  12. The immature world is still on its ego trip and Greed Inc. He might show you the MCO if your lucky. It's always been sad and a pity for me that the knowledge is in the hands of a few who charge dearly for very little, when the right to life energy belongs to every human being.
  13. What will be the future earth society?

    As Utopian as it may sound, machines replacing human livelihood in more menial tasks would allow us the choice in what we want to do rather then have to do. It could mean we don't have work in boring ape like jobs anymore but be more focused on family, teaching, research, meditation, science, learning, exploration etc. Of course, if all menial jobs are replaced with machines and people no longer have jobs there, then it would a totally different world order and the need for money could become obsolete. Consider this: If you no longer had to work in your labouring job, no longer had to pay for food, shelter, medicine etc: what would you rather be doing? It's true people can fall into the trap of total dependence on techno augmentation, but the mistake perhaps needs to be experienced and addressed so perhaps the more sheepish people can experience for themselves the limits of such reality. As creepy as it sounds, there is some study into silicon crystal being sentient! TF
  14. Pulsating between shoulder Blades

    When you think about it whether you lead it up gently or not, you still are forcing energy through because the paths start off narrow and eventually become wider with the force of flow with practice... TF
  15. Prehistoric Civilizations

    You are right Kate, it is a huge assumption that the space people who have been here are predominantly spiritually advanced. And is not easy to prove for people with the information available. I mean there are so many people on earth who still believe they are the only life in the universe, let alone know for a fact some space people are already among us. If you really desire, you can make a start with some thought about the nature of space travel, zero point- and its relationship with consciousness and meditation -and its relationship towards society. It may give you some food for thought. Some people think all these very ancient ETs are having us for lunch, and yet the only hard evidence of people harming me us is our own kind in one form or another...I'd probably trust an ET over our government almost every time. TF
  16. You are right meow, the filter lets through some pretty crazy stuff and rejects some things that seem to be easily accepted by people. TF
  17. Pulsating between shoulder Blades

    lol the hounds...Squeezing every muscle every bone to push it up. Yea, i didn't mean force obviously. "Lead it up" sorry about my english skills.
  18. Taoism and Leadership

    Bring more good to the world then evil before you die, and learn as much as you can about who you really are. TF
  19. Prehistoric Civilizations

    From my own years of research and experience, there is no doubt for me there is huge influence of visiting space people in our history. Us humans have created some incredible things also. Kate is absolutely right however, we have to be careful on how they present the ET stuff to us- the public. Have to constantly remain cautious of what is put out, there are official documents FOI which deal in misinformation projects. My own point of view that has taken much time to shape, is that these space people watch and visit us are predominatly spiritually adavanced beings- consequentially and naturally they would like to see maturity and peace on our planet. No matter how incredible these beings are and the renaisance they could help bring about here, we still have to remember we are responsible for everything that is going on here, and we got to do everything all on our own accord. Half jokingly- the timeline can always split, if we can stay clear of being 100% machine augemented we can avoid ending up like some of these grey looking, time traveller ails who lack emotions, life and reproduction. TF

    I really love verdesi's red shirt! Its like something out of a bad vampire movie, awesome.

    I have my doubts this is real unfortunately. TF
  22. I'm not very optimisic about what wang liping is sharing. The chinese government works close with wang liping. There's no doubt he has some power developed. I think China is making a little effort to share using him, but its very modest knowledge at this stage and not at a very modest price. Granted, I never have learnt with Liping so maybe it is possible he shares real power readily with all (although I doubt). TF
  23. Pulsating between shoulder Blades

    Sounds to me you are running energy through the MCO. If you can force the enrgy even furthur up into the skull you can get the third eye to work temporarily, you will enjoy this! You can open up the MCO pretty quickly, even in 1 retreat. To open the third eye permaently would require heaps of work. Some day I will work on opening all of this completely and permanently but now im busy with the dantien. TF
  24. Prehistoric Civilizations

    Good thread! Be interesting to know how the forbidden prehistoric history ties in with chi arts, and how it primarily only remains strong in Asia. TF