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Everything posted by Jedi777

  1. LSD, Mushrooms, and Yogis?

    With true meditation and the right teacher you do not need crutches like this you can go beyond any of these drugs
  2. MCKS Higher Clairvoyance

    LOL not trouble just no understanding--of energy or Masters.
  3. MCKS Higher Clairvoyance

    Is Grand Master Choa Kok Sui female? I thought only women could give shaktipat no that is not true shaktipat can be given by any high Master Grand Master Choa took his Maha Samadhi about a year ago. He knew when he was leaving. But he is even more powerful now without the limits of the body.
  4. ///

    Hey Witch I just orderd your book today--my wife and I will let you know what we exp--will you lose weight on this?
  5. Questions about Energy and Practice

    the last thing you should do is eat meat if you are having kundalini issues you need to seek out a local cerified pranic healer we specialize in these things. Pranic healing
  6. ///
  7. So many here have no understanding of the powers you are trying to activate and use --a foundation in truth keeps one from being blown around like a leaf in the wind. Good luck everyone
  8. NLP and Max (Conman) Christensen

    well said Santiago! it was about time someone said it!
  9. ///

  10. Questions about Energy and Practice

    Hello friend What you are going through is called kundalini syndrome PM me and I can offer some advice to greatly help you. Peace
  12. SILAT WARRIOR Hurt'em & Heal'em CAMP 2008

    LOL sykkelpump you say you dont want to be rude but you are some times
  13. those falling into further illusion

    mikaelz I was actually referring to your original post that started all this--talk about ego buddy telling everyone they are in delusion LOL
  14. ---

    i didnt like the book or the dvd not much about qigong at all---
  15. WOW Santiago great vidoes!! This just makes me want to become a student of you even more. I hope I can work out a trip to FL and come and learn in person soon! by the way where is the best place I can order the KAP 1 CD from if I can at all to start doing now? I hope I can get one and come and take the class from you some day!! Many Blessing Peace Jedi777 MAN I have to learn this ASAP Tenaga Dalam Ilmu Batin & Hoshin Tao Chi Kung!!! This looks like what I have been heading towards my entire life----I am very happy I found you on this board!!! I will be in touch brother!!
  16. Bye Bye & Wish you all the best

    Thanks Santiago that was GREAT! Be in touch Peace
  17. Kunlun Forum is up

    I think it will only be fair if you have a section for those of us learning from the book--we should have a section on the forum to talk with each other and ask for help and advice---it is a responsible thing for Max to do --he put the info in a book and many are doing the practice from the book--- those who bought the book and are having powerful exp with it--anyone agree with me on this????
  18. those falling into further illusion

    LOL I think this whole post is an illusion
  19. I experienced Sleep Paralysis

    LOL its ok my friend--what you went through is the first stage of an out of body exp. If you can let go of the fear you will be able to leave your body and travel in the astral plane and learn and see many things. You will be able to go to any part of this planet and see what up. One thing when you first get out look at your hands and repeat the words be aware be aware or awarness over and over as you look around and you will be able to see more clearly. I have done this on many occasions. It took me a short while to get over the fear and the incredible feeling and sounds you may hear--but hold strong and you will be very happy you did. it was a great accomplishment for me to be able to do this at will. but its been a while so thanks for reminding me to practice this again. it is a skill like any other and practice is needed. PM me for any more help or tips Peace Jedi777
  20. Bye Bye & Wish you all the best

    Hey Brother may The Infinite God force be with you! I feel the way you do and I may do the same! I will be in touch soon. Peace Jedi777