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Everything posted by EmeraldHead

  1. Null

    I don't know about his books which I doubt have esoterically correct information. But no one reported his treatments as bad. Some with late stage cancer or similar diseases reported getting much much better. They tried to force sexual claims against him. He was going to be released after 2 years of prison for good behavior. Then he got suicided. You don't get released for good behaviour and commit suicide. But no one is going to protest on the streets for him. That is what I heard anyway.
  2. Null

    I wonder why those medics in china don't just give chi charged pics or something to their patients to take home. Use everyday. Some of them die from giving too much chi. So it's a huge hassle, not to mention patients have to travel to you. Balancing meridians and organs is one thing, yes, but most old people patients just lack raw quantity of chi to begin so aging gets the best of them. I mean cultivators have an active "structure" an intelligent super computer processing and refining and regulating. Normal people just have random chi flowing about like the wind.
  3. Null

    Interesting website MetaDao. While all that technical stuff way outclasses me and you seem pretty advanced into the craft from the website, I do want to say you should try to put chi into words/images/videos first. That already is a full fledged and safe generator (besides whatever entities may attached to the giver). Years ago I bought 5 of those fancy new age crystal pyramids from ebay. Paid a lot of them but it is not chi nor any energy that accumulated into the body as life force and which provides innate development to the quality of thoughts and the minds experience. Nope, it is quite alien or unabsorbable energy for the body. I put all 5 under my bed aligned to my torso and I was waking up early. Others from my then group reported it. The charge is too much to let you sleep. Similarly electricity from a storm or in your houses sockets are not absorbable energy by the body. I think user "Andrei" ? did a lot of trials with electric shockers and resulted in tired kidneys only. You probably know this well already actually! Actually those orgonite pyramids are NOT the organ energy accumulators of that scientists from the last century that was imprisoned by the FDA for his research (William Reich?). There are a few websites and blogs selling his legitimate devices and books and disclaim clearly against this new age invention. His machines are generaly HUGE, consist of metal boxes that you get into usually, and are very expensive. I've never tried them but you could even spend all day in them, the more the better. Whereas when I spend the night and day with these orgonite pyramids from 5 I couldn't stand still and the energy didn't refresh me, only artificially charged and no mental improvements where noticed. Only fuzzy state physically!. Specifically these devices could be dangerous, even draining yuan chi / higher shens. So be REALLY careful. It's doable but governments have shown even beyond William Reich(?) case that they do actively abolish and ban any kind of revolutionary technology like this. There's been dozens of people from multiple countries who invented piss or water cars. All went quiet by themselves or dissapeared. None made it mainstream. I think the basic science behind those was extracting the hydrogen from water.
  4. Null

    You don't need any fancy technology to create a technological chi generator. Most active members on this forum can do it. As a somewhat recent thread revealed, the original term for it is transmission through calligraphy. Masters would charge physical paper and words written with physical ink and it would keep emitting energy. Personally I don't fully understand that phenomena. But you can do the same through words and videos/images. Actually we're already living our energy signatures everywhere. Even reacting with an emoticon here on the site carries the users energy. And you can for example see some past accounts had multiple people posting on it to ensure high availability for their loved clients Actually, this may be a weird example, but p0rno videos with like zoom in of the orgasm is a chi transmission lol The amount of chi in this case is WEAK. Medics in Asia who give chi transmission for their patients have more than plenty to disturb the form field of the chips inside electronic devices - basically killing those devices. I mean LDT feels LAVA HOT .... it's not just psychological but physiological. You're also actually glowing on an infra red camera and supposedly you can detect a small amount of visible spectrum light where someone 'astrally projects'. It can get interesting when you consider on a cosmological scale. So chi surrounds us all like air or water in a fish tank. Yang chi is not in the soil and yin chi cannot survive? in the air? So where does it come from ? I know for a fact trust-able research of telepathy being different in different environments like space. So who knows how the chi in space is. Also apparently and this seems to be my little experience with it - you can use or convert animal or tree chi to human body chi. Even if you have ultra strong chi field already. I hear there is a specific method to converting it which I haven't found online yet. So for chi generators just charge a pic or vid, get a no screen off and touch control/protection app. I've been leaving my phone like that on my lap a lot in past months actually. If I'm doing something else might as well plug in. You can emit ANY energy that you can increase or diminish or purify or aspect that you can evolve with/in. To my knowledge cosmically and chronically chi is generated from yuan chi, the next "higher"-up 'substance'. So this is a spiritual technology. So this is another generator that cultivators can make use of. But point is, you need DENSITY...a lot. So whatever generators you are using better make them strong because only hard work and commitment will get you results in anything in life. As for Reiki which you mentioned. Playing with chi in the air is not Reiki. Reiki is a specific current of specific energy and spirits. They have an 'egregore' which looks like a white shiny male. And like with all entities it's not something you just knock on their door to say hello. Might just be the middle of the night for them....Just keep your distance. It's basic chi play what you are doing. Fancy terms will add confusion long term.
  5. Angstg you are not transcending anything. You will not get good looks from almost anyone if you use words in that excessive manner. The nofap reddit is cancer. On their forums they have a couple people who made it like 8years plus, with tantra and proper full celibacy; who appeared over the years. But yes avoid all of those places, bad energy from many people there. About the Jewish quote...let me guess, they also stoned bad people and cut the hands of thieves or something similar? A WANK is worse than murder?! Do we live on the same planet?! A human life has so much more potential and so much more purpose than their barbaric rules. In the previous post I wanted to emphasize the attitude towards the subject, not specific rituals to follow with a further closed mind. The chi and jing expended in an ejaculation is very easy to replenish. And the whole porn is out of the window once you build yourself or find yourself in a very purposeful life. You did not relapse, stop counting days. Your mental development everyday, week and year is more attractive to your personally and more fulfilling and important to you then the physical semen and energy you accumulate or loose everyday, week or year. All these ancient traditions, be it buddhism or hinduism usually have moral rules ethics. These are things you try to obey for your own gain. That gain is no postnatal energy of the Nirmanakaya. But it is the Sambogakaya. Sambogakaya is your infinite mind and your true intentions behind every apparent intention/feeling/thoughts/experience. Those rules of ethics come into practice and actually help you cultivate and refine your spirit once you are an Arahant. They are not for desperate conservation of some physical bound, non-immortal 'energy'. First you become a human. A fulfilled, legendary leader of men. Then you become a sage. And finally you become an eternally liberated sage that can understand nothingness itself using it's own instruments. There have been 3 separate categories since time immemorial and none can be skipped, including the earthly one where you live a mentally healthy and balanced life. Standing up day and night 24/7 on top of a stone for 20 years, or castrating yourself only makes you a dry bread to God and not nectar.
  6. If I understand correctly shi shen fits quite perfectly the description of the 2nd skhanda. The 5 skhandas being fresh from life to life as such they make up the Nirmanakaya. So postnatal chi and jing would make up for the 1st two skhandas region as well. The 3rd skhanda of perception magnifies into things unlike shi shen. For example you are reading something and it's super clearly dominant to you what concepts you are reading or what each thing is (according to how you define it internally). For example yellow is very yellow to you. Words in different languages that previously you were confusing for each other out of inattention will become clearly different in your experience. So if you read a paragraph the 3rd skhanda or the emf field that allows for that experience is what allows you to comprehend what you are reading. Similarly when you have abstract thoughts with no visualisation or proper imagination to construct it in anyway, yet, that thought or "emotion" (-al obstruction) is held in at the 3rd skhanda. The 4th skhanda would be jerks or momentary decisions, such deciding to read faster or slower or deciding what attitude to have towards someone, anger or not, etc So YES of course they do. If I understand correctly, sambogakaya is the first level of proper immortality in buddhism (that you cannot loose and come back to always) compared to shen xian and dharmakaya to tian xian. Main difference being shen xian still need to reincarnate to deal with their karma (cognitive obstructions) but their mind or shambogakaya doesn't get recycled/is dimished or lost through those short naps called birth like the nirmanakaya. So when you hear about practices where the whole universe is your dan tien; it is something like dzochgen or a similar practice.
  7. Angstg there are many people in the nofap forums that report "bad luck" or internal consciousness patterns as you mentioned. I'm my experience the reasons for what you do or any experience of a higher mind or self guiding you or that you have to reach to and struggle to maintain throughout your life is related to the Sambogakaya. In hinduism they distinguish between the kundalini of the nirmanakaya (prana) and sambogakaya (chit). The two kundalini are made of entirely different substances that do not strengthen or weaken or purify each other but surely do open or close to one another. Weakening your nirmanakaya you are messing up the cultivation you did in the womb. Tantra can take you higher and so can the act of orgasm or masturbation use those higher energies as fuel and burn through them. This is the natural mechanism. The body is empty after all... Just imagine a student in tibet working through a legitimate lineage masturbating and wasting chi, he won't make much of any progress even if he works directly with atiyoga which aims for the highest states directly. ---- I've skimmed the latter part of this thread. But the stuff about lust killing gotamas 2 hindu teacher is nonsense. Don't go into that territory. A little sex didn't kill no one.
  8. The Will is a trap

    As I understand it the will comes from the highest principle in us. The dharmakaya in buddhism; for example. It is not something that you focus or concentrate on a specific issue/content. It just is, in nothingness it lives and is. Physically the will is expressed through the 5 senses. Go a small step up and you have the astral shi shen. It boosts the senses again...sensory deprivation tanks, similar thing. Yoga nidra. The idea sleep being similar to the death. I do not think it is just to look at your life to analyses the will. The secret of will is a great yogic secret which remains a secret to the public today. If you don't believe me we do not have a clear direct builder of willpower that works for everybody anytime anywhere in a repeatable fashion. Because we do not understand it, we are not yet capable of quantifying it. (you posted in occult section, I hope I'm not off to your topic)
  9. Ramana's Path of Inquiry and Surrender

    You no longer have "emotions" (5 skhanda/koshas) But whatever you experience still has 'meaning' to you. In sleep nothing has meaning. You're in zombie mode essentially. Because everything is devoid of anything tranquil that hits deep. Well in the real life outside this afterlife of ours, stuff still has meaning. It's just heavily grounded inwards. IMO
  10. Jade?

    I don't know about this whole promise man. That crystals can help. It sounds too promising to me. I mean what is meditation, just staying trying to fall asleep but not falling asleep? I learned in meditation you have to actually remove trauma, issues, obstructions (emotional and cognitive (karmas)) instead of just sitting there idling and awaiting your death :/ This is a personal journey of finding the golden elixir within your nature. Any non-personal factor out there is a bias in another direction but the centre. I just don't see how a crystal can help you. Surely amethyst for example can be useful if you're drunk. I used my amethyst mate when I was drunk in bed once. But that is not meditation. If you're ever done muscle control work you know the way of relaxing the muscles to do deeper in them or in consciousness and to truly pacify the mind in an everlasting way from working the body is to deeply relax through relaxation not through tensing in another way or forcing your muscles to stand still. You have to actually let go. And there is no way of doing this without practicing awareness of those body parts at the same time, or all of them. But this is natural, not hardcore concentration practice. So I imagine the mind must be trained in a similar manner. Essentially "empty but not void". So you don't just want void emptiness, and neither concentration. But a natural tranquility. This is how you go inwards in my humble experience. Crystals may be great in helping to pacify or fortify the lower bodily nature/shi shen with specific qualities but the inter-personal nature is beyond the development of these primal creatures.
  11. Calligraphy as Cultivation

    why "god"...isn't it just a matter of concentration practice to wield those ?
  12. Calligraphy as Cultivation

    So what is transmitted with calligraphy? Can you have specific organ health calligraphy that could be used to heal people with such specific imbalance? Can you transmit psychic powers with it? Or higher shen like yuan chi, yuan shen, etc.. / what buddhists call virtue/wisdom ?
  13. Strange Cooling Sensations

    Isn't this basically what people think the 1st samatha jhana is? - What that "Absolutus" guy was talking about if you've heard of him
  14. Where is Jeff? I would like to contact him

    I'm still really curious what those mysterious tones are! They stopped after I left them. Last week, when I stumbled on cheyas messages on the forum and than later on screenshots from their chats in my computer files; I noticed the tones reappear, somewhat. So basically I was exposed full throttle to their entities infected current open. I think the tones could be those entities prying open your natural forces that keep you alive / kundalini, like tectonic plates moving. As they leech onto you they still want to think on their own, but now live on your body so their activities can disturb your coherence field. (I know it sounds fantasy like the way I worded it, but it feels something like that when they leech onto me) I wonder if it comes from what they call Pocket Universe, PU, something a person just find at 'level/chakra 11'. Supposedly it's per person? and a permanent world that happens to be inside the person. Entities can enter, or be created and they will grow on their own then. The world or it's contents cannot be 'erased' but they can be moved about. Jeff took many a huge civilization from his daughters universe when she hit lvl 11, because they were overloading her - the inhabitants use your mental 'RAM' / field supposedly. Whatever this star trek fairy tale is^ they basically said themselves, the many entities are part of your system, mind and aura once in. And yes they have free will. I do not if they have potential for evolution/cultivation/enlightenment but we can infer many of these entities could be just a gas/spectral phenomen and/or have Very immoral and inhumane minds/thoughts! Hence the absolute lack of control on their part. Probably the queen in Jeffs PU is a busty blonde : ))) or they're all just horny bastards.
  15. Three Gunas in Taoism?

    The gunas are fundamental. We don't find the 5 pranamaya vayus in Daoism, but they surely are very tangible and will be found by the cultivator on his path. That is, if he builds real juice in real amounts. An advanced cultivator that comes from the Daoist background would know how to speak the 3 gunas in Daoist terms. Those are due to change as time move on!
  16. I found it while browsing old threads on the forum, not too long ago. It's my fault; I didn't give it the wanted attention. a daoist quote. I searched 4-5 terms looking for it but to no help. Maybe someone else has a better luck 7 treasures including jaded chi and crystal like bones (basically STRONG, natural frequency, etc.) The other 5 treasures were things like blood, bone marrow, skin?, hair?... - all bodily things (chi was the only 'psychic' treasure) But I'm not sure what they become like
  17. Three Gunas in Taoism?

    that's nonsense. The three gunas have different compositions of yin yang. Sattva is the most yang. If yinyang balanced formed a specific 3rd quality or emptiness was an actual another principle then taoism would have told us about it in clear terms!
  18. Spontaneous Qigong (Zifa Gong) 自发功

    interesting can you see preheaven energies in the body?
  19. Where is Jeff? I would like to contact him

    You still don't believe. You have to understand they never claimed to be a true path or another path. These people literally think their astral space is the buddha field/mind and they have surpassed all buddhas and whatnot. No one in freaking history does this stuff; there is absolutely NO structure to their practices, or references that they draw from. Its not a LINEAGE! or SYSTEM like all these ancient things we know publicly know about today. Once again, only THEY do this stuff in like the whole world. Only 24 people or something, including a good third being their group in the whole world today are "light level" ! They 'can' see all the buddhas, all the sages, anything and everything. After lvl 11 you "can even see christ on the cross" - quoting Jonesboy. They do NOT claim to be another but the only one standing on the top of the mountain by FAAR from any other body of practice out there. Literally. And a second good point, if you think they are immune to emotions like anger and whatnot ... or let's say another emotion like HATE...consider Jeffs lash to gatito and pilgrim for exposing his outright 100% LIE about the email. His reaction says it all. He's human. And he Does have agenda. He's not the perfect transcendental diamond he claims to be. As for Jonesboy lashing out...just go on their forum and post skeptic stuff or mention gatito, lori, pilgrim, etc lmao. He won't even simply ban you. You can sense the stress and anger from a mile away. As for Karen....this whole forum knows her and her uncontrollable emotions. BRO WAKE UP TRILLIONS OF PRACTITIONERS FOR AGES ARE NOT CRAZY PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW HOW TO CULTIVATE!! Seriously if Jeffs so confident quit those entities and breathe fresh air for once man. Edit: okay I'm done with these fucks. My hard drives are infected with an infected version of me from back in the day. I'm tired of these things attaching to me. I have to run like a violent drug addict who wants a clean life away from the mafia haha And cheya if you think jeffs current helps you manifest karma faster in your life, you have no idea....the stuff manifesting faster is not from your being. Now I can see it, being out and clean from the current.
  20. Quote or misquote

    I cannot authenticate it but I would say it is true. It refers to your real, rootless, mind.
  21. Where is Jeff? I would like to contact him

    I sense that you already hate me... It's parasites from the higher tattvas. They block your mind ultimately, as a result. All kinds of mental mood that you cannot shake of and persist. Not to mention lots of sexual tendencies involved that won't leave you no matter what. That has nothing to do with the energy itself but its these little bugs. You have to leave the lineage for a long time, preferably someone competent to clean you to even realize. I have joined xiao yao pai and they are more than powerful in cleaning this shit. Jeffs scanning of the spirit masters in the lineage is nonsense and only looks at the lower tattvas. Its emitting out of their herd, probably sticks to me because I was an insider and never really left, or in other words simple left but on papers my bodymind is still their estate. Even old posts in forums infect me with these little bugs. Very sexual, I'm infected right now after reading some screenshots I found in my drive from back in the day plus some of cheyas posts. Not long ago I had found another one of these pictures from back in the day, a screenshot of what jeff said inside his energy chats, I was struggling to bloody remember my immediate train of thoughts and an unmovable but subtle sexual tendency would occupy me. Like I was fucking celibate for a week at that point perfectly calm. I did some light exercise, went out, spoke to my family, ate some food. The shit wouldn't bloody leave me. Thats not my energy flows in their words but that is little parasitic entities attached to my field. I have developed a lot, with genuine transmissions from some of my teachers /gurus I have met and with the help of my lineage XYP and I can see these little goofy balls in my perception when they attach to me. Quite irritating. But anyway besides noticing the subtitle but strong tendency and sexual feeling on my organ (as well as slightly more centered perception on that organ (usually my percetion is on my head or chest or hands)) there is a lot of background 'mood'. I don't know how to properly describe these moods but they are clearly recognizable. Mental patterns including trains of thoughts that I subconsciously thought were part of ME back when I was 'working' with them. But now having been out for the past few months I instantly recognize these intrusions. I'm not kidding. I know it's sounds intangible but how can I describe my inner experience and perceptions without like sending you telepathic images of my concepts - which cannot be done here... And yes a lot of these moods I would describe as self centered and violent. Things like making remarks or jokes about violent things like I will smash your cranium and feel it with shit you bleeding pussy merged with an asshole. Almost demonic in nature. Just tendencies for my mind (thoughts and imagination) to go crazy like that. But these mental currents aren't mine, I know it. I've had a couple months of their system and I'm quite appalled by how easily my imagination went and conceived that stuff^ I'm usually more analytical and lazy person. I'm not really that obsessed with any one particular topic and I prefer to quit if I see that a game is pointless and going downhill. Other people have reported this phenomena through words like depersonalization or destroying willpower. Yes it does occupy your mind, like I just being free of these parasitic current and then being exposed back into it, I now immediately recognize slightly decreased ability to think/focus/visualise/short term memorise because I'm so busy with these background mental flows. It seems to give flows to the mind. Almost like my body is a structure of flowing hot lava or crystal or jelly that is shifting about. On the bodily level these express as sexual feelings, over reacting (hyper) emotions (basically bursts of bloody emotion). And these 'flows' just won't leave me no matter what I do, masturbate, meditate, watch a good show, eat in the garden and sun to ground myself. Nope just won't bloody fucking leave, or even relax for half an hour. This is because these many parasitic entities are causing it. Chas and pilgrim (and probably many others) who both know and have followed Jeffs evil for many years since his early AYP days have mentioned they sense some higher master parasitic-entity around Jeff. It only lingers down to everyone else working with him. And yes this whole hugging and your (quoting Jeff) "tantric practices" are sharing bloody karmas among yourselves. Other people who now run away from him like Lori just cannot put the word on what so fucked about their current but you can see that they run away almost subconsciously like - because they sense the dirt their current is. Some of the people seemed like innocent and nice people like FaXin. I hope he gets out of this nonsense and stops being the food and free rent of some parasitic entities, big or small. Just building prana for example, I build some prana then I go out in the garden in the evening, alone looking at the sky and i am just grounding calm, almost like seeing my future in a positive and reinforcing way. But in general, seeing the world in certain ways I did not since I was a child. Jeffs mental flows cover all that way and put me in a constant freenzy. I quit many goals, procrastinated and masturbated a lot during my time with him, also swore at many people including my own parents, broken door knows and other stuff as if out of a frenzy because he's flows numb you and make your mind busy. I even, just one time, I think back in the beginning of March, on their new forum. I couldn't spend 10 seconds there exposed to Jonesboys writings, on the newest unread comments section, without feeling this dirt covering me like (the parasites infesting me). I closed the browser instantly. Did some else, mundane, just to let the flows on me to see if I'm bloody imagining things. I've kind of repeated this experiment a couple times by findign old screenshots from their energy chats from back in the day in my files. I have all my data backed up in around 3 places and I need to cleans all jeff related material manually at some point... I don't know what to say to you man. I'm telling you they are infested beyond comprehension but if you just hug NO then I guess no it is for you....anything I say will automatically be rejected. You might want to give the scan my chakras thread a quick glance over as well. Anyway I need to call my lineage to cleanse these things off me now and get back to normal. Bye.
  22. Yellow jelly like semen after retention?

    by the way isn't yellow a liver thing?
  23. Where is Jeff? I would like to contact him

    His lineage is infected. Stay away from their group. There bloody billions of little infected parasites around them. It's "good flows" in his words. I've had enough of him for two years. Really fucked me in the beginning and slowed me down over time. His levels is just playing with linga sharira. Stay away from him and find a legitimate lineage, you will find a real resolution then.
  24. haha me neither, I really wish someone translated it. It has critical info about that lineages techniques which I bet are unfound anywhere else on the net. But the author, whoever wrote that website has that development. I've no idea what they practice. Same with that egyptian dude from the picture, can be weird, and has no proper idea what he has achieved unconsciously haha, he thinks he's reached unenlightened actually, that's what he told me in pm. He has no idea. But he's achieved that frequency uplift to a pretty strooong degree at the time of the screenshot.
  25. I didn't scan or come close to you, that is intrusion and perverted. Don't worry about my terminology, I like to talk about what I know. Just try those 2 links, the authors emit special energy broadbands effortlessly that won't give you a shaktipat of any kind but simply raise you up to their frequencies because they have transformed their fields. It will have an effect on your energy and health, although minor. Anyway it hits exactly at the frequency you're draining. My advice is take it or leave, no need to feel pressured mate.