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About DanC

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  1. From what Terry has posted the learnt Tan Tao Pai in the 70's, met GMDW in the 90s... Doo Wai taught Terry Flying Phoenix and other systems too like the 10,000 Buddhas...
  2. Just came across this thread, curious if there will be any DVD's by Terry on Tan Tao Pai... I'm sure I read in an older thread there would be a book at some point... Thanks
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Just a quick question for Sifu Terry regarding the Flash Meditations, I know you recommend learning the volumes in order, but if I remember correctly an older post from some years back said you could technically learn them with the beginner volumes... Is this correct?
  4. Wim Hof, some less savoury details

    His breathing technique is basically hyperventilating, I much much prefer the Buteyko school of pure light nasal breathing, increasing the bodies CO2 tolerance and improving body oxygenation... Buteyko is much more in line with Taoist breathing techniques. In regards to cold water immersion that's been practiced in Scandinavia and Russia for centuries, also in Harbin northern China....
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Terry quick question regarding these two books, will they be theory books or instructional also.. Thanks 🙏
  6. Greetings

    I'm in Australia, so it's not too bad airfare wise with AirAsia. Next trip to Thailand or Bali I might go via SG and go for a consultation....
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Is it ok to listen to meditation music whilst doing supine Monk Holds Pearl, are headphones ok???
  8. Greetings

    I might have to do a consultation with Dr Ho in the future, could he help with someone dealing with CFS???
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Look forward to reading this book, looking through the older post's here there was also mention of a Flying Phoenix book.. Will that also be released in the near future?
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Just a quick question for Sifu Terry Dunn in relation to future ChiKung/Neikung DVD or book releases.... Is there any other DVDs in the pipeline eg Tan Tao Pai or 10,000 Buddha's?? Thanks
  11. Curious if anyone is family with this sexual qigong technique in Ken Cohens book "the way of qigong". The book states whilst standing in qigong stance with palms open on inner thighs, inhale clench fists raising palms to naval region whilst whilst trying to raise testicles upwards and inwards... My question is do you have to clench the perineum, I've found clenching the perineum or pulling the abdomen slightly inwards raises the testes.. The book doesn't elaborate.. Any feedback appreciated.. Dan
  12. Meditation on the Lower Triangle

    Yes the lower three chakras are considered the lower triangle in the yogic system.. http://www.pinklotus.org/- KY Meditation for the lower triangle.htm
  13. I was browsing my book collection recently and came across Michael Frosts "choosing life, guidelines to avoiding extinction".. There is a practice in the book called "meditation on the Lower triangle", just curious if anyone has this book or has done this practice.. It looks like it could be a kundalini yoga kriya.. Thanks
  14. The Universal Form

    Amazing thanks for taking the time to reply in detail. I'll break the dvd out again and start playing around with it.. Cheers
  15. The Universal Form

    I just logged in yesterday after a while away and seen this reply, can't believe I made this post 13 years ago, time flys.. This has peaked my interest in the universal form again, would love to hear more about the benefits you received from practicing this set.. In the book he just calls it a form of exercise but doesn't refer to it as a qigong, he does state it can be applied as qigong but that is beyond the scope of that book.