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Everything posted by Jedi777

  1. Hey everyone I should be getting my DVDs this week Can anyone that works this system please share what they have gained and exp doing this long term? Also how do you work both the Stillness and the moving form together ? I am enjoying the stillness meditation lots of movement and heat and shaking... I can feel thickness and magnetic feeling with some slight heat in my Dan Tian area today . Thanks for any insights and updates you all can share. Peace Jedi777
  2. I was thinking of ordering a few videos form The kong Jing and the thunder breathing. Anyone have any of these videos? Any feed back will be helpful! Peace Jedi777
  3. What is Theosophy?

    This has been a great blessing in my life and has helped me understand many things more clearly. Peace The following quotations will deepen one's understanding of what Theosophy is all about. "Theosophy is that ocean of knowledge which spreads from shore to shore of the evolution of sentient beings; unfathomable in its deepest parts, it gives the greatest minds their fullest scope, yet, shallow enough at its shores, it will not overwhelm the understanding of a child." - from The Ocean of Theosophy, by William Q. Judge, 1893 "Theosophy is the shoreless ocean of universal truth, love, and wisdom, reflecting its radiance on the earth... Theosophy is divine nature, visible and invisible... Theosophy is the fixed eternal sun... Theosophy is the quintessence of duty." - from The Key to Theosophy, by H. P. Blavatsky, 1889 "Theosophy, in its abstract meaning, is Divine Wisdom, or the aggregate of the knowledge and wisdom that underlie the Universe - the homogeneity of eternal GOOD; and in its concrete sense it is the sum total of the same as allotted to man by nature, on this earth, and no more." - from The Key to Theosophy, by H. P. Blavatsky, 1889 "Theosophia: Wisdom-religion, or 'Divine Wisdom'. The substratum and basis of all the world-religions and philosophies, taught and practised since man became a thinking being. In its practical bearing, Theosophy is purely divine ethics." - from The Theosophical Glossary, by H. P. Blavatsky, 1892 "To fully define Theosophy we must consider it under all its aspects. The interior world has not been hidden from all by impenetrable darkness. By that higher intuition acquired by Theosophia, or God-knowledge, which carried the mind from the world of form into that of formless spirit, man has been sometimes enabled in every age and every country to perceive things in the interior or invisible world." - from "What Is Theosophy?", by H. P. Blavatsky, 1879 "Once that a student abandons the old and trodden highway of routine, and enters upon the solitary path of independent thought-Godward-he is a Theosophist; an original thinker, a seeker after the eternal truth with 'an inspiration of his own' to solve the universal problems. With every man that is earnestly searching in his own way after a knowledge of the Divine Principle, of man's relations to it, and nature's manifestations of it, Theosophy is allied." - from "What Are The Theosophists?", by H. P. Blavatsky, 1879 "Theosophy believes in no miracle, whether divine or devilish; recognizes nothing as supernatural; believes only in facts and Science; studies the laws of Nature, both Occult and patent; and gives attention particularly to the former." - from "Occult Phenomenon", by H. P. Blavatsky, 1880 "A true Theosophist must put in practice the loftiest moral ideal, must strive to realize his unity with the whole of humanity, and work ceaselessly for others." - from The Key to Theosophy, by H. P. Blavatsky, 1889 "We assert that the divine spark in man being one and identical in its essence with the Universal Spirit, our "spiritual Self" is practically omniscient, but that it cannot manifest its knowledge owing to the impediments of matter." - from The Key to Theosophy, by H. P. Blavatsky, 1889 "THEOSOPHY... has existed eternally throughout the endless cycles upon cycles of the Past, so it will ever exist throughout the infinitudes of the Future, because Theosophy is synonymous with EVERLASTING TRUTH." - from The Key to Theosophy, by H. P. Blavatsky, 1889 Three chief objects: 1. Brotherhood of man, without distinction of race, colour, religion, or social position 2. The serious study of the ancient world-religions for purposes of comparison and the selection therefrom of universal ethics 3. The study and development of the latent divine powers in man - from The Key to Theosophy, by H. P. Blavatsky, 1889 "Theosophy is wisdom about God... and wisdom about nature. Embracing both the scientific and the religious, Theosophy is a scientific religion and a religious science." - from The Ocean of Theosophy, by William Q. Judge, 1893 "Theosophy is not a belief or dogma formulated or invented by man, but is a knowledge of the laws which govern the evolution of the physical, astral, psychical, and intellectual constituents of nature and of man." - from The Ocean of Theosophy, by William Q. Judge, 1893 "The teachings of Theosophy deal chiefly with our earth, although its purview extends to all the worlds, since no part of the manifested universe is outside the single body of laws which operate upon us" - from The Ocean of Theosophy, by William Q. Judge, 1893 "Religious doctrine gives a theory which conflicts with reason and fact, while science can give for the facts no reason which is in any way noble or elevating. Theosophy alone, inclusive of all systems and every experience, gives the key, the plan, the doctrine, the truth." - from The Ocean of Theosophy, by William Q. Judge, 1893 "Theosophy asks every one to reflect whether to give way to the animal below or look up to and be governed by the God within." - from The Ocean of Theosophy, by William Q. Judge, 1893 "Theosophy applies to the self - the thinker - the same laws which are seen everywhere in operation throughout nature... all varieties of the great law that effects follow causes and no effect is without a cause." - from The Ocean of Theosophy, by William Q. Judge, 1893 "Theosophy views the Universe as an intelligent whole, hence every motion in the Universe is an action of that whole leading to results, which themselves become causes for further results." - from The Ocean of Theosophy, by William Q. Judge, 1893 "The strength of Theosophy lies in the fact that it is not to be defined. It is the wisdom of the gods, or of nature. This means, that evolution, slowly progressing will bring out new truths and new aspects of old truths, thus absolutely preventing any dogmas or 'unequivocal definitions.' Were we to make and declare a definition of Theosophy it would be only the words of those who participated in drawing it up, and not acceptable to all. And were it possible that all would accept, then would be sounded the doom of the movement. Hence the reply to the question, "What is the criterion of Theosophy?" is that it is found in each man's perception of the Truth; therefore there is no single criterion. Inasmuch as Theosophy is the whole body of truth about man and nature, either known now or hereafter to be discovered, it has the 'power of growth, progress and advancement,' since every new truth makes it clearer." - from Forum Answers, by William Q. Judge, 1896 "Behold, O happy Pilgrim! The portal that faceth thee is high and wide, seems easy of access. The road that leads therethrough is straight and smooth and green. 'Tis like a sunny glade in the dark forest depths... There, nightingales of hope and birds of radiant plumage sing perched in green bowers, chanting success to fearless Pilgrims..." ." - from The Voice of the Silence, by H. P. Blavatsky, 1889 "Before the soul can comprehend and may remember, she must unto the Silent Speaker be united just as the form to which the clay is modelled, is first united with the potter's mind. For then the soul will hear, and will remember. And then to the inner ear will speak-- THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE." - from The Voice of the Silence, by H. P. Blavatsky, 1889 "Let thy Soul lend its ear to every cry of pain like as the lotus bares its heart to drink the morning sun. Let not the fierce Sun dry one tear of pain before thyself hast wiped it from the sufferer's eye. But let each burning human tear drop on thy heart and there remain, nor ever brush it off, until the pain that caused it is removed. These tears, O thou of heart most merciful, these are the streams that irrigate the fields of charity immortal." - from The Voice of the Silence, by H. P. Blavatsky, 1889 "The seeds of Wisdom cannot sprout and grow in airless space. To live and reap experience the mind needs breadth and depth and points to draw it towards the Diamond Soul." - from The Voice of the Silence, by H. P. Blavatsky, 1889 "Dogma? Faith? These are the right and left pillars of every soul crushing Theology. Theosophists have no dogmas, exact no blind faith. Theosophists are ever ready to abandon every idea that is proved erroneous upon strictly logical deductions. Realizing, as they do, the boundlessness of the absolute truth, Theosophists repudiate all claim to infallibility. The most cherished preconceptions, the most 'pious hope,' the strongest 'master passion,' they sweep aside like dust from their path, when their error is pointed out." - from "A Society Without Dogma", by H. P. Blavatsky, 1877
  4. Micro Cosmic orbit

    HI all I thought I would ask if anyone of you have truly opened the micro cosmic orbit. If you have how did you know like what happened to you and how did you feel? What method did you use and how long did it take? Please describe in detail everything you can about this exp. Thanks and Peace Jedi777
  5. This is my teacher Master Co these exercises are powerful and I highly recommend them
  6. Are planets chakras?

    Yes they are in the body of the solar logos
  7. This is the great teache that brought these teachings to the USA
  8. Sorry that one won't work Try this one
  9. The Power of F*ck It

    I have his books they very good
  10. I love GOT so far only learned the first 3 so far the third is tough Thanks again
  11. Just got GOT 1-2 today I must say Master Lomax is my kind of chi Kung Master down to earth and even sings Rock and roll Very cool so far I will learn the first 3 first ..having a little trouble with exercise number 3 but will have it by tomorrow night.. Love how it all just flows together ...very smooth
  12. Wudang Neigong

    I stumbled on this today researching Neigong Has anyone seen this or have the DVD...seems a little like network marketing almost...
  13. Wudang Neigong

    Not getting it I'm very happy With Master Lomax Gift of Tao and Stillness Movement
  14. In my humble opinion you are seeing your blue pearl which is located where the pineal gland is in the brain. Good on you Try putting your awareness in your pineal and just look and be aware...
  15. Just got Gift of Tao I &II

    Thank you very much for the offer I sent you a message here. I am ordering them tomorrow as an early Christmas gift from my wife:)
  16. Just got Gift of Tao I &II

    Ok well it seems he is at that level if he wishes not to be called that then that's fine with me..
  17. Just got Gift of Tao I &II

    I think being respectful is important What's so funny about that?
  18. Just got Gift of Tao I &II

    I just started S M and love it so far. I am getting the DVDs for Christmas I live in IL near St. Louis MO I hope to learn in person this next year from Master Lomax. Thanks for this post everyone !
  19. Mo Pai Techniques for Healing

    Hi Red I would say take pranic healing with a certified instructor. Its by far the best healing school out there --I know I have done many of them and nothing compares. Pranic Healing This is my Teacher Master Co Please email me with any questions
  20. Theosophy and your Opinions

    none of the stuff said about Leadbeater is provable and Krishnamurti never said he did those things. If a person can see and feel energy they would know that M Blavatsky was not a fraud..
  21. Micro Cosmic orbit

    Thanks guys for posting so far...Yes the heart center is very sensitive and can get congested very easily.