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Everything posted by Jedi777

  1. Hey Mantra we need this in the heartland! I hope you will Ask Max if he will come to St. Louis Mo Soon!!!

    Im getting the feeling that this is not the best place to share info. And Master Choa has a vast teaching from many traditions ---truth is universal.

    Wow Drew you need to get your sound on! I like SF I have 1-2 and Master Lin is a great Master... Why the negative vibe? Im just sharing what I love--like you do Peace
  4. Newly released UFO files from the UK

    thanks for the link ----I wish our Gov would do this but they wont!
  5. Bring Kunlun to St. Louis

    Mantra68 Please ask SIfu Max about this ok--- Thanks!
  6. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    we agree on most things ---the way we scan no meditation is needed ---look at a pic or say the name and scan the centers its that easy--you seem to go very deep into them and that is not what I do to get the info i need. What you do my be more invasive than what i do---but rape is a strong word --but you are using it not me--- so thanks for the conversation-- peace to you!
  7. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    we all have our Opinions---scanning is a tool used in healing work and for many other things--if you are not trained in proper scanning then you may not understand. Peace
  8. Bring Kunlun to St. Louis

    ok I will work on it--how many of you guys would come to St. louis to help get enough people???? I know i have a few people but an add in our Spirit seeker mag would bring many in!
  9. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    learn how to scan the aura and energy centers and you can see who is real and who is not for yourself and save your energy for other things instead of this ongoing bickering
  10. The Tao that can be taught is not the eternal Tao.

    you can try it without a teacher--that is everyones choice---but when you find a great teacher you are truly blessed
  11. Analyzing Adam: The Dream Healer

    he is the real deal---I dont use his healing stuff but he is on his way
  12. hey friend try this Tap your heart center 7 times with left hand lightly--then tap your crown center 7 times lightly 7 times. Now focus on your heart center and see it as a beautiful rose bud blooming and opening. Then see your girlfriends loving face --think of the love you have for her and take a deep breath and and focus on your heart center hold out your hands palms facing your girlfriend and exhale sending golden and pink loving energy --mentally say i love you to her several times --then keep breathing deeply and say may God Bless you with divine love and peace and light--then focus on your crown center see it as a huge lotus flower and inhale then on the exhale send blessing healing electric violet energy saying may God bless you with soothing healing energy with mercy and loving kindness and divine light love healing power. Now repeat the whole thing using your crown and heart together. Do this for no more than 10 min and i think you will be happy--I know you will be happy This is a mini version of the Twin hearts meditation form Master Choa Kok Sui. I hope you try this and enjoy it. Also this is good to do to your enemies and those who have hurt you or those you have harmed. Peace Jedi777
  13. anyone taken kunlun with him??? Mantra what do you think?? Kunlun ~ Ecstatic Bliss Practice Lama Dorjie Max Christensen I have been given special permission to share this Ancient Root teaching practice that brings about a beautiful ectastic bliss within. I have trained with Lama Dorjie Max Christensen for several years in other arts, and was formaly taught this Kunlun Practice Level 1 as of August 2007. I was also taught and given "Transmission" by Lama Dorjie Max Chistensen himself, which is an Ancient Lineage Practice which will jump start your energy system, and open you up energetically. Without being given transmission your efforts with this practice will not be as substantial as with it. Max will be coming to Utah soon... Private or Public Training Available ~ Email: [email protected] Transmission ~ This is the transmission of energy of Lama Dorjie and the lineage coupled with very high frequency and directed in such a way as to facilitate the opening up of the channels, vessels, meridians, and nervous system to handle the Bliss Practice energy. This jump starts your system.
  14. Paul Quilter teaches Kunlun Bliss?

    scanning his energy he is well developed--so thanks Mantra for confirming Peace
  15. Best Chakra meditation

    Chakras must be activated in the correct sequence for safety and proper development. In my exp Arhatic yoga is the quickest way for a balanced spiritual life.
  16. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    i am amzed at the lack of respect here
  17. Opening the Chakras

    This is the best info on chakras I have learned. When you learn to feel energy you can scan your chakras or others and see how big they are or if they are depleted or congested or blocked. great book book link Chakras Chakras are whirling energy centers and are very important parts of the bioplasmic body. Just as the visible physical body has vital and minor organs the bioplasmic body has major, minor, and mini chakras. Major chakras are whirling energy centers, which are about three to four inches in diameter. They control and energise the major and vital organs of the visible physical body. Major chakras are just like power stations that supply vital energy to major and vital organs. When the power stations malfunction the vital organs become sick or diseased because they do not have enough vital energy to operate properly! Minor chakras are about one to two inches in diameter. Mini chakras are smaller than one inch in diameter. Minor and mini chakras control and energise the less important parts of the visible physical body. The chakras interpenetrate and extend beyond the visible physical body. What do the chakras do and why are they so important? 1. They absorb, digest, and distribute prana to the different parts of the body. 2. They control, energise, and are responsible for the proper functioning of the whole physical body and its different parts and organs. The endocrine glands are controlled and energised by some of the major chakras. The endocrine glands can be stimulated or inhibited by controlling or manipulating the major chakras. A lot of ailments are caused partially by the malfunctioning of the chakras. 3. Some chakras are sites or centers of the psychic faculties. Activation of certain chakras (energy centers) may result in the development of certain psychic faculties. For example, among the easiest and safest chakras to activate are the hand chakras. These are located at the center of the palms. By activating the hand chakras, one develops the ability to feel subtle energies and the ability to feel the outer, health, and inner auras. This can simply be accomplished by regularly concentrating on them. It is called sensitising the hands. Basic Chakra This chakra is located at the base of the spine or the coccyx area. The basic chakra controls, energises and strengthens the whole visible physical body. It controls and energises the muscular and skeletal systems, the spine, the production and the quality of the blood produced, the adrenal glands, the tissues of the body and of the internal organs. It also affects and energises the sexual organs. The basic chakra affects the body heat, the general vitality, and the growth of infants and children. Malfunctioning of this chakra manifests as arthritis, spinal ailments, blood ailments, cancer, bone cancer, leukemia, allergy, growth problem, low vitality, and slow healing of wounds and broken bones. Persons with highly activated basic chakra tend to be robust and healthy, while persons with less active basic chakra tend to be fragile and weak. Old people usually have depleted or very depleted basic chakra. This is why their body is weak and become smaller, their spine tend to curve, and they tend to develop arthritis. The basic chakra is like the root of a tree. If the root is weak, the tree is weak. If the basic chakra is very weak, the body is also very weak. Another term for the basic chakra is 'root chakra'. Sex Chakra This chakra is located on the pubic area. It controls and energises the sexual organs and the bladder. Malfunctioning of this chakra manifests as sex-related problems. The ajna chakra, throat chakra and basic chakra have strong influence on the sex chakra. Malfunctioning of any of these chakras may result in malfunctioning of the sex chakra. BACK TO CHAKRAS Meng Mein Chakra This chakra is located at the back of the navel. It serves as a 'pumping station' in the spine that is responsible for the upward flow of subtle pranic energies coming from the basic chakra. It controls and energises the kidneys, and adrenal glands. It also controls the blood pressure. Malfunctioning of this chakra manifests as kidney problems, low vitality, and high blood pressure and back problems. BACK TO CHAKRAS Navel Chakra This chakra is located on the navel. It controls and energises the small intestine, large intestine, and appendix. It affects the general vitality of a person. Malfunctioning of the navel chakra manifests as constipation, appendicitis difficulty in giving birth, low vitality and other diseases related to the intestines. Spleen Chakra The front spleen chakra is located on the left part of the abdomen between the front solar plexus chakra and the navel chakra. It is located at the middle part of the left bottom rib. It is the major entry point for air prana or air vitality globule; therefore, it plays a vital part in man's general well being. It energises the other major chakras and the entire body by distributing the digested prana to them. The back spleen chakra is located at the back of the front spleen chakra. The front and back spleen chakra has similar functions. BACK TO CHAKRAS Solar Plexus Chakra The one located at the solar plexus area or the hollow area between the ribs is called the front solar plexus chakra, and the one at the back is called the back solar plexus chakra. T
  18. Kunlun Level 2

    Hi Mantra I sent you a pm did you get it?? I wish to learn more. Will Max ever make a DVD of Kunlun to go with the book? Is a new book on the way? Peace Jedi777
  19. Opening the Chakras

  20. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    very well said joeblast!!!!!!!!
  21. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    ignore buddy his kung fu is weak
  22. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    WELL SAID seandenty SOME PEOPLE just dont want to see