the full moon energy builds for 3 days and it is relwased to the earth at the exact moment of thr full moon and then declines for the next 3 days.
This was one of the Wesak full moons of 2008 this is a rare thing to have 2 Wesak full moons in the same year!
Significance of Wesak
What is a Full Moon Celebration? - Return to top -
full moon
Every month, students of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings gather together to listen to inspiring lectures and to participate in a group meditation. Ordinarily, these monthly meetings are organized around the full moon day, or as close to the day before the exact time as possible.
Some people mistakenly think that such students are worshipping the moon, or doing some sort of odd ceremony. In the tradition of the Teaching, no such activities take place. In truth, what is being celebrated is the Sun's position, which is in direct alignment with a zodiacal sign. The moon is full in appearance because of the position of the Sun. The celebration has nothing to do with the moon itself. In fact, many groups prefer to call such events Sun Festivals, naming the particular period as the Sun in such and such sign and so on.
Students follow what is called "esoteric astrology" in which they have learned that these are important times for reflection and meditation. The author Torkom Saraydarian, a life-long student of the Teachings, has written the following about full moon periods or Sun Festivals:
"At the time of each full moon a bridge of contact and communication is established between humanity and higher centers. It is told that this communication line even extends from planetary centers to the Solar Lord, thus building a unique channel between humanity and the Source of Life.
"At the time of each full moon, the moon is blocked by the light of the Sun in such a way that the transmission of the Sun is direct and not disturbed by the moon. Each month our Sun enters into the electromagnetic field of one of the signs of the Zodiac and transmits its energy to earth, either directly or via the ruling planets of that sign.
"This is why the full moon days are called days of opportunity, especially at the exact moment of the full moon when the alignment of all the planetary and solar centers is in its highest state of sensitivity and contact.
"This opportunity for contact is a moment of regeneration, a moment in which one can again contact his lost vision or contact a new and greater vision, charge all his being, and set his steps right on the path of evolution and service.
"The full moon period is the right time to make a spiritual breakthrough for greater cooperation with the Hierarchy of the planet and with the light of the Inner Guide. At the time of the full moon there is a greater opportunity to annihilate many obstacles and hindrances in one's nature.
"This contact, carried on all over the world with great spiritual centers, releases a tremendous energy all over the plant. This energy makes the Etheric body of the planet more sensitive to the Plan and to Divine Will, and inspires all aspirants to reach a greater vision."
Symphony of the Zodiac by Torkom Saraydarian, pp. xv-xvi.