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Everything posted by Jedi777

  1. HIV immunity and Kunlun Nei Gung

    This one will. I know for a fact it cure Hep C and any other virus!

    LOL its a Little deeper than that did you even read the post kind Sir?
  3. My wife and I do this and it is powerful stuff check it out I wanted to share this you good folks! please watch my Teacher in action Pranic healing video Pranic Healing
  4. I just took this class and it was fantastic--I hope some of you can take it as well!
  6. salt baths

    LOL I am talking about the energy body not the physical body--if you know how to see and scan energy you can see whisch one is better for the energy body----
  7. Swine Flu in Mexico: The "New" Bird Flu

    Well Said Santiago
  8. Help me removing a ghost

    Chant Om Nahma Shivia Om lift your hands with palms out and bless the house and every being in it. Do this for 10 min and thats that! Or get a cd of it with a great Yogi or Master Chnting it and play it and that will be it. Its as simple as that. Or do the lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram if you know it. Peace
  9. salt baths

    All you need is 1 pound of cheap table salt and 5 drops of lavender oil and or sandalwood oil. the salt has a strong cleansing power on the etheric body and has lots of green prana which pulls out blockages from the channels and chakras and breaks it down and disintegrates it the lavender oil has violet prana and is a powerful cleanser as well it helps breakdown stress energy and works well on the astral body --sandalwood is a powerful green energy as well it will help clean even deeper. Soak for 20 min then shower and rinse off the oil and salt you may feel sleepy from this deep cleansing so drink a green energy drink like wheat grass powder and take some royal jelly or ginseng. Do not use Epsom salt for this bath it does not have the cleansing power. For more info please see Miracles through Pranic Healing By Master Choa Kok Sui Peace Jedi777
  10. Free meditation Experience the effects of Self Pranic Healing through an abbreviated available here, free, in mp3 format. Lead by Master Steven Co, this very powerful meditation cleanses and energizes your aura. A strong aura provides a big reservoir of energy- a must for any healer or health practitioner. When practiced regularly some of the benefits are increased mental clarity, enhancement of your psychic abilities and increased intelligence and comprehension skills- all distinct advantages for any profession. Download the free meditation. I hope you enjoy this meditation. This is my Teacher Master Co. Please enjoy. Peace also check this
  11. Free meditation

    that is good you most likely are releasing pent up emotions dont stop the meditation if this happens continue and let go and release pm me if you have anymore questions Peace Jedi777
  12. Free meditation

    Thanks man!! That explains why I slept right through my alarm this morning like a rock Your stuff will be in the mail next week I think you will truly like this! Peace
  13. Free meditation

    Yep and that is just a taste
  14. Right then...

    Vajra dont worry about people like this they are not awake---this place is full of them anymore...its kinda sad around here most of the time WAKE UP PEOPLE LOL
  15. I want to train with this master

    LOL WOW I need to cleanse my brain now!!
  16. Does Mjjbecker annoy the piss out of you?

    The Sun is the Solar Logos Amen Ra!
  17. Found an old yoga documentary

    This is stupid and fear based--Christianity must change or die....
  18. Diane Stein Essential Energy Balancing

    you have to work out your karma and do service for others
  19. Is wing chun internal?

    now this is a funny post---and a sad post to bad for you