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Posts posted by butterydime

  1. Ah wow thanks sillybearhappyhoneyeater - love your user name by the way. Your response is exactly what I was looking for. I will get right on your suggestions. I already know Japanese and basic Chinese so hopefully it wont be too difficult.


    Liminal_luke - he is located in MISSOURI not MISSISSIPPI lol I found the thread....but thank you though!


    I have been meditating and trying to figure out things by asking myself questions as others have stated and a few things have happened. Met a guy that offered me a job and has exactly everything I want in life. I usually have things of this nature happen though...I ask for something and things will change so it maybe but the weird thing was. I was trying to do walking meditation...i'm not very good and asking what is it I really want. I did this in the sun. Then sat down and felt kind of stuck to the ground. It was hard to move on feet. I tried not to panic. I did this for two days. Yesterday my forehead kept hurting the place where people say the third eye is. It hurt very badly. It started off as just pressure but then changed. I know a lil energy work so I got it to stop for about 5 min then it continued. I had to sit in the dark for awhile. It's starting back this morning....has this happened to anyone? Do you have any suggestions?

  2. Thank you all so much for your suggestions! I am located in Oxford, Mississippi. not too much going on here...truly doubt I can find classes.


    At the moment I can't really jump on a plane and leave - poor college student. But hopefully over the summer I can start my journey! 

    If anyone is in the area MS, TN, AR, GA, AL, LA and know a class to point me in the right direction that would be great. I will probably save up to go out to Cali though, since from reading a lot about y'all most are out west. 


  3. Since I joined this site - about two weeks ago - have have read a lot, I also joined Loneman Pai but since I didn't post in a week I got kicked out LOL. Anyways, I have read so much on here and have became inspired so many times by reading everyone's experiences..but I have no clue as to where to start...Where does a newbie actually start who has no teacher?? What books should I read?  I would like become enlightened, understand qi cultivation and ying yang. 

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  4. Haha alchemy is no trivial subject these books are all written in coded language so it took me years to even understand what the hell they were talking about. I have not yet made the elixir but I now understand most of the procedure. I had no one to help, no teacher but that is the path of the alchemist, all these western alchemical text say they had to go through the same lonely journey with only a few old books to help them.


    Then what books do you suggest for newcomers interested in becoming a true alchemist? 

  5. Hey y'all, 


    I'm ButteryDime. 24/f/US. In real life I am a computer scientist :) I have always been interested in metaphysics and have had very odd things happen to me. I have been doing energy work off and on for about 3 years now and recently took up Qigong. I found this place from lonemanpai. I hope to be an active member here and there :) 




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